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A story of Hope. This appeared in the last (for the time being) Lopez Island weekly paper. When my mother was dying of Ovarian Cancer her doctor told her that the chemo would put a huge stress on her digestive system and she needed to go on what is known as a macrobiotic diet. My sister, then a 7th Day Adventist (now a JW – she can never seem to make up her mind), took mom in. This letter was written by the husband of my dentist and she is great. Her husband is a local contractor and rebuilt an empty building for the new dental center. It is amazing and will match and even surpass anything on the mainland. She does not push her religion. Just recently read the book “Veganist” which also touted how a plant based diet takes far less energy to digest than a carnivore diet and my experience shows this is true.
[] Less stress on the body means more energy to fight diseases. Just ignore the religious aspect.

JackPedigo 9 Apr 11
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These days, anecdotal reference to healthy lifestyles are (and should always be) appreciated, in spite of the religious affiliation. The article didn’t make any theological references, so I think it’s safe to take that the author was only trying to infer that the plant based diet could bolster the immune system under pandemic conditions. Thanks for posting, I hope it reaches someone that needs to read it. Stay safe and healthy!


Thank you for sharing this with us Jack.

Wildgreens Level 8 Apr 13, 2020

You're welcome. I expected a lot of rude comments (food choices and religion) but so far nothing but compliments.


I truly believe I have become much more healthy since changing my diet and food intake to vegetarian and now Vegan. It’s been 18 months since my journey began and I am now off my blood pressure medicine and have taken off 33 pounds now. I used to get sick with colds and bronchitis during the winter months, and have gone thru the winter with no sickness now for two winter seasons. I feel my body is healthier since giving up meat, dairy and eggs. I’m not protein Deficient either. I wish more people would be open minded enough to try going in this direction and see how their health improves. Thanks for posting this article!

Thank you for the personal endorsement. I don't understand why more people won't even look at evidence and try to make a simple change. When I became vegetarian the first thing I noticed was a big gain in energy level.

I was expecting a lot of blowback but, so far, only good comments. That is great.


That’s interesting, if a plant based diet helps survive the virus it would definitely be worth knowing about.

It did help my mother cope with the chemo. But she waited too long to get the obvious tumor checked there was little hope. My mother never really took care of herself and died at 67.

@JackPedigo yes, my Uncle’s had terminal cancer for many years and is on a mainly plant based diet. He rarely has alcohol either. He’s sure that these choices have helped him.


Thanks for sharing. I have read about that before. However with the GMO's, pesticides, ecoli, salmonella, rat lung disease scares, sometimes it is difficult to stay that route. Additionally, having an all natural steak vs. soybeans fortified to taste like steak is a debatable as well.

chiara23k Level 7 Apr 11, 2020

If one can get 'natural' meat why not natural plants?? Actually, meats are more apt to have lots more chemicals than plants. Antibiotics is something one will not find in any plant. Also many of the plant issue you name originated from animals. Also, animals may eat some of the GMO and other plants that have been altered. I have an issue with Gluten. Problem is so many of our plants have bee hybridized (not chemically but naturally). They are at a stage that many people's bodies can no longer tolerate.

A lot of people say the same thing here. I always ask them when they go to the mainland do they become vegetarian??? Never gotten an answer.

@JackPedigo I agree with that. So, my conclusion is to eat as healthy as possible. The problem is that it has gotten so complicated to do so these days. I grew up raising our own veggies and meats. I live in a condo now, so I have little control of knowing about my food.

@chiara23k I can understand. So many companies tout their products as being 'healthy'. I also don't know about the agricultural possibilities in Hawaii. Here the county next to ours, Skagit, is the most naturally fertile in the state. It has a large river, also called Skagit, running through. The area is blessed with lots of ag products and many food co-ops have been formed. Even on our island there is a great natural food co-op type of store. If something is certified organic chances are it is better for one health. Otherwise it's just a matter of finding objective nutrition journals. Good luck.

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