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OS metrics

Pick the Linux-based operating system you use most often. Comment if you use something else, and I'll add it.

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alxa 5 Apr 11
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I like using Linux, but, unfortunately, I'm stuck in the Windoze world. 😟

Duey Level 4 Apr 18, 2018

Why are you stuck in Windoze?

Maybe there's an escape

Ya, I should have explained that. I like PC gaming, and these games don't really work in Linux without hardware acceleration/etc.

Also, I need to use Microsoft Outlook for work, as they use Microsoft Exchange. :-/ I found some software that allows me to read my work email on my Linux machine, though.

@Duey GPU passthrough is a thing. You might want to look into it. Sadly I still don't have hardware that will support it and the setup is rather tricky -- so I just use a separate computer for my gaming stuff.

@alxa Hmmm, I haven't tried GPU pass through yet. Thanks. 🙂


Devuan and bodhi

bingst Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

Damn. It says I can only create 8 options max. So much for my plan to have a list of every OS the nerds on this site use. 😟

@alxa Haha. Well, there are a boatload of linux distros. Maybe break it down into different posts per major distros and their derivatives? Like: Debian, Ubuntu, Devuan, etc... Hmm... I think bodhi is derived from ubuntu. Could get confusing fast! lol

@Renickulous @bingst Hey! I hadn't signed in for awhile, and I forgot was trying to manage a group. Derp.

Yes, that's a good idea. I should do that. Or maybe I should pick someone else to manage this group because I'm a lazy derp. Anyone interested in helping?

Note to self... fix OS metrics thing...

As for getting familiar with Linux -- I did it by jumping in with both feet. I replaced Windows than Linux and then was like "okay, brain. You can either remember this stuff, or we won't know how to use this computer anymore. Your move."

Every time I had a problem, I figured it out just by search engineing it. Most of the helpful information came from & for more advanced stuff. For the basics, I mostly just used, which has information pretty much relevant to EVERY Ubuntu-based distro (there's a lot).

If you want to try using it as your main driver OS (which is my preferred way of learning Linux, much like my preferred way of learning a language is moving to a country where that language is everywhere) -- I recommend Linux Mint XFCE edition if you like a highly customizable, minimalistic, yet familiar and beginner-friendly setup. If you have different criteria, I may have different recommendations.

As for youtube -- I really don't know of much youtube channels that do Linux-y stuff. I've seen a few, but never made much use of their content, so I don't know what to recommend. Sorry. Let me know if you have any other questions, Renickulous! I'll try to remember that this group exists next time.

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Posted by FrayedBearAnyone using Android 12? Are you having problems with the Gmail app no longer working along with the PlayStore?

Posted by ScubaWagsWow, Windows 11 will have tiling windows. No one has ever done that before...

Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is quite interesting. I knew Ubuntu would be high, but I honestly didn't expect it to be that high.

Posted by ScubaWagsApparently it's penguin awareness day today... I assume that must include Tux

Posted by hrichardson8Hey, I resemble that remark. []

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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