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Net Neutrality is Bullshit! (I already thought so)

Check out this article: []

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It kinda says something when government passes laws against people before any such "crime" has been committed. I guess they don't think much of the people they rule.

GlyndonD Level 7 Dec 16, 2018

So b/c the ISPs and service providers haven't limited speed to sites or content YET, it is never going to happen? Just like the Telecommunications Act wasn't going to create a media and new society that didn't pander to one POV? Oh wait, it just took a while to get ramped up and for the unscrupulous to figure out how to manipulate the system. Sorry, but I don't trust corporations and business to look out for what's in the consumers interests. Most everyone in my field I talk to about the issue agrees it is a good thing to protect freedom of speech (via freedom to access w/o speed limits based on content).

jondspen Level 7 Dec 15, 2018

And I absolutely do not trust any government to decide what's best for me, or for business. You said it yourself (but I don't think you meant it this way); the "system" is a set of rules and regulations created by the government. Don't for one minute be fooled into believing that they care about you.

@IAMGROOT And businesses do? Net Neutrality isn't the government 'making' the internet, it's the government saying that data speeds cannot be limited by private businesses based on content. Electric companies can't dictate how much electricity you use, b/c we don't like your politics, or we want this group to have X watts, but you can only use Y. Water isn't limited to you only get 1 gallon an hour, but the Fire department gets access to 10000 gal/hr. Yes, I know these utilities are not the same, nor do the have the ability to throttle usage the same way; it was provided to illustrate the concept of what net neutrality offers the consumer.

@jondspen Did you read the article?

@IAMGROOT Yes, and like I said, after only a year, his argument is that it is not needed b/c it hasn't happened yet - so it obviously isn't needed. This is from a reporter who "...writes about state government, pensions, licensing, regulations, civil liberties, and anything else that strikes him in the moment.". Doesn't sound like he is fully immersed in the industry, nor a computer scientist/engineer with master's degree in the field, nor 20+ years experience and 5+ years in grad school getting insight from PhD professors who have direct experience - also in the industry.

Can you contribute or argue against my previous explanation of why net neutrality is felt as a good thing by nearly every professional in the industry (at least every one I have come in contact with)? Or do you just want to believe some op ed freelancer over scientists in the field?

@jondspen I don't know who you are and, frankly, and I have no idea what "industry professionals" you have spoken to regarding this topic. I don't need a master's degree in computer science to know that government regulation is bad. In this case, all that has happened is that we have rolled back to the former set of regulations already in existence. In the years leading up to the original passing of net neutrality there was no throttling of Internet speed based on content. Providers and content owners WANT their content to be accessible and they all invest in the infrastructure to that end. It is in their best interests to keep their customers happy (as it is in ALL industries). I believed NN was BS before I read the article. Net Neutrality is at the least, the government regulating against a what-if.

@IAMGROOT Sure...government regulation can, and sometimes are bad, but there are exceptions. I personally enjoy clean air, clean water, speed limits, anti-trust/banking laws, and a whole list of other things that you categorically classify as 'bad' government regulations. I also feel you are being naive about companies. It is in a companies best interest to do what is going to maximize profits, THAT is their priority, and if that falls in line with serving the public, fine...if not, then they don't care. But as you said, you "believed NN was BS even before [you] read the article", so obviously anything I say will not dissuade you. I mean, what would a guy with master's degree in computer engineering, focus in information security and network know about the subject - nor any of my professors from UTn or UTx systems. Peace out...

@jondspen Government regulation in general is a different conversation. This issue is specific to Internet speeds. We could have discussions about the FDA approval process that I believe actually kills people by preventing access to lifesaving drugs (not to mention how much it increases their cost), or a whole host of other regulations that do nothing more than promote crony capitalism by making it impossible for all but a handful of large corporations already in bed with the government to "compete." The problem isn't capitalism as so many socialist wannabes would love to believe, it's government. So yeah, let's just give it full control over every aspect of our lives (we're well on our way already in California). Ditto on the peace out.


We need something to protect us from the liberal owners of web companies, not the service providers. The new left already controls twitter, facebook and google. We cannot let them have big government cotrol of the service providers as well

norealgod Level 6 Dec 15, 2018

Anytime the government gets involved in trying to regulate something they usually just screw it up and make it worse.

Trajan61 Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

Well, governments are the only ones who forcibly "regulate" anything. So there ya go.

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Posted by SpikeTalonI kneel before no one. No gods, no masters, no control freaks. Screw the tyrants from both political extremes, and their agendas.

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