Out Of The Illusion

Political analysis and commentary using independent journalism sources in opposition of MSCM for creative dissent against empire building and a failed capitalist system. Supported by a MSCM using manufactured fake news created by public relation firms to manage our perceptions .. Read more

Political analysis and commentary using independent journalism sources in opposition of MSCM for creative dissent against empire building and a failed capitalist system. Supported by a MSCM using manufactured fake news created by public relation firms to manage our perceptions .. Read more

Posts Tagged "relationship" By William_Mary (3742) Posts by members only

Shared from Politics
May 4May 4

Posted by William_Mary
Repression of Campus Palestine Solidarity Reveals the Nature of the State Campus protests in solidarity with Palestine have been met with brute police force and condemnation of the participants. Their mobilization is a threat to the political ...
1 comment
Out Of The Illusion
Apr 14Apr 14

Posted by William_Mary
Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity. Worldwide Militarization. Michel Chossudovsky Prof Michel Chossudovsky begins the article with a quote from a speech of his from 2014. at at a Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Berlin....
Shared from Politics
Apr 13Apr 13

Posted by William_Mary
War and Peace---A blend of intense battles and harmony in Donbass "People have got to live. Many of them have nowhere to go. They have come to understand that. Most are already used to it. The place where we are now, this town, gets shelled all ...
Shared from Politics
Mar 10Mar 10

Posted by William_Mary
This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal Above is one of Johnstone's snippet articles in regards to the statement US airman Aaron Bushnell made before he set himself afire. But I wanted to add some ...
Out Of The Illusion
Feb 12Feb 12

Posted by William_Mary
What Has the Putin Interview Achieved? Vladimir Putin’s challenge was to tell Americans through Tucker Carlson a complicated and unfamiliar narrative of how dearly Ukrainians and Russians are paying for Putin’s initial naïve trust in the ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Feb 12Feb 12

Posted by William_Mary
Long suppressed report sheds light on Canada’s “Open Door Policy” for Nazi war criminals Important new information continues to emerge about how the Canadian state provided safe haven to Nazis and Nazi collaborators who were involved in ...
Shared from Politics
Feb 12Feb 12

Posted by William_Mary
Long suppressed report sheds light on Canada’s “Open Door Policy” for Nazi war criminals Important new information continues to emerge about how the Canadian state provided safe haven to Nazis and Nazi collaborators who were involved in ...
Shared from Politics
Feb 10Feb 10

Posted by William_Mary
White House in crisis after special counsel report on classified documents slams Biden’s “limited” memory Hur described Biden’s recorded conversations with his ghostwriter in 2017 as “often painfully slow, with Mr. Biden struggling to ...
Shared from Politics
Aug 19, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by William_Mary
'With Bandera into the future' In case you missed it, here is part one of this series on Banderite “memory warriors,” which expands on an article I wrote for the left-wing German newspaper junge Welt. In the summer of 1999, several youth ...
Shared from Politics
Jul 4, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Comparing Two U.S.-Government Catastrophes: Bush’s 2003 Invasion of Iraq, and Obama’s 2014 Coup in Ukraine The U.S. Government lied its way into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003, and the U.S. Government lied throughout and since its 2014...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Jun 4, 2023Jun 2023

Posted by William_Mary
The Vassalage at Heart of the G7 Following the end of the Second World War, the United States built an international system that was premised on the subordination and integration of Japan and Europe, writes Vijay Prashad. At the close of the ...
Apr 8, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Washington Says ‘Journalism Is Not A Crime’ You don’t get to say “journalism is not a crime” while literally working to criminalize journalism {Every pro-Assange demonstration I’ve ever been to has featured ...
Shared from Politics
Feb 26, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by William_Mary
Western Leaders Privately Say Ukraine Can’t Win the War The German and French leaders have told Ukraine they must seek peace with Russia in exchange for a post-war defense pact, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. Western ...
Shared from Politics
Jan 29, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by William_Mary
U.S. colonial State has identified three strategic enemies—Colonial mode of production in existential crisis! As the Advanced Detachment, we are in the process of continuously developing a meaningful response to the recent brutal assault on ...
Shared from Politics
Jan 15, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by William_Mary
A Prison Where The Prisoners Don’t Know They’re In Prison: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Talking about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine without also talking about the ways the US empire provoked and benefits from this war is the ...
Shared from Politics
Nov 20, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by William_Mary
An Economist for the Whole Earth Without greater equality, Herman Daly, the pioneer of ecological economics, helped us understand that the environment has no real shot at renewal, writes Sam Pizzigati. But that passing has, by and large, gone ...
Shared from Politics
Oct 30, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by William_Mary
The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime The rapid escalation of online censorship, and increasingly offline censorship, cannot be overstated. The silencing tactic that has most commonly provoked attention and debate is the ...
Shared from Politics
Oct 23, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Europe Under Control of the U.S. Mafia Only the Black Flag operation didn't happen in Germany this time. It happened in all of Europe, especially those in Ukraine, against its own citizens. In other words. European representation, as in ...
Shared from Politics
Oct 22, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Red Alert Germany: Fall of an Empire? While the title and narrative of this documentary is seemingly based on economics, it also has a large element of the beginning of the war (2014) and rising conditions in Germany. If you were to follow the ...
Shared from Politics
Sep 24, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by William_Mary
THOSE ANGRY AT RUSHDIE’S STABBING HAVE BEEN MISSING IN ACTION OVER A FAR BIGGER THREAT TO OUR FREEDOM Rushdie’s right to free speech has been championed because he exercised it to imagine an alternative formative history of Islam and ...
Shared from Politics
Sep 17, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Moldova’s Survival Games------Moldovans torn between Russia and the West A mirrored image of Ukraine is what you'll find here. Russia or the west, fake democracy within nationalist fascism, a bankrupt state with high unemployment under growing...
Shared from Politics
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Factchecking the Factchecker on Chomsky, Russia and Media Access {Take the United States today; it is living under a kind of totalitarian culture which has never existed in my lifetime, and is much worse in many ways than...
Out Of The Illusion
Jul 3, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Hunger The war in Ukraine has been catastrophic for world food prices, writes Vijay Prashad. But the problem didn’t start then. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, or UNICEF, reports that, every minute, a child is ...
Shared from Politics
Mar 23, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by William_Mary
Impoverishing Ukraine: What the US and the EU have been doing to the country for the past 30 years House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened the event by crying out, “Slava Ukraini”—“Glory to Ukraine”—no less than five times. This expression...
Out Of The Illusion
Mar 5, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by William_Mary
A regiment in Ukraine's military was founded by white supremacists. Now it's battling Russia on the front lines. USA Today---The first MSCM source to get it----Not even close, actually. USA Today, to my knowledge, seems to be the first MSCM to ...

Photos 121 More

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

Posted by of-the-mountainHas sanity and respect for all female, male, and children’s healthcare been suspended by these obstructionists republican fascists with their overt agenda against the people of this country!!! Are ...

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