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I tried to look at a post from this group once. It gave me a 404 not found error. How rude!?

I've been breaking other people's computers since 1995. My debris trail includes SCO Unix, Solaris 2.5 through Solaris 10 including Solaris x86, iPlanet and Sunray thin clients. Most recently I've broken Macs for NASA, lost comms with a 30 million dollar satellite running on a Windows NT workstation in 2013 (I got it back eventually). And I've been using Linux since it was a neat little experiment by Linus Torvalds. I even emailed him once ?. It was running a super fast 2500 baud modem!!

Currently I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have been using Ubuntu since 8.x. I've borked RedHat, Fedora and Debian. I'm running Windows inside of Oracle Virtual Box VMs. And I'm learning how to fat finger Citrix to bring down multiple companies all at once!?

ScienceBiker 8 Apr 19
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I've been messing with Linux since RedHat... 4.2, I think? It took days to download with a 14.4 modem. lol
Currently favoring Devuan because of its intentional lack of systemd. 😀
My main problem at this point is lack of a 64-bit system. 😈

bingst Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

Seriously? x86 is so old that Arch Linux dropped support for it last year! 😛

@alxa And that is why it's my main problem. 😟


Honestly I'm not a fan of Linus. I just like open source software. And Unixlike architecture. 😛

alxa Level 5 Apr 19, 2018

Windows NT Workstation in 2013? Geez, I hope that was a completely sequestered/closed network.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Apr 19, 2018

@ScienceBiker Thanks, that's good to hear. And I understand the why. I work in the Government space doing cybersecurity and they're slow to upgrade anything despite regulatory compliance requirements. Thankfully current FISMA crackdowns are changing that and tardy agencies are finally catching up.

@ScienceBiker You're saying there are satellites that run Windows. Satellites. In space. That run Windows.

@alxa Most of the Federal government runs Windows operating systems. 95% at least.

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