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The followers of The Donald are obstreperous,

Mooolah 8 Nov 12
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@Trajan61 The Feds own about 27% of the US,. Search shows 1.5% or so in Oklahoma.[]

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 19, 2022

I think people who continue to support Biden and the democrats are morons.

Trajan61 Level 8 Nov 12, 2022

As opposed to people who support...?

I am sorry you feel we are morons. Different is not wrong. According to the History channel, Roman General Trajan introduced women gladiators to the blood spectacles. A feminist before his time.? You are as well except you probably dislike the adjective.
Polis of Colorado is the Libertarian I think am looking for. Polis in 2028!

@Mooolah Rand Paul is a Libertarian thinking Republican but I doubt Polis is. As a cattleman I see Polis as a threat to my livelihood as he’s a vegetarian and declared a meat free day in Colorado.

@Mooolah I favour DeSantis or Cruz in 2024.

@Trajan61 Rand Paul has been dubbed a Libertarian by the media. I disagree. Just as there can be conservative Democrats, liberal Republicans (in the past), there can be liberal Libertarians. I am one. Libertarians desire law and order for communal concerns. Water/air quality. Lead paint in apartments. Traffic control. Sewage treatment. Tax appropriations. Elections. Not invading one's private concerns ie uterus', family size, marriage equality, cannabis use. racial & religious intermarriage, end of life decisions.

Perhaps you may in the future revise how you provide protein to the world. aS A BUSINESS PERSON, YOU....OOOPS, are focused on your bottom line & if it is red or black. I get that. I admire anyone who can run a business. It is all about the boundaries or encouragement we as a nation place upon the manner in which we run those businesses. Here in Wisconsin we had to pass a "Right to Farm" law as the urbanites were moving in complaining about mud on the road, odors, laundry hanging on a line outdoors..

As a near vegetarian, I applaud Polis for his decisions A carrion free day is not an imposition or legislation. It is a suggestion which I embraced in 1984( more or less). Open air irrigation is depleting the Ogalala Aquifer. Methane gas & its carbon imprint. Cattle are an ecosystem corrupter as the grazing fees on BLM land will attest. Not to mention inhumane predator control. One might consider other methods of ranching instead of clinging to past, disastrous ones, if one does. Colorado is lowering their crime rate by decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms, cannabis. Obama legalized Absinthe.

@Mooolah If we don’t have cattle what are we going to do with all that grass from land unsuitable for farming?

@Trajan61 Its the matter of sustainable & damage amelioration. You as a rancher knows about cattle to acre ratio. Our massive grasslands in the heartland can support large herds. We need independent & "small" agribusiness consortiums involved in habitat sustainability. With climate change the circumstances for food production will change. My problem is so many conservatives resist adaptation or change. Republicans seem to want things to remain the same. It can not. Republicans are more likely to reduce regulation whereas Democrats see regulation as a means of controlling practice., usually harmful ones, proven by the sustainability of crop rotation. This was resisted by the survivors of the Dust Bowl. Took the Feds some time to alter their farming techniques.
I now see that you vote on your bottom line and less so on social issues. That is why I want a fiscal conservative, socially liberal 3rd party. We don't have that...yet.
That you have moved towards other candidates show that you are not a cult member but a business man concerned with your income which translates to your wealth & survival. I applaud you for that.
Tho I abhor both De Santis' & Cruz's policies, at least they read & know how our government works.
Now on the other hand, because my wealth earned did not go up my nose or to buy trinkets from China or designer clothes from sweat shops, I suffer whining & hubris poorly.
I do not believe vegetarians or Polis are out to make cadaver consumption illegal. I believe we strive for humane slaughter & environmental capacity load. Non lethal predator control. Tax incentives & compensation on a federal level. We absolutely must have our agri business operators working on my concerns because they have the input, knowledge & experience to arrive at these improvements in our ranching & farming styles.
This is how see it. I have always voted upon social issues. But I am not a business woman. I am an investor. As a recipient of rejection for jobs I was qualified for, only due to my gender, I had to go out there & change my country......& thusly the world because we are so very influential.

@Trajan61 & I might add that unsuitable land for agriculture or animal husbandry might be bought up and taken out of production.
I see now that you vote on your bottom line & that mean voting your financial interests.
I vote on social issues because I do not have the same risks you have in ranching.
I vote on what I believe is most beneficial to move my country towards a more perfect union.
It seems that America is divided into 2 worlds. Rural & urban. With different goals.

@Mooolah Surely your not suggesting that the government buy up more private land. They already own to much land. This is supposed to be a capitalistic country, not a socialist one. I also vote to try to move my country in the most beneficial direction. If we continue on the path the Democraps have chosen for us we are going to have many hardships that aren’t necessary as green energy is just not ready yet.

@Trajan61 Indeed green energy is not ready yet, but the infrastructure is being integrated. It takes time to build the interstate highway system under Eisenhower. But we have to begin somewhere.
I am suggesting that the government buy up sensitive land or unproductive land. It can always be sold on to other entities should environs change as they do over time. If only 1/10th of 1% of native prairie remains, that is something out of balance. 98% of Iowa is in private ownership. We are out of balance due to our history of settlement.
Another solution to unproductive or sensitive ecosystems is to declare bankruptcy multiple times as as "someone" did. Then too one could just stiff one's contractors as "someone" did. Doesn't pay Capitalism & socialism can coexist. You know that. SSI, Medicare, Food stamps so babies do not suffer hunger, maintenance of our highways & parks, agriculture subsidies, etc.
Capitalism must be bridled & so too socialism. They swing back & forth so as to try things out & then repeal them as things change.
The feds own a lot of land & ranchers use much of it. BLM land is sparsely controlled & favor our ranchers so protein is cheaply available & babies don't grow up brain damaged from malnutrition.
Of course, each area has its own challenge. Much of the Sandhills were bought up to stabilize the topsoil. Why do the feds own 98% of the land in Nevada? []
I think that capitalism & socialism check each other. There has to be a balance & that fluctuates.
As an independent operator, I do understand your concerns. You are at the mercy of weather & regulation. The feds should be there to support our food producers for all & when they are imperiled. & I believe with policies, they are. Correct me if I am wrong but government does support ranchers. Isn't that a bit of socialism? Farm/ranch subsidies? Compensation for loss? Etc.
I see that Clinton is in extreme drought. Should the drought extend so that desertification ensues, would the feds be prudent to purchase the desiccated land from ranches that are no longer viable. That is what FDR did during the mass abandonment of Okie farms. Refugees within our own nation, fleeing unwinnable situations, & not very welcomed by other Americans points west. Can forage in Oklahoma survive decades more of drought? & how do we know if that is the future? & what do ranchers do to survive this challenge? And.....

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Posted by SpikeTalonI kneel before no one. No gods, no masters, no control freaks. Screw the tyrants from both political extremes, and their agendas.

Posted by SpikeTalonNeither one of the extremes, and yet the best of both worlds...

Posted by SpikeTalonSubstitute the word liberals for progressives, and that would describe me as well. As for the conservative part, the socially/theocratic (aka, bible thumpers, mostly) ones in particular.

Posted by SpikeTalonIndividuality is a dirty word to the authoritarians (both left and right) in the world.

Posted by HLMenckenFanStatist bingo

Posted by HLMenckenFanA quote from famous American libertarian journalist H. L. Mencken on government.

Posted by HLMenckenFanDo any of you own this flag? I do.

Posted by BigMac10Just found this site and am delighted!! I gave up on the Republicans after Nixon and have never looked back.

Posted by jeshueyIt's all a matter of perspective!

Posted by SpikeTalonOne of my favorite Libertarians.

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by MagnetarRocksI don't know about you, but I've been doing Libertarian victory laps over the last few weeks.

Posted by LEPeffTonight might be a nice time to listen to 2112. I'll miss you Neil!

Posted by RoboGrahamSwanson is wise.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is heartwarming

Posted by LEPeffPeople will claim this is a hoax!

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