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We should give this a try.

TimWhitaker 6 Dec 21
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Democracy, meet democracy of the dollar.

Janus819 Level 7 Jan 5, 2019

Yes. Yes. Yes.


One good thing about GoFundMe is that we can pick and choose what to fund and how much money to fund. A win for me.


Then what's the point in paying taxes?

You eliminate taxation as part of the process.

I think most, maybe all, government programs are paid for by debt. The taxes are to service the debt and to redistribute income. (I haven't done a careful analysis of the numbers for this hypothesis, but I think it is pretty close to accurate. Would love to see an analysis.)

Obviously we need to drastically cut the size and scope of the government. We start by essentially eliminating the military. Beef up the coast guard and national guard as self defense forces and eliminate the army, navy, air force and marines. Use the windfall to pay down the debt whilst slowly transitioning all programs to voluntary payment systems like gofundme. It would force them to be more efficient, transparent and responsive.

@TimWhitaker If we eliminate the military this country will cease to exist.

@Trajan61 please explain. There are many, most really, countries that have only a minimal standing military.

@Trajan61 I feel that we need a military to defend our country and borders. No military means that other countries can invade us and we won't be able to stop it.

@RobertMartin Countries like those in Europe and some of those like South Korea and Japan have depended on the US military to defend them for years.

We have an imperialistic military, not a defensive military. We should immediately bring the troops home, close down all relic bases from the cold war, and cut the military budget in half.

@GlyndonD I agree, we shouldn't have bases overseas.

@Trajan61 the local economies love having the U.S. bases there. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines will spend a bunch of money out in town.

@RobertMartin They will spend a bunch of money helping local economies. Money taken by force (or the threat thereof) from taxpayers here. Charity would be far more efficient it you wanted to help.

@RobertMartin We don't need a military to prevent invasion. In fact, not pissing people off with our military could be a good way to prevent terrorism. We have more gun owners than pretty much every military combined; a veritable militia of unconquerable individuals.

@Trajan61 it's time to cut the cord on them countries, let them fend for themselves

@RobertMartin Yes I agree. As long as those Muslims are just fighting among themselves just let them have at it.

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Posted by SpikeTalonI kneel before no one. No gods, no masters, no control freaks. Screw the tyrants from both political extremes, and their agendas.

Posted by SpikeTalonNeither one of the extremes, and yet the best of both worlds...

Posted by SpikeTalonSubstitute the word liberals for progressives, and that would describe me as well. As for the conservative part, the socially/theocratic (aka, bible thumpers, mostly) ones in particular.

Posted by SpikeTalonIndividuality is a dirty word to the authoritarians (both left and right) in the world.

Posted by HLMenckenFanStatist bingo

Posted by HLMenckenFanA quote from famous American libertarian journalist H. L. Mencken on government.

Posted by HLMenckenFanDo any of you own this flag? I do.

Posted by BigMac10Just found this site and am delighted!! I gave up on the Republicans after Nixon and have never looked back.

Posted by jeshueyIt's all a matter of perspective!

Posted by SpikeTalonOne of my favorite Libertarians.

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by MagnetarRocksI don't know about you, but I've been doing Libertarian victory laps over the last few weeks.

Posted by LEPeffTonight might be a nice time to listen to 2112. I'll miss you Neil!

Posted by RoboGrahamSwanson is wise.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is heartwarming

Posted by LEPeffPeople will claim this is a hoax!

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