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LINK Socialism’s Increasing Popularity Doesn’t Bring Media Out of McCarthy Era — FAIR

"Democrats across the country view socialism more positively than capitalism, with a large majority willing to vote for a socialist as president. ... Looking at the representation of socialism among the hundreds of pundits in corporate media, one can be forgiven for almost thinking socialist pundits don’t exist."

altschmerz 9 Oct 9
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{When socialism or socialists are discussed favorably, or at least not adversely, it’s often in opposition to revolutionary socialist ideologies like Marxism-Leninism (the official ideology of around 20% of the world’s population, and of the US’s greatest geopolitical rival).}

In which when it has managed to get a mention it's always factually distorted to a controlled narrative. I'm sorry I'm not sorry. But you can't have a genuine discussion or article about socialism while leaving out the primary example within the socialist conglomerate of the---INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ---- [] In which one of those entities for a US article would also have to include----SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY ----- []

{Perhaps it’s no surprise that corporate media outlets owned by oligarchs and the investor class are hostile to socialism, but when socialist pundits are virtually nonexistent at these agenda-setting outlets, despite 76% of Democrats being willing to vote for a socialist, it’s clear that these institutions are intended to propagandize the US population into accepting the status quo.}

And when your own article only mentions a Green Capitalist and DSA (Democrat Socialist of America)? My first on Green Capitalism and I view the DSA to be a fake socialist entity who always ends up bed siding with the capitalist democrats. Along with Jacobin who they go hand in hand in hand with like a 3 some.

{Even when politicians and policies often described as “socialist” are presented in a positive light, the fact that these journalists are uncomfortable embracing the label is evidence that McCarthyism still exercises a formidable restraint on the US political imagination and discourse.}

My point is. Are they not seemingly doing the same? If you're leaving out the primary socialist aspect of society, both international and at home, that clearly has a means to produce essential collective thought driven agendas addressing all social and foreign issues, how can you be taken serious, and not committing the same conditioning narrative? By leaving this factor out of the discussion they void their followers from what is the most beneficial learning experience on socialism one can find that addresses these issues and the vast history of their positive rating in correctness within their analogies.

So to me it seems their head line---Socialism’s Increasing Popularity Doesn’t Bring Media Out of McCarthy Era----becomes eye candy which commits the same crime within their own establishment. Doesn't real socialism deserve at least 1 fucking paragraph in an article about increasing popularity in socialism!?!

@altschmerz limited to me means compliant within the same they deceivingly suggest they're exposing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the post. It gave me a link and educated me to something I've never known of. Green capitalist/Green America which kind of correlates with a theory of mine. I read the article that was linked in and saved the website for future reads.

Same as I enjoyed one in the past when The Hill was attempting to separate themselves from fake news while also explaining they are fake news within a controlled environment by their owner. In other words, limited.

I find the Hill and Fair to do a lot of seemingly great work along with a lot of people I also consider to be creators of rabbit holes. These entities keep people tied to mostly the democratic party which are suppressing the ability to separate them from fake news and partial fake news. They all target a certain group of the population. And by doing so they limit the sources in which their followers can benefit from further productive learning. They are basically another arm of information suppression when they don't help us expose the same sources we learn the truth from. This enables them to speak truth while also denying the entire truth.

If Trump, as he did in 2016 speaks about fake news from the platform of another fake news entity without exposing better sources, did he not create a rabbit hole of emptiness which no one learned from? This enabled him to go on to continue the same crimes and unethical practices of those before him and keep the divisional party divide alive? And those 2 party divided establishment news entities run amuck with his lead. Very few learned a dam thing. Only a minor few manage to see the real light within logical free thinking which suppresses this slow learning process of our citizenry.

If I can get 1 person to learn this from this post I have a win. You and I have a win win. I don't always make positive comments on every aspect of my own post. I sometimes explain that in my commentary as I read through the article. Which is why sometimes I reverberate the same narrative that comes later in the article too. I'm picking it apart as I read before I post it. Why I might add my own links within my commentary to show how I arrived to my opinion.

We need to get people who are still reliant on a majority of MSCM to learn how to recognize how they're being suppressed from information by these sources which create these rabbit holes while they read or listen. Learn how to decipher as they read especially being the Internet is now widely used for news while providing better sources. If TV MSCM is all they know it's basically a lost cause unless you can convert them on social media or in groups like this. To many people read with near acceptance of what they're reading is fact or all there is to it when it comes to politics. They go into it with a tribal mindset that we need to eliminate.


You know that many people on Agnostic are not from the USA and so "across the country" could mean country dwellers but typical USA thinking it is felt unnecessary to define the word "country".

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