10 3

Hello my friends, I hope you are well.

I am interested in creating an event for the group and this post is to gauge interest.

For a first group event would you prefer to hike or a water activity, such as floating, canoe/kayak or a rafting trip?

How far are you willing to travel?

Are weekends or weekdays preferred?

How much advance notice would you need?

I myself have few factors restricting me, so am quite flexible and any of these activities work for me.

I look forward to your responses.?

NotConvinced 7 May 23
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Looks like we should work on developing regional divisions where we have admins who are willing to put forth the time and effort to put together events. Does anyone know if we able to make sub groups or maybe link groups together

Phin Level 6 May 24, 2018

Looks like we should work on developing regional divisions where we have admins who are willing to put forth the time and effort to put together events. Does anyone know if we able to make sub groups or maybe link groups together

Phin Level 6 May 24, 2018

What if we arranged something that was the best compromise for a group of people here, and then made it open to the entire site. We might draw some interested people nearby who aren't necessarily Avid Outdoorsman would like to meet other folks.

CallMeDave Level 8 May 24, 2018

I'm in central PA. I would be up for anything within Pennsylvania and bordering states, but I work 12 hour days, holidays, and every other weekend. With enough notice, I might be able to arrange the time off I need.

JimG Level 8 May 23, 2018

I hike/backpack. I'm willing to drive 4 hours. I need about a week notice.

@NotConvinced I hike the North Country Trail a bit north of there quite frequently.


I'm self employed so day of the week is flexible. 4 hrs sounds like a good round number. I'd probably camp nearby.

CallMeDave Level 8 May 23, 2018

I'm down in Florida otherwise I'd be all for a group hike or paddle.


Like @Leeshi, about 4 hours is probably my travel limit, and weekends only. The weather around here (US midwest) is great for hiking right now!

cmadler Level 7 May 23, 2018

I would travel up to 4 hours on short notice (on a weekend. Work does not permit a day trip otherwise). Would love either hiking or water activities. Don’t have a kayak or canoe, so hiking is probably the better option

Leeshi Level 7 May 23, 2018

I can travel an hour or so. As hot as it is i vote for water.

SCbeelady Level 6 May 23, 2018
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Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

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Posted by CallMeDaveFrom 1931 to 1953 the Appalachain Trail took an entirely different route through SW Virginia.

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Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

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