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Border Deployment to Insurrection Act: Trump's Illegal Military Plans

An Urgent Message to US Troops

The current deployment of soldiers and Marines to the US-Mexico border is illegal and immoral. The looming possibility of Trump invoking the Insurrection Act, in an attempt to paper it over, actually raises more danger of unconstitutional orders.

We have just spent 20 years being used as cannon fodder for hapless debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, soldiers and Marines are being used as propaganda fodder for the oldest Commander-in-Chief ever, taking office with the worst approval rating in modern history.


Mike Prysner is the editor and film maker for Abby Martin's Empire Files. You can find a number of her documentaries in the pinned pages and here >>> []

{His desire to use the military to push the limits of the law with the Insurrection Act, which suspends Posse Comitatus, was a defining feature of his first term.

This is why Donald Trump canned his previous Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. Esper publicly refuted Trump’s demand to use the Insurrection Act to, in Trump’s words, “crack skulls” at constitutionally-protected protest actions in 2020.

Esper did not break with Trump because the Raytheon executive and Heritage Foundation head suddenly sympathised with the protests–but because he knew such a move would implicate him in unconstitutional acts.

The Trump-appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, also fought behind the scenes against Trump’s demands. As the Wall Street Journal reported, Trump called on the Pentagon to “beat the f--- out of” civil rights protesters and, more concerning, to “just shoot them.” General Milley refused him because, of course, beating, shooting and the use of federal troops for domestic law enforcement and assaults on protestors would easily be considered unconstitutional.

No coincidence that, as soon as he took office once again, Trump had General Milley’s portrait removed from the Pentagon–a standard honor for former Joint Chiefs. This has just escalated to readying an investigation against him, removing his security detail, and possibly issuing him a post-retirement demotion.

For Trump’s second term, the question became: who would be willing to bend the law in such a way? Who better than a Fox News talking head with a LOT of skeletons in his closet!

The unprecedentedly-close vote to confirm Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense demonstrates he has little sway with the high command. Top Republican Mitch McConnell surprised many with his ‘No’ vote, but McConnell is deeply informed by and connected to the Pentagon brass. He would likely not have voted No without their blessing.}

Not to mention, troops could find themselves breaking a number of international laws also. Warn your families in the service! Traveling abroad after committing such crimes that Trump is setting president for, could be highly costly and restrict their freedom. Past and current members of our representation travel abroad these days within strict consideration as to where and who with knowing that at any time they can be detained for actions they collaborated in during the past 24 year period. And they aren't part of the club to be overlooked.

Our medias deceptively suggested that Trump was betrayed by parts of his last administration. But the truth is, they didn't want to be accountable for the crimes he was setting a new president for. They've already been put in a tight vice in that regard from previous administrations. At some point, the world court can change its tune on allowing the crimes to continue to go on without retribution. See Gaza. Some of Bush' administration are pretty much left with never leaving the country again. They sure don't advertise it if they do.

I'd say enjoy the rest of the article, but it just keeps getting worse in the make America great again illusion. New boss, same as the old boss, again.

William_Mary 8 Feb 2
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Musk is taking over the government payment office and the area with every Americans SS number, DOB - all our financial and the governments financial information. Who was paid what. Biggest security breach in history of the world. One man is taking the U.S. government down. I don't think trump even gets it.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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