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What Type of Libertarian Are You?

What Type of Libertarian are You?

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Hages 7 May 27
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Agn0s Level 4 Jan 23, 2023

Anarcho capitalist probably best describes me. Fiscally/constitutionally conservative while being socially liberal.

SpikeTalon Level 9 Apr 28, 2021

I am a longtime 1978 pal to Iowa and S Carolina 2005 Libertarians and give credit to Harry Browne as the only candidate ready for the White House Jo Jorgensen might be a fine Clemson Professor but her veep running mate seems to be missing his boot hat on his head


First lol. You didn't vote yourself?

I was a Catholic, then came out as atheist and trans and voted Bernie in the 2016 primary, was so disturbed by the blatant Democrat corruption I voted Trump and questioned my beliefs, turned minarchist, and about 6 months later ancap.

I am now a Rothbardian voluntaryist who favors agorism and to a lesser degree secessionism. I'm okay working with vocoms until we can go our separate ways to our ideal communities. I've also always been a sci fi fan and a transhumanist before I knew the word. I'm pro choice but think the mother and/or doctor ought to find adoptive parents.

Janus819 Level 7 May 28, 2020

Same here on the sci-fi and transhumanism.

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Posted by SpikeTalonI kneel before no one. No gods, no masters, no control freaks. Screw the tyrants from both political extremes, and their agendas.

Posted by SpikeTalonNeither one of the extremes, and yet the best of both worlds...

Posted by SpikeTalonSubstitute the word liberals for progressives, and that would describe me as well. As for the conservative part, the socially/theocratic (aka, bible thumpers, mostly) ones in particular.

Posted by SpikeTalonIndividuality is a dirty word to the authoritarians (both left and right) in the world.

Posted by HLMenckenFanStatist bingo

Posted by HLMenckenFanA quote from famous American libertarian journalist H. L. Mencken on government.

Posted by HLMenckenFanDo any of you own this flag? I do.

Posted by BigMac10Just found this site and am delighted!! I gave up on the Republicans after Nixon and have never looked back.

Posted by jeshueyIt's all a matter of perspective!

Posted by SpikeTalonOne of my favorite Libertarians.

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by MagnetarRocksI don't know about you, but I've been doing Libertarian victory laps over the last few weeks.

Posted by LEPeffTonight might be a nice time to listen to 2112. I'll miss you Neil!

Posted by RoboGrahamSwanson is wise.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is heartwarming

Posted by LEPeffPeople will claim this is a hoax!

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