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I got my dad (a guy who is finally coming to realize that computers are not just a fad) set up on Linux Mint yesterday. He has an older Dell that was running Win7, that wouldn't allow him to migrate to Win10 without erroring out. He was going to look into a new laptop, so I asked him if I could try something first. I made Mint look as much like Win7 as I could. I used the same windows background image, and installed a Win7 start menu clone. When I gave it back to him, I showed him a few things that he needs to know (that I'm sure he already forgot), he mentioned that his laptop has never run this fast.

So I guess the moral of the story is, Linux Mint revived another computer that would have been thrown out.

ScubaWags 7 May 13
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I'm a Mint user. Very happy convert from win 10. Does everything I need, without the worry about 'someone ' looking over my shoulder! Plus, no more googling; Duck Duck Go for searches.

Bump Level 4 Dec 4, 2019

I also have an old Dell laptop running Windows 7 on which I recently managed to install Mint, and (miraculously) without losing my ability to boot to Windows 7 if I want. This was a project that took me longer than needed, but kind of interesting to see old hardware still going ok.

I guess the long-term point was to get a sense of whether or not my next computer purchase should be Linux, Mac, Windows or Chrome. (Day-to-day I am presently on Windows 10 on a laptop that is a couple of years old). I haven't used the older Linux laptop since then.

The project was also a way for me to interact a bit with the broader ecosystem around the OS. I wanted to get a better sense of how difficult it would be to:

  • migrate applications or establish viable substitutes (eg: identify a secure robust extremely well-supported cross-platform email program or move to a new one without undue difficulty, while retaining old mail).
  • learn new habits,
  • hire people to fix things or call for tech support,

So far, the results are mixed, (though to be fair it's still early - I haven't given Mint any kind of proper try yet, at the application level). It bothered me though that when I went to ask some questions, the answers were largely at the level of enthusiasm for do-it-yourself instead of geared to referrals to for-profit businesses. I'm probably not going to do the massive amount of work to change away from Wintel (after 30 years) if it's largely going to be me supporting myself and out in the cold as to discovering applications and workarounds, and occasionally hiring the computer firm 30 miles away. Maybe better for me to stay with Windows or Mac, I don't know yet. I suppose a way I simplify the migration challenge in my mind is that if I could identify a secure, readily backed up, robust, well-supported (including into the future) suite of office products (including email, calendar, spreadsheets, etc.), that plays well with others and won't leave me out in the cold as to interfacing with MS Office, then I could consider going with the platform where this runs. It also has to be fairly well fool-proofed. I'm not technical and never will be.

This may seem like a certain amount of poor attitude, but I just thought I'd share from my own point of view. I guess I ended up with a certain mixed-results vibe so far.

kmaz Level 7 May 26, 2019

I've revived several of those little Atom processor pocket book style computers that on Windows were worse than a wet weekend in Cleethorpe 50 years ago! I used the first version of AVLinux which is a suite for Audio Visual but still included Open Office etc. The transfer disk was a 4 Gb USB plug.

Like you say it like Mint worked a charm and I sometimes found that computers that had somehow lost ability under Windows somehow not only regained it under Linux but then actually kept it when returned to the Windows Os.

Sad fact is that many computers are discarded because of ignorance.

I haven't done it but have been told that if you have defective Windows as you describe but still have your original Os disk, simply reformatting the hard drive and reloading the system will refresh performance. . . but then you miss all the joys of Linux unless you make it dual system to alternatively load Linux.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 14, 2019

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Posted by FrayedBearAnyone using Android 12? Are you having problems with the Gmail app no longer working along with the PlayStore?

Posted by ScubaWagsWow, Windows 11 will have tiling windows. No one has ever done that before...

Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is quite interesting. I knew Ubuntu would be high, but I honestly didn't expect it to be that high.

Posted by ScubaWagsApparently it's penguin awareness day today... I assume that must include Tux

Posted by hrichardson8Hey, I resemble that remark. []

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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