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Killing Democracy in America

As the leading purveyor of violence and terror, the U.S. inevitably becomes its own opponent, writes William J. Astore.


{In the end, the war in Indochina was arguably too costly, messy, and futile to continue. But never underestimate the military-industrial complex, especially when it comes to editing or denying reality, while being eternally over-funded for that very reality. It’s a trait the complex has shared with politicians of both parties. Don’t forget, for instance, the way President Ronald Reagan reedited that disastrous conflict into a “noble cause” in the 1980s. And give him credit! That was no small thing to sell to an American public that had already lived through such a war. By the way, tell me something about that Reaganesque moment doesn’t sound vaguely familiar almost four decades later when our very own “wartime president” long ago declared victory in the “war” on Covid-19, even as the death toll from that virus approaches 150,000 in the homeland.}

Well I've covered the Reagan perception management campaign by Robert Parry often and will in the future. I refuse to allow you to forget this! 5 decades later the effects are still benefiting Trump. Spread the fucking word so all feel it!

😟 When we as Americans refuse to take in the destruction we cause, we come to passively accept the belief system of the ruling class that what’s still bizarrely called “defense” is a “must have” and that we collectively must spend significantly more than a trillion dollars a year on the Pentagon, the Department of Homeland Security, and a sprawling network of intelligence agencies, all justified as necessary defenders of America’s freedom. Rarely does the public put much thought into the dangers inherent in a sprawling “defense” network that increasingly invades and dominates our lives. 😟

‘We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us’

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 July 27
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Ironically, we will need the huge military that we have and continue to expand when other countries need to defend themselves or team up and attack us before we try to destroy them. It's almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. If that happens though, it might be game over for everyone when nuclear powers need to fight against their own destruction.


To defend you have to have an attacker. Who has attacked the United States? Oh yes, Japan.

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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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