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Anybody here other than me love soy chorizo?

What is your favorite brand? I like Trader Joe's but have discovered that it is almost identical to Reynaldo's. And the Reynaldos usually costs 15% to 37% less.

What do you do with it?

One thing I do is make a taco salad:
Dice a tomato into a large bowl, add broken up tortilla chips, shredded cheese (or vegan substitute), crumbled chorizo (I don't even cook it most of the time), and el cheapo iceberg salad mix.
Toss and enjoy.
Quick, easy, not expensive, tasty, somewhat nutritious, and only a bowl and fork to clean up.

Another is chili mac:
If you are not vegan, use the box mac and cheese (a la Kraft).
When you get to the part where you add the packet of cheese powder, add 1T cumin and 1t New Mexico chili powder. Crumble in an ounce or two of the chorizo to taste.

If you are vegan, cook the pasta (I use a 7 oz bag) and drain it. Add nutritional yeast (2 to 3 T.), 1 T. coconut or other oil, a half cap of liquid smoke, 2 T plain (unsweetened, no vanilla) almond milk, add 1T cumin and 1t New Mexico chili powder. Crumble in an ounce or two of the chorizo to taste.

Another thing I do is use it as the filling in tacos with lettuce, tomato, and (vegan) cheese.

And one last thing I use it for is my vegan black been Tex-Mex chili. You want that recipe, you have to ask. Nicely.

mcgeo52 8 July 9
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Having lived in El Paso(easy access to Juarez) and in "real" Mexico(Irapuato, GTO)...for me,
real chorizo is what I've seen made 1st the Meat Markets in every "Centro" part of
every Mexican city/town that I've visited.
The difference between the "named-brand" chorizo
those that I enjoyed in Mexico..
Easy Answer: No preservatives and a "savor"(flavor) that cannot be put into words..but can be
enjoyed with delight. 🙂

CarlosG903 Level 6 July 31, 2018

Here's my favorite

That is the one I mentioned. It is my favorite, too.

Sometimes Food4Less has it on special at 4 for $5 And I stock up. It freezes very well.

Hey you did! I just but it. I never even noticed who made it.


Haven’t tried the chorizo
Here’s a good recipe for vegan ground meat substitute;
11/2 cup raw walnuts
Ground to beef consistency in food processor
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground coriander
2 Tbs Nama shoyo, or Braggs liguid amino/ soy sauce, or coconut amino’s to make a 100% soy free
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve

Patti Level 2 July 10, 2018

That sounds good! I've never seen that in the UK.


I've tried them all. Tomorrow I'll go get my favorite and post a picture. So much better than yesterday Joe's.


There's nothing better!

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