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I have been using MX linux 19.2 XFCE for about 18 months now on a 10 year old Lenovo laptop
. I get the occasional freeze requiring a restart, apart from that it is a good distro.
Be warned though, the lastest MX's 21. "Wallflower" is crapus hugmungus. There are 2 sets of wallpaper managers, which take delight in fighting each other, that is if you get to find the other one, The display manager does some weird and wonderful things at the most inappropriate times and there are numerous crashes.
I thoroughly not recommend it, but my MX 19.3 distro although it is not perfect, it works with the minimum of fuss and is rock solid.

vocaloldfart 8 Oct 31
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Given that there are hundreds of Linux distributions (some with multiple LTS versions) and multiple stable display managers, why would anyone use a 3+ year old distro much-less a DM with "numerous crashes" "at the most inappropriate time" ? ? ? ?

I have been running Linux since the 90s, currently Ubuntu 22.04 with xfce/xfwm4 -- NEVER crashes ! 🙂

My crashes are predominately due to a clash between Nord Vpn and Tor. Something in the setup I have yet to dive into and fathom.
Truth be told, I have 81 reference books saved on my desktops and 8 desktops each running different applications. I may be watching a video lecture on one desktop, hae the relevant textbook open on another land have a libre office document open for notes in another desktop. I flick from one to another constantly.
It is only since I installed Nord that my issues began.

@Kurtn I have been running ProtonVPN for a couple years, mainly the cli version.
I now run the gui version and like the disconnect/quick-reconnect feature.

@FearlessFly have any problms gettng poton vpn instlled in Linux? I use Protonmail and wanted to upgrade the service to include the vpn. Proton told me that they are not compatable with linux.
Did you have to complie the VPN yourself or is there a .deb file that will install it.
I know the VPN is installed in firefox but I use Tor and Seamonkey also. I cannot be bothered compiling Proton VPN on each one. I don't use a router nor do I have the NBN. My only access to the internet is via mobile data from my phone. If I could install the VPN on my machine so that it works no matter which search engine I use.
Any ideas would most appreciative for.

@Kurtn I used :


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