
HARRIS / WALZ Fanatics

Supporters and enthusiasts of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the 2024 election and beyond.
37 members, 89 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024

Aussie Music

Australian music, will claim the Kiwi's good bands too (as we always do)
7 members, 15 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024


I like Quotes, they are powerful, so share the power.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, History, Humor, Other, Philosophy
2,151 members, 6,582 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Just for Laughs

This is a group to share your joke, humorous cartoon, photo or story. Or just a place to visit if you just want to take the lighter side of things and laugh a little. We invite ...
3,327 members, 36,599 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Conservative Bashers And Progressive Pushers

This is a group where you can safely come to bash any conservative group, individual or action or push any progressive cause or candidate. No trolling is allow.
127 members, 1,495 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Cheesy Jokes

Jokes. Just jokes. Cheesy ones. Not so cheesy ones. Funny stuff. Poor sentence structures. Come on in, share, laugh. Disclaimer: Not responsible for soiled clothing from ...
Topics: Humor
1,447 members, 3,492 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024

World Music

A group to share great music with others of any type from around the world, and of any language, and taste. Everyone is welcome to join! Just keep in mind that there are other ...
Topics: Music
1,352 members, 4,284 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Feline Fanatics

A place to discuss anything about cats, whether our own, or just cool stuff that we come across.
Topics: Animals / Pets
1,562 members, 9,172 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Music of the Movies

This is for our favorite (& less favorite) movie tunes, theme songs, soundtracks. You might even list your favorite movie music composers. And a sample of the tune is always ...
Topics: Film / Movies / TV, Music
508 members, 1,531 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.

Funny, & cute things we see, read, or hear, that don't fit other categories.
Topics: Animals / Pets, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Humor
937 members, 1,438 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024


People who enjoy growing their own food. Or taking care of their landscaping and gardens. Let’s try and keep politics to minimum here in this group unless it has something to do ...
Topics: Environment, Drink / Food / Diet, Hobbies /Interests
1,542 members, 3,387 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness

Religion didn't fall out of the Sky - it's all been created by some 'one' or some group. Problem is they are antiquated and riddled with magical thinking that its impossible for a ...
74 members, 119 posts, Last Activity: Aug 29, 2024

Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening

This groups is for people who identify as Ethical Vegans -- Veganism - as defined by the Vegan Society -- is as follows: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to ...
Topics: Activism, Animals / Pets, Environment, Drink / Food / Diet, Philosophy
99 members, 231 posts, Last Activity: Jul 15, 2024

Food Glorious Food

A group to share recipes, ideas, styles of cooking, and virtual dinners. Please note that you have to press the join group button to be able to contribute. I do not want negative ...
Topics: Creativity, Family, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,457 members, 2,388 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024

Political Posts, Articles and Memes

Just Posts about Politics. Funny or Serious. Liberal or Conservative. North America and World Wide.
Topics: Humor, News, Other, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
167 members, 385 posts, Last Activity: Sep 10, 2024


FreeThinkers is a community devoted to questioning all aspects of life and promoting the process of thinking outside the box. This community is designed to allow everyone to ...
2,691 members, 1,577 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Dog Lovers

A group for dog lovers and dog owners.
Topics: Animals / Pets
1,407 members, 1,825 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024

Out Of The Illusion

Political analysis and commentary using independent journalism sources in opposition of MSCM for creative dissent against empire building and a failed capitalist system. Supported ...
1,732 members, 4,189 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter

Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. Look deeper: ...
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, Environment, History, Politics / Political Ideology
2,457 members, 4,224 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Gun Control Now in 20 hours, 8 mins

Real gun and lethal weapon, control. Ban assault weapons large volume magazines and safer hand guns. This is not to ban all guns, and lethal weapons, but to promote more training ...
Topics: Activism
923 members, 1,682 posts, Last Activity: Sep 10, 2024


No guidelines, no designated style or subject - just photos taken by users. Open to all members from Level 2 upwards with an interest in photography; it doesn't ...
Topics: Art, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests
598 members, 8,013 posts, Last Activity: Sep 14, 2024

Jokes and humor about religion

A place to post humor about the insanity of religious beliefs and practices. Keep it funny at an intellectual level - without being racist or degrading
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Humor, Religion / Spiritualism, Science, Society / Culture
279 members, 1,289 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Introverts Unite!

A group for introvert discussions. Feel free to post memes, links, music, anything you like. The only group rule I have is don’t be an ass.
Topics: Happiness / Self Improvement
2,011 members, 1,304 posts, Last Activity: Sep 15, 2024


Interested in creating a home for rock, country, new age, jazz - pretty much anything that doesn't feature lyrics.
Topics: Music
382 members, 1,368 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Critter Corner

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.
Topics: Animals / Pets
373 members, 1,014 posts, Last Activity: Sep 10, 2024

Love of Physics

A place for folks to chat about, share, and enjoy physics ideas. Particle/electromagnetic/nuclear physics in particular.
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, Science, Technology
23 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: May 26, 2024

Vegan\Vegetarian World

Kind Food and a Kind World.
747 members, 1,022 posts, Last Activity: Sep 10, 2024

Folk Medicine Respository.

This is a self help group. Everyone is encouraged to share their experience and knowledge of folk and ethnomedicines. Ranging from old traditional, old wives tales type cures to...
Topics: Science
8 members, 125 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024

No more war

For those who are antiwar. Who are able to criticise all or any side. Who are disgusted at the profiteering war provides some. A place to post the consequences of war. A place ...
51 members, 281 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024


A group for the discussion of the written word. Though we'd like to see folks active in the industry, you need not be published or working in the industry to join in and ideally ...
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Education, History, Humor
1,207 members, 1,959 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Pro Gun Rights

Defenders of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and shooting sports enthusiasts. This group does NOT believe in so-called "sensible" gun control measures. There are plenty...
115 members, 1,215 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024

Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana & Tennessee

A place for folks to meet fellow atheists/agnostics in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee. There are groups that include one or two of these states, but in those groups our ...
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, History, News, Relationships / Dating, Science
113 members, 66 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024


This is the place for those who cook at home and like to experiment.
Topics: Drink / Food / Diet
109 members, 234 posts, Last Activity: Sep 8, 2024

Metal music

Post music videos of your favorite metal bands.
Topics: Music
530 members, 2,047 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024


A place for non-heterosexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning and their allies to discuss religious and non-religious aspects of being non-cishetero.
Topics: Activism, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
987 members, 1,009 posts, Last Activity: Sep 17, 2024

Jewish by Culture in 3 days, 22 hours

Were you born or raised Jewish? Do you like Jewish food, culture, music, dance without religious attendance? Are you against White Supremacy or Anti-Semitism? THEN YOU ARE ...
Topics: Art, Books / Writing / Poetry, Education, Film / Movies / TV, Drink / Food / Diet
120 members, 1,234 posts, Last Activity: Sep 2, 2024

Women's Empowerment

A place for women to share events, activisim, and sufferage songs as we continue our fight for equality. All feminist are welcome.
Topics: Activism, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
148 members, 487 posts, Last Activity: Aug 28, 2024

Baby Boomers

Those of us seniors born in the post WWII baby boom.
Topics: History, Other, Society / Culture
235 members, 1,613 posts, Last Activity: Sep 18, 2024

Eclectic Jams

A place to share the music you love.
Topics: Film / Movies / TV
706 members, 2,123 posts, Last Activity: Sep 8, 2024

aussie sceptics

Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Creativity, Environment, Philosophy, Relationships / Dating
438 members, 1,528 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024

handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty

Anybody that is creative with their hands and makes things from scratch, anything.This includes thread or fiber art, spinning weaving knitting crochet felt etc. I hope I don't have...
Topics: Art, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests, Other
1,100 members, 1,454 posts, Last Activity: Sep 7, 2024

Music Fans

This is a group dedicated to music lovers. Post your favorite songs here. Please post songs with the name or the artist and the song title. It helps when people are browsing ...
Topics: Music
1,283 members, 40,344 posts, Last Activity: Sep 19, 2024

Critical thinking

To discuss Critical thinking, what it means, how to attain it and why it is so important... Also to discuss the insight, perception and realization gained in various areas after ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Education, News, Other
666 members, 823 posts, Last Activity: Sep 14, 2024

All Things Astronomy

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting ...
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, Science, Technology
732 members, 754 posts, Last Activity: Aug 20, 2024

Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity

Discussion aimed at teaching and bringing logical training to illogical atheist and others interested in ending Christianity. To understand those in christianity and the ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Other
38 members, 154 posts, Last Activity: Sep 2, 2024

Animal Mania

With the exception of man, we believe that animals are agnostic/atheists. As no animal has ever told us any different, they deserve full representation in our forum. Their lives ...
11 members, 39 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024

Information Technology Today

Discuss all aspects if information technology, where it is going , the threats, benefits, good and the downright ugly. Here we can discuss Artificial intelligence, computer ...
10 members, 69 posts, Last Activity: Sep 9, 2024

Mynd Storm

The action of Brainstorm is a verb to produce an idea or way of solving a problem by holding a spontaneous group discussion. I leave many comments around in others posts that I ...
Topics: Creativity, Education, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism, Science
25 members, 126 posts, Last Activity: Aug 19, 2024

Herbalists Corner

Remember the old wives tales that we used to cure our ills? The old timers from every nation knew what local herbs to use and their cultivation. here we discuss the health ...
Topics: Science
15 members, 58 posts, Last Activity: Sep 16, 2024

Handy apps for your phone

Frugal, useful, no or few ads Post your recommendations
9 members, 9 posts, Last Activity: Sep 13, 2024

Note: you must be a member to view more groups or posts.)

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