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There is nothing to fear but those promoting it. Democracy down!

William_Mary 8 Feb 11
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We make inroads when we march together, but we lose ground if we argue among ourselves. It is time to take a stand and make the changes necessary to rid our country of the corruption and bigotry which is dividing us.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 14, 2019

Even if we got everyone on the same page and brought in a (is there such a thing) non-corrupt President, there is still congress to deal with. So they have to leave along with the Administrative Branch. The Bolsheviks tried this in the early 20th Century and look what happened there. It may take a YUGE national disaster(s) to upend the status quo in our national politics. So, to me, it seems that if rational people can wrest control of local and then state governments, and hold it, that is where the revolution starts. It's not an overnight fix, there isn't one.

My hope would be investigations into past cover ups from a Green Party or Socialist Equality Party President. Once we got such a President in office who would abandon the empire building with good reasoning stated to the public, I believe it would draw more potential people to these parties to over throw the establishment. Of course this would take time. It took nearly 50 years to get here, It will take time to get out. We have a hoard of politicians who with the help of the media who constantly lie to the public, we need someone to tell these stories in a sense of reality.

But you right! Unfortunately though these local and state politicians seldom get a chance to get coverage to show they stand with us. Of course that is with purpose. They made great strides in 2018, but have you heard from them since? All the coverage is on the national stage where those progressives for the most part are showing different colors than they ran on.

You can find the transcript here. I'm having a hard time finding the opening arguments though. I know what's in that meme above has to be in here somewhere as I was following this when it first stated.


@William_Mary Thank you for this link. Fascinating reading.

@SiouxcitySue I'm wondering if the argument of whether the court would accept the case is in a different document now. Which the meme above was part of. I remember the judge asking both parties questions during the determination, which I couldn't find either. I found a lot of sites last night referring to the issues in the meme last night but none of them had links to that particular aspect. I will find it though 🙂


The whole fear mongering really kicked into high gear with bush. He hammer on the terrorism fear and I think it has had long term negative effects on the population. Many thrive on inflicting fear, the point of the southern Civil War statues was to intimidate the freed slaves. Even tho I think Obama was more a corporate Dem he did govern with out fear. It was so nice after bush but sadly the racists and bigots in this country really geared up to fight back. 😟

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