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An awful lot of the comments lately are by people arguing against libertarianism thinking it's a religion or something. You could stand to watch at least a few of the videos in Shane Killian's Atheism and Libertarianism series:

Janus819 7 Sep 19
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How are libertarians anarchists? That's a positive assertion they've not made or demonstrated.

The idea is one of "burden of proof" placed upon the state.

Not all libertarians are anarchists,but all (peaceful) anarchists are libertarians, because libertarian basically means "the government should be as small as possible" and anarchist means "we don't need government" so basically it's a description of when you should stop shrinking the government (never).

@Jnutter819 That video was informative, assuming it was correct...which I have no reason to doubt. I particularly enjoyed his preemptive strikes against many logical fallacies.

@Coppersmith1965 I think like me he's had to go through people giving him those fallacies enough times to decide to make a standard response he can link to lol. You might enjoy watching the rest of the series too; I think it's eighteen episodes. I tried to link the whole playlist from his channel page, but it screwed up and wouldn't work.

Just wanted to let you know that I've since learned one of the original thought leaders of the Libertarian Party (Murray Rothbard) advocated complete removal of the state from basically everything including the justice system. Which to me means that if anything, how can someone who claims to be libertarian not also advocate an end to state power?


i don't think libertarianism is a religion. i think it's republican light. i don't think it's anarchy. i think it's selfishness incarnate. i do not speak from a position of ignorance. i speak from a position of having paid attention to libertarians.


genessa Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Then it's also Democrat light.
Does a woman have the right to choose what happens with her body? Libertarian: Yes, and she has a right to choose what substances go into it. Republican: not necessarily.
Should LGBT people be treated equally? Libertarian: Everyone should be treated equally, and the government should get out of the bedroom. Republican: What they do is a sin against God as serious as thievery, and they should be treated appropriately.
(Stereotypical, not all obviously)

Libertarians are Democrats minus welfare and Republicans minus war.

For anarchy, see my response to Coppersmith above.

Selfishness? If "Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" is selfish, yeah, but what's wrong with that? Libertarians generally recognize that political power draws corrupt people and bureaucracy turns people into numbers and bureaucrats into apathetic, rule-following robots, so why should we trust them to take care of our most vulnerable citizens (elderly, disabled, etc.) instead of taking care of them ourselves? Libertarianism can basically be summed up as "Everything government can do, a charity or business could do better." Why? Because government is just a collection of people with a monopoly, not a supernatural cure-all with powers beyond any individual, and we know monopolies inherently cause more problems than they solve.

@Jnutter819 that isn't how i see it. the libertarians in federal government side with republicans and call themselves that. i am thinking of rand paul. libertarians don't appear to want to be part of a community. that's not democrat light. that's republican light. when you have people trying to take away your rights, it's not enough not to be one of them. it's better to be one of those fighting AGAINST them.


@genessa I think the libertarians in government run as Republicans because they know they can't get elected as a Democrat (you know, like Trump did). It would be nice if more libertarians would group up in public so we'd actually have a chance of accomplishing something, but I understand why in the past they've joined larger existing communities for campaign money etc. As to people taking away your rights, both major parties do that, but again it comes down to pragmatism; you get campaign funds and voters, get elected, then argue for Libertarianism on the floor of Congress.

@Jnutter819 but i am against libertarianism, so i don't want anyone to argue FOR it, and i certainly don't agree that both parties take away your rights, unless i could agree that regulating toxic emissions was taking away the rights of corporations. i can't agree to that, so i can't agree to any of this.


@genessa you're against Libertarianism? So why are you in a group of libertarian atheists?

Democrats want to take away your right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty as you can see with Brett Kavanaugh, they want to take away your right to keep what you earn (because you've got to give it to people who need it more, and if you don't want to, people with guns will make you), they want to take away your right to carry a defensive firearm, your right to free speech ("hate speech!" ), your right to worship whatever you want and artistically create only things in line with those beliefs as you can see with Masterpiece Cake Shop...

@Jnutter819 i'm not in any such group! this showed up on my page. i responded to it. i didn't even see it was for a group or i might just have let it pass. most groups don't even let you respond if you're not a member, so when i saw the comment line, and i had an opinion, i went ahead and expressed it.

as for presumed innocent and kavanaugh, give me a BREAK. it's the republicans who are suppressing evidence and taking away rights. i will back off since you've pointed out that i am inadvertently interfering in a group (so WHY is the comment setting open to all?) but not before saying that you have things bass-ackwards here.


@genessa I wasn't saying you shouldn't have expressed your opinion lol, I was just confused.

Suppressing evidence? Is that how they're spinning it? There is no evidence, the story changes every time it's told, even her lifelong friend who she said was there has said he doesn't even know Kavanaugh, and there are all sorts of contradictions in the story. StyxHexenhammer666 on YouTube has a good video about it. Heck, Ford apparently didn't even want it made public, perhaps because she was afraid of getting sued for libel. Face it, the "listen and believe" mentality they want you to have about alleged sexual assault is only so they can crucify anyone they want over nothing.

I think people are falsely comparing libertarianism to Republicans and Democrats. These parties have a habit of passing laws to force everyone to accept their values. It's about free will. If you want to do something and it doesn't impede on my rights, do it. If you want to do something and I'm not forced to pay for it, do it. If you want to do or not do something, don't pass a law and create a bureaucracy to enforce it.

@Reddlegg99 i think the first statement you made is false and the rest of your post is misleading, because it is totally selfish, and we MUST pay for each other for the greater good, or we won't have hospitals, schools, roads or fire and police departments. i stand by everything i have said about libertarianism and your post has backed that up for me.


@genessa you believe we need as much government as we do ti have the services. I guess you don't remember volunteer fire fighters, Possees or a militia. But the burden of proof is your own.

@Reddlegg99 What you say makes no sense. Burden of proof of what? You go ahead and prove that any of the ridiculous assumptions you made about what i believe are true.



I just think the last four words of the 10th Amendment are the most important. Sadly, the states rights Republicans seem to forget those last four.

But then again, they do read their Constitution with the same care and attention to detail with which they read their bible.

Ozman Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

One of the reasons why despite being quite conservative, I refuse to register as a Republican, they are too crazy over states rights.

@SpikeTalon I could not agree with you more. Also, the corporate welfare, the kowtowing to the religious right, and the hypocrisy. Especially the hypocrisy.

It's my opinion that there hasn't been a true Republican since at least Eisenhower.

@Ozman I think the really decent Republicans were even before Eisenhower's time, even he went to extremes with the religious bs (changing our national motto).


Video fail. Can you post the correct link?

mosuper Level 5 Sep 19, 2018

Well I posted the first video's link too, going to try sharing playlist again.

@Jnutter819 working now, watching now.


I think people who argue against it or piss all over it don't really know what it is. They think Libertarians are anarchists. My guess is most of them are Socialists or other flavor of collectivist.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

To be fair, some of us (like me) are. Just the peaceful kind who thinks the more power we take away from government, the more we realize how little we need what's left.

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