George Eliason --- Journalist Without Borders
George Eliason has been working in the Donbass regions since approximately 2014. He can be found in a documentary I posted a while back working at one of many mass grave sites in the Donbass as they were excavating victims of the Ukrainian governments Azov battalion. I put together a compilation of his articles and some short videos he has done, along with his facehack page if you have an interest in following him.
Ukraine’s Voters Didn’t Just Reject Nationalism, They Rejected Maidan, Bandera and the Revolution
The recent elections in Ukraine show that voters are rejecting the maidan “revolution” and the growing far-right nationalism that came with it.
There are 4 other good articles in the 3rd paragraph in the one above that deserve your attention also. Despite what our MSCM and their lower MSM's attempt to sell you, Nazi fascism in Ukraine isn't the small spectacle they claim it is. As most of this information will provide a discovery too. They won't tell you how this ideology has actually been embedded into virtually every aspect of the country within a controlling apparatus.
Eliason in a following series of 3 short pages also draws the attention to another issue I bring up often in regards to how special interest groups, with the help of certain countries, the US and Canada primarily in this case, manage to control narratives to change history to benefit agendas. It also provides a brief history of Ukraine from 1932 and how Ukraine was developed. Ukraine actually goes beyond just its Russian ties as I have tried to explain before.
Ukraine-The US Vote at the UN is Holocaust Denial- Here's Why
It is now illegal to question the Holomodor in Ukraine. The historical record needs to be set straight permanently about this tragedy. Support the nationalist version and deny the real Holocaust at your own peril. The scholarship needs to be set straight. Democracy is built on history. Nationalism is built on myth.
Today the perpetrators of genocide from that time period are causing famine conditions in Donbass. Most of the fields were burned or mined. Most of the harvests were lost and stolen. The Nazis are back and just as murderous. If Poroshenko and Nazi Kiev were remotely serious about a famine genocide that they want the world to recognize; how could they try to set up the same kinds of conditions right now?
The real reasons why the US, Canada, and Ukraine voted against the condemnation of Nazism are not that complex. A very large emigre population that votes with pocketbooks exists in North America. To condemn Nazi thought means their monuments, books, and speech could be rooted out of the democratic conversation.
It could mean Nazi-era Ukrainian nationalist presidents in exile could be exhumed and forced to be repatriated to Ukraine. For the reasons above we can only choose one holocaust or the other. Nationalism and Democracy cannot coexist. Which will it be?
The following article is where the special groups come into play. It's plays a major part in the correlations I attempt to draw attention to when groups fall into a trap of aligning with political parties, or can potentially be constructs of agenda driven entities. I'll argue we can find both here. Eliason even takes this towards a theory I haven't seen before. While he suggest the Obama administration, with the help of John Brennan, orchestrated a Trump coup, I remain steady in my statements that Trump is merely another player on the world stage. Again, my reasoning for this is because Trump has never attempted to genuinely expose the crimes and unethical practices of the Obama administration, and especially Biden, in regards to this Ukraine delusional reality that has been perpetrated on the US citizenship. You must read the top embedded article in the first section to fully understand the narrative he's exposing. In my opinion it helps to bring more understanding to how and why the 2016 election cycle played out the way it did.
AUG 18, 2020 Chalupa’s Animal Farm| Why Blacks need to toss the skinny white Antifa terrorists
For Antifa-BLM, their leaders, and their organizers this 2 part article represents the beginning of their day of reckoning. This is a start toward full exposure showing political organization, political aspirations, political ties to foreign government political parties, and sets them squarely as this generation’s brown shirt in the USA and around the world.
Thanks to Antifa leadership in Seattle and actions in Portland, it became easy to open Antifa up showing the ties to Germany and ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Diaspora in the USA.
History will remember this as John Brennan’s insurgency. The outgoing CIA director beefed up a domestic insurgent movement with foreign fighters on behalf of the Obama-Biden administration.
{Should it succeed, and it still may, the next world war will be one of the invariable consequences. Fascism and its sidekick nationalist chauvinism will become the new norm across the western world. If they win, there may be nothing left to turn the clock back to after this.}
As Eliason reaches this statement I believe it's imperative to understand that his chosen wording for terrorist is in regards to a global network within all aspects. Foreign and domestic. Again, this correlates with my theory of all matters going through the centuries long power structure of the European construct. Personally I still believe that is The Little City of London. The question I still hold today is, what part of it does Russian oligarchs play in it? Because those who have and hold a vast amount of wealth and property within that untouchable economic giant haven't fallen as prey to the western hegemony as of yet today.
{On the day before the 2016 election happened, I wrote an article about the current deep state coup and what some of the ramifications were. In the larger sense, it helps because it shows the coup started when no one knew who would be running in the general election or who would win.
Think about that. The first problem was Bernie Sanders, only afterward it became Donald Trump. The accusation against both was they were Putin’s lackeys.
Let’s start at the end of the story. In 2019, a deep state coup still continues against the office of the president of the United States. This materialized in the media as an Information Operation (IO) during the 2016 election cycle.
We are watching the second evolution of a new regime change method in play. It was originally developed to overthrow the election process and be the deciding factor for a given election.
The developers have decided it pays to screw the will of the people. And that is the easiest answer to every political problem we face today.}
Well, anyone who's been around here long know my thoughts on Sanders. I still staunchly believe he was a planted sure loss beside Clinton with purpose. Only the idiots didn't realize how many of us were waiting for a democratic socialist to make it to the main stage to vote for. As that primary cycle proven there were a profound many of us, they had to rig the election. Which ultimately exposed Sanders as the fraud he was, and still is. Trump getting billions in free air time from the media wasn't a mistake either. This supports my claims though.
{The boots on the ground support for the political shift the DNC is desperate to make don’t co-exist with Bernie Sander’s world of socialism/ American democracy. If it did, where were Antifa and BLM when Sanders was getting Bern’d by the DNC in the first place?
The major political shift away from American Democracy isn’t toward socialism. It’s toward an integral nationalism that takes away political accountability to the people and makes officeholders immune to prosecution for any crime they commit.
What you are witnessing today aren’t protests, it’s the new way politics are done.}
{Antifa gets by on the basis of what is known as “volunteerism.” The myth says since Antifa has no centralized leadership structure or formalized membership the group doesn’t have to worry about bearing individual responsibility for the damage and death they cause. The theory is no leadership exists to exert any command and control over Antifa activists; therefore it is organic, headless, and not prosecutable.
In other words, it is a protected social-political group because like-minded supporters coordinate autonomously. Yada. Yada.Yada.
The legal theory was concocted ahead of Ukraine’s 2014 coup for the same reason. Cover your face. Commit murder. Go out for breakfast.}
{Antifa was actually in Syria training with the Kurds who were erstwhile ISIS members but were never allowed to do more than that. As you’ll see in a second, the training part isn’t the problem. That they only trained to prepare for this 2020 insurgency is. In part 2 their war trainers will weigh in and it isn’t very flattering. The word terrorist comes up a lot.}
No surprise here really. When you consider a number of Trump's fascist supporters were discovered to have gone to Ukraine to train with their Nazi military units.
{Let’s start at the end to show how serious the reality is Obama and the DNC have brought to America.
The first stop to pick up Antifa insurgency leadership is an easy one. With the US Army troop drawdown in Germany, it’s as simple as showing up at the Bundestag while it’s in session and extraditing Germany’s Pirate Party leader Sebastian Alscher and his side-kick Ben Utzer who acts as the liaison or coordinator for Antifa and its Pirate Party political leadership in US.
The next stop is the European Parliament meeting in either Strasbourg, France, Brussels Belgium, or Luxembourg and extradite the the leadership of The Greens/European Free Alliance party.}
I'm beginning to see even more reasons why this guys work has been staunchly suppressed from our MSCM. As I made it aware his work was being suppressed while unearthing mass graves in Donbass by the UN and NATO, he has also been writing on subject matter which I've just recently been discovering on antifa which should have been out here for years. I've been attempting to warn about this shit, in regards to Trump, coming back home to bite our asses, but it has been biting our asses all along for years from the democrat's workings! All these protest going on for over a decade have all been a shit show within our citizenship being killed and harmed, rights being taken away, within a futile attempt to seek justice, and it has all been purposely orchestrated by our government.
{A sizable chunk of the $391 million Donald Trump was accused of withholding from Ukraine goes through Dimitry Yarosh’s office in charge of volunteer militias. Pravy Sektor’s thank you to the US was to fill the ranks of the Obama-Biden coup insurgency at Seattle, Washington which isn’t a long ride to Portland Oregon.}
In case you don't know ---- Pravy Sektor in English is Right Sector. The far-right Ukrainian nationalist organization. []
{Antifa’s leadership in the US communicates out of the Seattle, Washington website that was displayed mocking US President Donald Trump. It is important to note the ties to BLM are both direct and indirect through subgroups like Extinction Rebellion. These unrelated groups work together on projects like the riots to fill the number of the bodies needed to make the project successful. Numbers mean coverage.
Finding Antifa leadership started with being able to localize it. Since the terrorist group works through various locations, finding the original that leads into the 2020 sedition is the only ideal starting point.
After finding the main site, it was as simple as looking back over time. We have the original Antifa website.}
Extinction Rebellion also
What you see going on in cities that are burning is unbridled nationalism. Is this you? This is a marked difference from a patriot’s love and defense of their country and their people. Nationalism demands you to act like the nationalists or you are their enemy. The enemy has no rights. This is what’s happening in Portland today.
Think about this.
The city of Seattle sat by for an entire month while a German nationalist political party took over a few blocks of US soil without even a whimper. Why were proxy soldiers from Utzer’s German-controlled group allowed to illegally arm themselves?
{According to this Washington Post article;
EVERETT, Wash. — As President Trump has significantly reduced the number of refugees allowed to settle in the country and specifically pushed to keep Muslims out, an unlikely nationality has come to represent a disproportionate share of the refugees who have been entering the United States in recent years: Ukrainians.
The United States last year resettled more nationals from Ukraine, a country that barely registers in the United Nations’ assessments of the global refugee crisis, than it did almost any other nationality.
The 4,451 Ukrainians who arrived in the United States during fiscal 2019 made up 15 percent of the 30,000 total refugees who resettled in the country. In 2016, Ukrainians accounted for just 3 percent…Many of the newly arrived Ukrainians have ended up here in Washington state, near Seattle along Puget Sound. The area already is home to one of the largest Ukrainian immigrant communities in the country.
All Ukrainian Associations in the US are US-Ukrainian OUN owned and run. The disproportionate number of asylum seekers that are congregated around Seattle, Washington are from the Ukrainian OUN volunteer battalions controlled by Pravy Sektor’s Dimitry Yarosh.
The driver of the truck that drove into Minneapolis protesters was Bogdan Vechirko is a veteran of Ukraine’s punisher battalions under Yarosh in Donbass. For the first 3 years of the war, all the punisher battalions in Ukraine went into towns and villages after the army captured and murdered people that didn’t support Ukrainian nationalism. If most of the immigrants leaving Ukraine are OUN nationalists, what group settled in Washington State?
Nina Jankowicz brings Military regime change Info Ops Mainstream
Joe Biden and Zelensky team up to exasperate food shortage worldwide
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.