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How likely is your job robot replaceable?

  • 4 votes
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JohnBeret 5 May 7
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That is a loaded question. As robots cannot replace most jobs, but there will always be a simplistic MBA who knows nothing of what the job entails to redefine it and replace it with a robot. Later they will outsource the portion of the work the robot cannot do, at greater cost, and call it a success.

JohnWay Level 5 Feb 10, 2019

Not sure what the answers to the questions are implying. But my job would only be replaced if robots hit singularity. However a large amount of my work could be automated, for example approximating the bidirectional reflection distribution from a physical material. Which is very exciting. You could scan materials using your phone by taking a video of it at multiple angles, and it would produce a simplified mathematical equivalent. Very exciting!

Integral Level 4 May 10, 2018

I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you robots?

Squirrel Level 7 May 7, 2018

I'm not sure how to vote based on the options given. My job will be one of the last to be replaced by a robot.

ScubaWags Level 7 May 7, 2018

So said the buggy whip makers in 1900.

Haha, I troubleshoot and repair broken equipment. By the time my job gets replaced by a robot, the robot overlords will have been in charge for quite some time.


Lol. Retired.

So youre robot fodder then

@JohnBeret no John - soylent green material.

@FrayedBear lol me too.


So are we saying that the higher skilled jobs are more easily automated?

I don't know what youre saying but I say yes

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