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U.S. Corporate Media Watch

Richard and Roberto would like to dedicate this feature to Glen Ford, one of the fiercest critics of U.S. corporate media the country has ever known. May we all find creative and courageous ways to honor his memory by speaking out against Wall Street, white supremacy, and the U.S. war machine.

In this feature, we interview Syrian-born journalist Richard Medhurst about state propaganda, the mainstream media, and U.S. imperialism.


{The media commemorated 9/11 the way it always does: by making America out to be the ultimate victim. How else could it justify 20 years of war to the American public? The destruction and bombing of Afghanistan and Iraq?

But the media is not interested in talking about the victims of the War on Terror and how the Bush administration, and every administration since, milked 9/11 to wage war. The media is part of the war machine. It helps justify the wars. And one of the ways it does that is portraying Americans as the sole victims of 9/11, while ignoring the millions of Arabs and Muslims killed, maimed and displaced by America – people who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.}

{Their public resources are lining the pockets of corporations, instead of being used for public infrastructure. They are not the main victims of this racket, but are also losing out.}

This is virtually true for every social and foreign policy aspect that comes from our MSCM. The six mega MSCM's that control approximately 90% of the information thrown at us are owned by international nations with only their agendas of profit for their fish out of water capitalism, flopping around in failure. If you take war out of the picture, the fish is finally relieved of its suffering. But then will be turned onto citizenship which that has already been an advancing, growing, target. That observance may have been suppressed by the MSCM since Biden became president, but it still lives in the shadows. It's only a matter of if or when the next major incident can't be kept from a public outcry.

{Every single country that America has invaded in the name of ‘democracy’ and ‘fighting terrorism’ now has more terrorism and violence than before. Al Qaeda is in places it never was, like Syria, Yemen and Libya, and new groups have appeared such as ISIS and ISIS-K.

The events that immediately ensued after 9/11 have made the world more dangerous and worse off. If the United States lost 3,000 people on 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Yemen have had hundreds of 9/11s.}

That is a vastly generous statement! Syria alone in the heights of its manufactured war held some 28 different terrorist groups the US military and CIA were funding and weaponizing. In some manor were associated with Al Qaeda, ISIS, or other self proclaimed liberation front groups that ultimately towards the end, most members found their way into Al Qaeda or ISIS. The number of countries these groups now have a presence in X 10 when you consider all parts of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and beyond.

{The media lied about the anthrax letters, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They lied about who many of the “rebels” in Syria were, omitting their ties to Al Qaeda. They lied about the Syrian government, accusing it of using chemical weapons. The story about Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan was completely fake, yet they ran it anyway. Then they ran one about Iranian bounties. They blamed Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016, claiming “Russian election meddling” for years in this neo-McCarthyite reality where anyone who isn’t a registered Democrat with a poster of Hillary Clinton on their wall is a Russian agent.}

Which I just outlined above----Which I heavily covered here----Which I also heavily covered here and still is used by MSCM yet today. Along with the false narrative chemical attacks that both The Mint Press News and The Grayzone has extensive coverage on. The Grayzone exposing the OPCW of editing and manipulating the initial groups investigation of scientific discovery to falsely fit to the agenda of the US.

{Last year, when the New York Post published emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop regarding his business ties to Russia and Ukraine, the corporate media and social media giants immediately tried to bury the story, dismissing it as “Russian disinformation” – despite the fact that Hunter and Joe Biden themselves never called into question the authenticity of the documents. I could go on, but it would probably prove easier to list the things they haven’t lied about.}

Here's the primary example of a facade of a bias media and party supporters who blatantly turn an eye to a crime and unethical practice that their side committed, after only approximately a year of blaming the other side of doing. If I can't call it blatant as a sign of compliance within tribal politics, I'd have to accuse you of being totally ignorant and or stupid. Pick your poison. For I heavily covered how Biden actually, with video proof, did exactly what Trump was impeached for although providing a lame explanation that would get most politicians off the hook. A number of us in this group know the intentions of why the facade of liberal MSCM's orchestrated this delusional scenario, but what excuse can the public who bought into it be?

{If I’m not mistaken, the latest polling seems to indicate that Americans’ trust in the media has dipped to its second-lowest point ever (around 36%). If you ask me, that’s still 36% too much. It’s hard to imagine the US media as anything but a mouthpiece of the state and corporations. And I would add that many of their ‘qualities’ exist equally in the media outlets that dominate the United Kingdom and Europe.}

This goes kind of hand in hand with a debate I had with someone in another tread on MSCM, specifically MSNBC in that case. Absolutely no one should be watching MSNCB today especially after a years long false Russiagate reporting by the entire group of prime time night shows, especially lead by Maddow! That bitch should have been tarred and feather into obscurity never to be seen or heard of again. Not to mention cases of total silence on the Yemen issue for years, false Syria chemical weapons still being mentioned on occasions, total silence on the Ukraine issue for years, until it could be used as a distraction, then falsely reported on every aspect. Your participation in giving them ratings only provides them the opportunity to continue to entrapped a vast number of people who already vote within political ignorance to continue to destroy our society.

{I’d like to see more Americans and people everywhere make the switch to independent media. Independent news outlets are certainly on the rise, which is great, but at the same time, it remains a difficult endeavor. Journalists are regularly censored or placed at a disadvantage by the algorithm.}

That's a purposeful agenda to keep a vast amount of American's ignorant that our politicians, and ruling class who own both, need to keep this delusional reality alive.

The capitalist system forces those living within it to absorb thousands of advertisements every day and it has a serious impact on how we view the world and ourselves.

Lee Camp takes on the tireless parade of garbage that you might know better as consumerism. Marketing executives do their best to make the world safe for corporate, militarist, and fossil fuel interests. And they do it by lying to us about how things work, what the psychopaths in power have really done in history, and convincing us that toxic products are fine for us. Fortunately there are ways of fighting back. Camp also looks into the real reasons that the US is focusing a regime change operation on Belarus.


William_Mary 8 Oct 31
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