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September 11, the “war on terror” and the criminalization of American politics

Adviser Condoleezza Rice in the Wall Street Journal, titled “We Are More Secure Than We Were on 9/11,” which defended the policy of the Bush administration in response to September 11. Rice made the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows, extolling the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and opining on US foreign policy.


The erasure of facts and another historic crime on humanity abroad will never bring us security. Not from abroad or even within. Fascism has strongly planted its roots. Insecurity is already present from within, only inviting insecurity from outside now. But the indoctrination of the society which is purposely being lead astray misses all the signs of reality.

Before 9/11 a significant amount of Latin America was well aware of our governments freedom and democracy facade. Asia follows closely behind. You can't erase those history's from the minds of generations there, unlike in the US, where MSCM allows it to evaporate over time. Within the Middle East it was merely about a cycle of centuries to come about as recycle from the newest major power structure.

On 9/11 millions around the world mourned with the US. Today we must ask if that was a genuine sense of mourning or hope in attempts to reflect what was coming out of fear. The coming produced another region of people who now see the same facade put on in the name of freedom and democracy. In the minds of those abroad, we went from questionable understanding to fools as a citizenship X 20 to today.

245 years-----America-----that never was----never was meant to be----never will be under its present social structure. Oligarchy's built to benefit the few will never achieve freedom and democracy when illusions manage reality. When the citizens are indoctrinated to accept the same conditions its ruling class and government serve out abroad, no matter how well off they think they are, they're still living in a delusional reality. Only when the bottom totally falls out will they see the crimes committed as the same at home. With multiple warnings, especially since 2008, the numerous social overdoses throughout history from the 80's, the social addicts merely await the final, massive, dose which will deal death to many.

{Bush, Rice and Cheney were the architects of a series of massive violations of the US Constitution and international law, as well as crimes against the populations of Iraq, Afghanistan and the United States itself. They pioneered the institutionalization of torture, kidnapping, illegal warrantless government spying and the launching of wars of aggression that have killed more than one million people.}

{But in the words of Harris, who spoke after Bush and repeated the same talking point almost verbatim, the legacy of America’s response to 9/11 was fundamentally positive.}

There is no better time for the 2 establishment parties to find agreement on than when it comes to death and destruction. Abroad or at home. In both cases all it takes for them is a complete deletion of historic common sense, facts, and reality. They all just have to stick to the same delusional talking points to con both of their indoctrinated supporting groups. The MSCM under direction of the ruling classes information manufacturing industry will provide the do's and don'ts as the wind in the sails to blow it over reality. Never applying a genuine forth estate responsibility.

{“In the days that followed September 11, 2001, we were all reminded, that unity is possible in America. We were reminded also, that unity is imperative in America. It is essential to our shared prosperity, to our national security, and to our standing in the world… When we stand together, looking back, we remember the vast majority of Americans were unified in purpose.”}

But that unity would soon be ignored. More importantly, forgotten when the next election cycle came. The entire criminal network in DC should have been wiped clean.

{The “unity” lauded by Bush, Harris and Biden was a myth. The Bush administration’s dictatorial actions and criminal wars prompted massive opposition, with the first protests against the Afghanistan war occurring within less than two weeks of September 11. This was followed by the march of millions of people in the United States and around the world against the war against Iraq—the largest global anti-war protests in history up to that point.}

The profits of the corporate ruling class and military complex outweighs the intelligence of public opinion and journalism of facts.

{Invocations of the myth of “national unity” have long been a hallmark of commemorations of 9/11. But it has never rung hollower than it does today. Bush, Biden and Harris’s paeans to “unity” come eight months after Trump’s January 6, 2021 coup attempt, when a substantial faction of the ruling class sought to instigate a fascistic insurrection to stop the transfer of power, in the process threatening to kill members of Congress and even former vice president Pence.}

As with freedom and democracy, unity to these people lives within a realm of their own, where it's also used more often as a deceptive tool towards harm. Which gives life to the likes of the following.

{For his part, Trump greeted the anniversary of September 11 by sneaking into New York City and speaking before uniformed police officers, repeating his claim that the 2020 election was stolen. In a dose of irony, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, lauded in the media as “America’s Mayor” and the personification of “unity” following the September 11 attacks, greeted the anniversary with a deranged fascist rant targeting his opponents within the state apparatus.}

How many examples must be exposed to us that leads to proof of collaboration among these criminals are needed?

{America may be ending the war in Afghanistan, but the changes carried out within the framework of the “war on terror” have permanently entered the bloodstream of American politics. The defense of the Bush administration’s crimes by the US media establishment is aimed not only at the past, but at the future.

As usual, the Wall Street Journal was most explicit: “The saving grace of 9/11 was the demonstration of American courage and resilience… But the country also united for a time in political purpose... If another attack comes, perhaps with bioweapons that kill like Covid-19, would we have the same resolve and resilience? History suggests that we are going to find out.”

In other words, the time will come when another murky and unexplained incident may be used to radically alter the framework of American politics. The tools of aggressive war and dictatorial infringements on constitutional rights implemented as part of the “war on terror” will prove useful to American capitalism in the future.}

😟 I wish WSWS wasn't so often spot on with their analogies! What are my grandchildren facing?

{But no matter how the American media and political establishment attempts to circle the wagons, the crimes committed in the name of the “war on terror” will have massive consequences. They have torn the mask off American democracy and American capitalism, exposing it as a ruthless dictatorship of the financial oligarchy.

As the working class begins to enter into social struggle, they will more and more see their fight as being not just against individual employers, but against the social order that created the horrors of Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and Fallujah.}

May be coming to a city near you soon.

William_Mary 8 Sep 13
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Eruditely expressed. Sadly most will ignore it or be too embarassed by their own complicity.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 13, 2021

Yes, both actually. This is where indoctrination plays the major role. I read an analogy recently that I've been attempting to shame people on for quite a while, where a significant amount of American's know the difference between right and wrong in regards to our policies, especially foreign policies, but the possibility of ridicule from peers causes them to remain silent to facts and common sense. The latter my opinion. The analogy claimed ignorance however.

I don't think we really have a major problem with ignorance. I grew up listening to virtually every adult around me and slightly older peers when in my teens complain about politicians and corruption. I came out of the 60's in the height of Vietnam when protesters were advocating opposition to both the government and, wrongly, soldier's. I lived in Kent and watched on a number of occasions where bus loads of police came in to downtown, where I lived, and beat the student out of town. Eventually national guard---4 dead in Ohio.

I see the evidence of ignorance erased often on social media and here in this group. People know the difference between right and wrong. I see more people who agree and make statements that correlate with opposition of government policies. So the question is where does that get lost between comments on social media, this group, and voting? Venezuela and Cuba are prime examples. On US social media I see a significant amount of US opposition for our governments actions compared to what is obvious troll and seemingly far right ideology. The trolls are usually, seemingly, foreigners from said country who oppose that government but can't hold a factual debate, or correlate the US actions abroad to the false rhetoric they proclaim against the government they oppose.

Here in the group I've witnessed a number of people who have liked my post, in comments shown a degree of correlation to my or the articles opinions and narratives, yet when I see them on other forums on the site I get a message from here to there indicating they seemingly lost the message.

I see approximately 2 to 3 people from this group who wonder off and do post on other forums on this site. And several others who follow those pages and participate in some regard in comments or using the emoticons as a positive discovery. Which are all based on a majority of MSCM articles in which they seemingly didn't take the time to decipher the information of political divide and perception management within. Quite frankly, all this does is support the current fake news industry and party division among citizens. Merely posting an article and maybe a short non-informative writing only leaves the 2 divisions to continue the status quo.

My latest venture into that realm I found the glorification of Rachel Maddow by some within this group. I was horribly disturbed 😟 to find a 8 figure desk jockey reporter of fake news who has spent the last 6 years spreading lies, false narrative propaganda, towards perception management being glorified by members from here that I once thought really got it, give her the title of journalist. I think I even seen investigative journalist tossed out. For every 1 good segment she might do, she has 20 segments of deception behind her. That's probably being generous. She should be in a forth estate prison along with all our representation from DC.

I truly believe the underlining problem is peer pressure. On social media I thinks it a little easier for people to state their true feelings from behind a screen. Especially people like myself who have cut off people with highly different political followings and aren't worried about being ridiculed. Then comes family, co-workers, gatherings in real life. I've noticed since 2016 especially, people don't talk politics much anymore. And I've noticed when politics are brought up it's usually in groups of right wing followers. And I notice those who might be left leaning will grow silent for the most part.

All my biker friends/acquaintances ignore me now 🙂 The few I still have on my list, I just sit back and watch all the stupid hyperbole post they make. Past co-workers I had from a 17 year run at a factory all mostly became Trump supporters in 2016. Same with them. Stupid hyperbole post are all deleted but 1 that I went through my teen years with. He's semi awake but falls for the hyperbole shit to easy.

@William_Mary Interesting. As a naïve uninformed\uneducated or is that unexposed reclusive non American I find Americans on here volubly political albeit indoctrinated to the point of absolute ignorance on the righteousness of their side of politics. It still has me laughing that I was thrown out of the Trump pinata group for having the audacity to state that some of his statements are spot on. Adolf had his moments also - national health, paid leave, Volkswagen, and a stroke of absolute genius, getting the world to remember him as German & blame Germany not Austria!
Have a good week & stay safe.

@William_Mary At least your friends, unlike family, are chosen or discarded. Family you can only bury or cremate. 😁

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