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This article does a very good job of explaining the situation in Venezuela. You will not get this type of pointed information from our main stream media.

William_Mary 8 Jan 29
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Incidentally the date of the US backed Chilean coup was 9/11.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 29, 2019

Shared with a few other relevant groups. Thanks for the post. This is part of what happened in Chile after the Kissinger motivated coup in 1973. The following recitation was made from the last song of Victor Jara Chilean poet and folk singer who was brutally murdered in the Stadium used to contain 5000 prisoners of the junta led by Pinochet.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 29, 2019

More US piracy and interference in other sovereign nation's governments.
At least they are consistent in their violations.
Does no one ask their elected representatives the hard questions?
This is Trump's MAGA at work?

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 29, 2019

No, our media will not ask the "hard" questions as you say. Or the right questions. I want them to ask the right questions. If they ask the right questions, those representatives will not come back to be asked again. And it is known that if one does go off script, complaints are made to the owner of that new source. Shit starts rolling down hill! Thom Hartmann will tell you this. I've heard him say it many times and it's why he rarely can get a republican representative on his show. Ed Schultz knows it also. I remember a day he had the governor of Louisiana on his show after the disastrous hurricane and the quagmire that went down down there. He spent nearly an hour telling how he was going to get to the bottom of it and hard ball her. Then when she was on air with him he became a god dam pin cushion. Didn't ask a god dam one of the hard ball questions he spent nearly an hour ranting over. Then made the same statement I made above after the interview. NO, she got him off air and told him how the interview was going to go, and he bowed down to the establishment. That's why I'm here. For people brave enough to stick around to learn what those questions should be as they start putting the pieces together from the more factual information I share. Getting the rest of the story and not just the perception management mindfare going on in main stream media. What you get from them is most likely a lie or propaganda to train you into the acceptance of an agenda.

Look around the world and tell me what part you play in it! Because you are indeed playing a part in it.

@William_Mary I'm led to believe that they are called sheeple, snowflakes, victims of mortgage strangulation, suffering from cognitive dissonance, god botherers and followers of Tolstoy.


‘Hands off Venezuela’: Maduro slams Trump in English (VIDEO) []

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 29, 2019

China opposes sanctions against Venezuela, says US will be responsible for consequences []

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