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Does anyone else on here use soylent as a meal replacement when vegan options are scarce? I do.

shadowxyz 4 July 6
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Soylent green is people!

Apunzelle Level 7 Sep 7, 2019

i'm not a big fan of soy. i drink almond milk and like the idea of an apple or banana if i'm caught short of something to chew on. i'm watching women's football in Lyon......2-0 US at the moment.

rosscann Level 5 July 7, 2019

I can say with 100% certainty that I do not use soylent. I have never even heard of it before. I have used tofu and TVP, but what is this soylent you speak of?


Like soylent green ?

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2019

Never heard of it... Probably wouldn't use it...


You do know this was the name of the food in a movie about people running out of food. It was basically made from people who decided to be euthanized. It seems someone has a weird sense of humor in naming the food.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 6, 2019

Yes I have heard and seen Soylent Green and yes that is where the name came from.
But in the book it was a combination of the words soybean and lentils which is where the word comes from

@shadowxyz Interesting, art imitating reality. I wonder which came first the name or the film. Even so I suspect some would find the name off putting.

@JackPedigo the book was first


Not me. Never heard of it, so just looked it up and see it is a liquid meal replacer. I just eat an apple or banana or both when I am caught without a prepared meal. 🙂

Slice the apple and spread on some nut butter. Makes a great lunch.

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