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We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Name one good thing he has done.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow If it weren’t for the NRA we would have already lost a lot of our rights when it comes to private citizens owning guns and certainly wouldn’t have the right to carry a handgun for self defense. Pro gun democrats are almost nonexistent now days. The democrats are the ones who support red flag laws and other restrictive regulations when it comes to guns. If you truly value your second amendment rights you’d best quit voting for the looney democrats.
I wonder what happened to Duchessa? It’s been over a month since she’s been on the website.
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 28, 2019:
* LOL I was involved in posting for the elections in my other country.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@DUCHESSA Sorry to hear that.
Just got back from a week at the beach.
gater comments on Oct 29, 2019:
awww shes upset that she couldn't warn him
Trajan61 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Captain_Feelgood She’s a looney democrap!
I wonder what happened to Duchessa? It’s been over a month since she’s been on the website.
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 28, 2019:
* LOL I was involved in posting for the elections in my other country.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
Glad to have you back.
We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
IamNobody comments on Oct 28, 2019:
No need to fight. It's very simple actually. We need to vote. 45 for 2020 👍👍
Trajan61 replies on Oct 28, 2019:
That would likely do the trick as it would drive those liberals insane and we could just lock them all up in a mental institution. We might have to build a lot more of those though. 🤪😜🤣
We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Name one good thing he has done.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 28, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow Obama may not have given them that money but he sure pushed the deal that allowed them to access to it. Yes I know it was their money but that money should have been forfeit as they committed an act of war when they seized the American embassy and took those people hostage.
We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Name one good thing he has done.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 28, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow I don’t agree with him on the bump stock ban but he’s still a lot better choice than the gun grabbing Democrats.
We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Name one good thing he has done.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow But Obama gave them all that money and made a looney deal with them. I don’t see how you can support the democraps and support the 2nd amendment.
We need to fight the looney left wing democrats as they are trying to undermine our democracy.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Name one good thing he has done.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
He’s done away with a lot of looney regulation which made no sense and put a lot of good conservative judges on the bench. It to mention taking us out of the idiotic Iran deal.
Cuomo is a gun grabbing idiot. []
azzow2 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Do these jackasses that stand on a soapbox realize that that will make more victims than they save.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
If they had any sense they should.
Hi all.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Welcome! Unfortunately most of the people on the website with the exception of the conservativeatheist, gunrights and a few other groups are liberal, left wing, gun grabbing, Trump bashing idiots.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@Norman347 👍
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That is excellent
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@KKGator If your against Trump then you must be for the looney democrats. If your involved in business in today’s crazy world your likely to become embroiled in a lawsuit as people can sue you for anything. Hell I’ve been involved in 2 lawsuits myself and I’m not involved in nearly as many business dealings as Trump. Both of them were for idiotic reasons and cost me a lot of money and worry. Why would I support the looney democrats when they support more costly business regulations that don’t even make sense. They also support higher taxes, bigger government and infringements on our rights as private citizens and businessmen something Trump has supported with his doing away with looney regulations and putting good conservative judges on the bench. Kind of hard to be a conservative and not support Trump.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
bobwjr comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Wonderful news they deserve it
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@bobwjr You mean MSNBC and CNN?🤪😜🤣
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That is excellent
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@KKGator If you favor capitalism why do you not support Trump. He is a big time capitalist but most on the Democrat side are very socialist and left wing.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
bobwjr comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Wonderful news they deserve it
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@bobwjr The Christian’s in general are a lot better people than the looney left wing idiots like a lot of those on this website.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That is excellent
Trajan61 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@KKGator They didn’t go broke. The landlord terminated their lease because he didn’t agree with their stance on LGBTQ.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That is excellent
Trajan61 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty I never said business owners should have preferred treatment but they should to have express their opinion.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
KKGator comments on Oct 19, 2019:
That is excellent
Trajan61 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
So you don’t believe and independent business should have a right to express their beliefs? You are quite radical.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
ToakReon comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I find myself PROUD to live in a nation where companies like Chick-fil-A are recognised as the obnoxious, bigot-supporting arseholes they are - and objection is voiced. We British have many faults - but in terms of LGBT acceptance, and indeed support, we thankfully stand head and shoulders above ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Marionville You Brits have been without freedom for so long you’ve forgot what it’s like to have it.
Happy National Chess Day, Common Grounders.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
It’s common knowledge that women just aren’t as smart as men. 🤪😜🤣
Trajan61 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty That would be quite impossible. 😂🤣😂
I don’t know why they are investigating this guy as millions of Americans feel the same way.
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Because they want to get their hands on the cheese and can't commit fraud as some guys in Latin America are doing.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@DUCHESSA Yes it certainly does.
I don’t know why they are investigating this guy as millions of Americans feel the same way.
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Because they want to get their hands on the cheese and can't commit fraud as some guys in Latin America are doing.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
Hopefully this impeachment crap will backfire on them and people will vote the republicans back into control of the house in 2020.
I don’t know why they are investigating this guy as millions of Americans feel the same way.
IamNobody comments on Oct 24, 2019:
The beat of the same drum from the left, plain ridiculous.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
Hell they been trying to get rid of Trump ever since he was elected.
I don’t know why they are investigating this guy as millions of Americans feel the same way.
IpraiseMYSELF comments on Oct 24, 2019:
because they hate him, and they want to stop him but have nothing on him, so they just make shit up!
Trajan61 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
You have that exactly right.
As opposed to Socialism:
Trajan61 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
We may have to wage war with those looney democraps if we want to keep it.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@bigpawbullets Hopefully it won’t come to that for awhile. It may be something my kids and grandkids will have to worry about.
dumasarok comments on Oct 15, 2019:
An important message delivered with good humor. I was a young teenager 60 yrs ago but I remember that back then and into the early sixties most college students had conservative political leanings. Working your way through college was not only possible but it was considered a high virtue and much ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@Seriousreason With the rise of the looney left I certainly agree with that view.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
ToakReon comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I find myself PROUD to live in a nation where companies like Chick-fil-A are recognised as the obnoxious, bigot-supporting arseholes they are - and objection is voiced. We British have many faults - but in terms of LGBT acceptance, and indeed support, we thankfully stand head and shoulders above ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@ToakReon Your chances of getting shot by a mass shooter is less than being struck by lightning so that’s not reason to seize guns from law abiding citizens who only want a right to defend themselves. Not having the right to have a gun in your own house for self defense would be very disturbing to me. In England the criminals have more rights than you do.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
Trajan61 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Another case of the LGBTQ idiots running amok.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@snytiger6 I definitely don’t support that but I have my doubts Chick-Fil-A is supporting that. I disagree with Chick-Fil-A stance and have no problems with the LGBTQ people getting married but Chicken-Fil-A does have a right to have a dissenting opinion.
Ideally, should religious people be:
Trajan61 comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Most religious folks are better people than the left wing nut jobs like AOC or a host of others in today’s democrat party so I definitely think they should be guaranteed equal rights.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@altschmerz The draconian measures purposed by people like AOC will only make things a whole lot worse.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
ToakReon comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I find myself PROUD to live in a nation where companies like Chick-fil-A are recognised as the obnoxious, bigot-supporting arseholes they are - and objection is voiced. We British have many faults - but in terms of LGBT acceptance, and indeed support, we thankfully stand head and shoulders above ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@ToakReon You can’t shoot a burglar so therefore your at the mercy of the crooks. We have freedom to worship or to not worship here in the states as well. We also have health insurance that takes care of our medical bills. I’ll take the US over England anytime.
Ideally, should religious people be:
Trajan61 comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Most religious folks are better people than the left wing nut jobs like AOC or a host of others in today’s democrat party so I definitely think they should be guaranteed equal rights.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@altschmerz If we’re going to address our carbon footprint we need to address the number one problem which is overpopulation. We could start by securing the border.
Anyone interested in helping this catch on?
Bobsuruncle comments on Oct 20, 2019:
I requested a Book of Morman. I could not get past the forward with all the nuttiness of the founder. Ironically some Mormons came by my house and started to try to sell me their religion. I brought up the nuttiness of their founder and they really didn't have an explanation. I throw the Jehova ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
Considering that we conservatives unfortunately couldn’t win an election without the support of the religious right wing it looks like we will have to tolerate the Bible’s for now as they are a far lesser evil to the rabid gun grabbing looney left wing idiots who would like to transform this country into a socialist dictatorship.
LGBTQ Activists Shut Down Britain’s Only Chick-fil-A Just 9 Days After Opening | Megan H | ...
ToakReon comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I find myself PROUD to live in a nation where companies like Chick-fil-A are recognised as the obnoxious, bigot-supporting arseholes they are - and objection is voiced. We British have many faults - but in terms of LGBT acceptance, and indeed support, we thankfully stand head and shoulders above ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
You Brit’s don’t have any rights. Hell you can’t even shoot a burglar in your own home so what in the hell are you talking about!
It's just so fucking funny to watch this brainless Twit with a trespassing and burglary arrest ...
Bobsuruncle comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Criminals like unarmed victims. "He" is a criminal. Beto Pendejo, the Irish "American" Mexican has a VERY LOYAL following here in "his" home state. I have seen about 8 shirts, stickers, and yard signs (combined) in the last year and a half. "His" popularity seems to growing by leaps and bounds! He ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
The democrats have gone bonkers on gun control. They are such idiots that they really believe law abiding gun owners will willingly turn in their firearms to the looney idiotic democraps!
Ideally, should religious people be:
Trajan61 comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Most religious folks are better people than the left wing nut jobs like AOC or a host of others in today’s democrat party so I definitely think they should be guaranteed equal rights.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@altschmerz Her policies would wreck the US economy and aren’t even practical. Not to mention that she would put me out of business as she wants to do away with the farting cows.
Inspired by a recent @Captain_Feelgood post: 🍷😎
Trajan61 comments on Oct 19, 2019:
I’m sure all the gun owners will surrender their guns peacefully! 🤪😜🤣
Trajan61 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@gater Yes he is.
Provided by one of my neighbors. 🍷👌😆
St-Sinner comments on Oct 18, 2019:
I prefer NO assault style weapons for citizens and police, gun for police only, all weapons for armed forces. No citizen or resident should have any type of gun, pistol and anything similar. A simple possession should be punishable with a minimum 25 years mandatory sentence with no parole.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 19, 2019:
@IamNobody I looked at his profile and he definitely doesn’t appear to be a conservative.
Provided by one of my neighbors. 🍷👌😆
St-Sinner comments on Oct 18, 2019:
I prefer NO assault style weapons for citizens and police, gun for police only, all weapons for armed forces. No citizen or resident should have any type of gun, pistol and anything similar. A simple possession should be punishable with a minimum 25 years mandatory sentence with no parole.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@IamNobody I blocked this guy as he is definitely not a conservative.
Provided by one of my neighbors. 🍷👌😆
St-Sinner comments on Oct 18, 2019:
I prefer NO assault style weapons for citizens and police, gun for police only, all weapons for armed forces. No citizen or resident should have any type of gun, pistol and anything similar. A simple possession should be punishable with a minimum 25 years mandatory sentence with no parole.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 18, 2019:
You are not a conservative. Goodby!
This morning I was listing to NPR and the report was how both the house and senate were against ...
zesty comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Pulling out the troops was the only sensible option. There is no reason why the war party congressmen and senators cannot go to Syria and fight! Let them go!
Trajan61 replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@zesty Yes I suppose but people generally aren’t thinking to clearly when that is going on.
This morning I was listing to NPR and the report was how both the house and senate were against ...
zesty comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Pulling out the troops was the only sensible option. There is no reason why the war party congressmen and senators cannot go to Syria and fight! Let them go!
Trajan61 replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@zesty Some how I don’t think that’s a real successful method of birth control.
This election model says 2020 is 'Trump's to lose' [cnn.
1of5 comments on Oct 18, 2019:
He seems to be losing his mind, I wouldn't put losing the election past him.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@St-Sinner Hopefully he will be re-elected in 2020 as he’s a damn sight better choice than any of the looney left wing democraps!
I hear Elijah Cummings had some dirt on the Clintons... (too soon? 😶)
IamNobody comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Another weirdo in our elected officials.... Where the hell do they find these people !!!!??? This dude seems to me like the cousin from hell of Mrs Waters
Trajan61 replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@IamNobody I’m not going to miss him either.
Ideally, should religious people be:
Trajan61 comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Most religious folks are better people than the left wing nut jobs like AOC or a host of others in today’s democrat party so I definitely think they should be guaranteed equal rights.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 16, 2019:
@AnneWimsey You again?
Ideally, should religious people be:
Stenz comments on Oct 16, 2019:
I often think tRump voters should be re-educated.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 16, 2019:
I think those who vote for the looney left wing gun grabbing democraps should be re-educated.
North Carolina law prohibits cohabitation: [] Isn't that amazing in these modern times?
Trajan61 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That is amazing as I didn’t even realize laws like that existed in the US. I hope she wins her case and is well compensated.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@WilliamFleming 👍
Trajan61 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
He’s not only too old he’s a looney left wing idiot with some very crazy ideas.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@DUCHESSA Yes it should.
This is why I quit engaging in dialogue with members of the loyal opposition:
IamNobody comments on Sep 30, 2019:
On a more happy note, yesterday at Waltmart I saw a family (Mom, dad and half a dozen rascals, all ages ) wearing cool black T Shirts Trump 2020. They were proud. Do you know what happened?????.... Absolutely nothing. Everybody around them was OK with it. I like the future I foresee.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@Seriousreason I wear my NRA and Trump cap quite often here in Oklahoma and I’ve never had anything but complements. Here in my hometown Trump carried 87% of the vote in 2016 and he carried all 77 counties here in Oklahoma, most by a very comfortable margin.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
wordywalt comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boll shit. Your are just another oil indoctrinated Okie with a big mouth and few facts. .
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@wordywalt I think it’s you idiots who will be obliterated or imprisoned as we Trumpers are in the majority. How else is Trump president?
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
wordywalt comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boll shit. Your are just another oil indoctrinated Okie with a big mouth and few facts. .
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@wordywalt Thankfully there are a lot of us in certain states and that’s will be enough.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
JLFowler comments on Oct 4, 2019:
There is no planet b buddy
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@DUCHESSA Hopefully they’ll vote her out of office.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
wordywalt comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boll shit. Your are just another oil indoctrinated Okie with a big mouth and few facts. .
Trajan61 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@StarvingArtist Chicago and San Francisco are shining example of good democrat government. One has daily shootings and the other has homeless defecating in street. Such outstanding examples.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
wordywalt comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boll shit. Your are just another oil indoctrinated Okie with a big mouth and few facts. .
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@wordywalt We may have to have a civil war before that can happen.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Or, we could create millions of jobs by moving quickly to solar, and the environment would be far less stressed.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@AnneWimsey It would take a lot of storage batteries to back up a power plant for a week or 2 of cloudy weather. Some how I don’t think that’s even economically practical .
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
JLFowler comments on Oct 4, 2019:
There is no planet b buddy
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@DUCHESSA Yes I remember that coming from that looney idiot.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Or, we could create millions of jobs by moving quickly to solar, and the environment would be far less stressed.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
And pray tell what are we going to do when the sun isn’t shining?
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says
Trajan61 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
According to Al Gore the artic was supposed to be ice free several years ago. The climate alarmist are quite looney and only want to impose they’re idiotic climate change agenda on us.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@Bushshaker So would I.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Only someone who wants to preserve the environment, would want to shut down the gas & oil industry... not to mention the coal industry. However, I don't read anything in the article about "shutting down" the oil industry, only restricting selected aspects of it. But wait- I forgot, you ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@richiegtt Unfortunately there are plenty of those on the main forum.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I find it amusing that youve got yourself worked into a frothy lather about words uttered by a semi-successful politician, making claims about things she would do, if she were elected, AND did what she said (or your personal spin) on the campaign trail , AND congress and the various states (the ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
Don’t you find it to be somewhat disturbing that the leading contender for the democrat presidential nomination is threatening to ban all new oil and gas drilling as banning fracking would definitely do that.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
gater comments on Oct 4, 2019:
This coming from a blonde haired, blue eyed woman that thought she was an American Indian - the woman is clueless.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
I agree. She is a total idiot!
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
wordywalt comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Boll shit. Your are just another oil indoctrinated Okie with a big mouth and few facts. .
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@maturin1919 Your the one who’s a fucking loon and I’m damn glad people like you aren’t running this country.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Only someone who wants to preserve the environment, would want to shut down the gas & oil industry... not to mention the coal industry. However, I don't read anything in the article about "shutting down" the oil industry, only restricting selected aspects of it. But wait- I forgot, you ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@maturin1919 If we’re going to go back to the horse and buggy days it’s going to be a hell of an adjustment and will require a lot smaller population to work.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
bobwjr comments on Oct 4, 2019:
National review is a biased publication for benefit of big industry like oil, Koch funded
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
If you don’t like oil and gas you should be riding a mule and living in a tent. Oil and gas has raised our standard of living to the highest level its ever been in history.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Only someone who wants to preserve the environment, would want to shut down the gas & oil industry... not to mention the coal industry. However, I don't read anything in the article about "shutting down" the oil industry, only restricting selected aspects of it. But wait- I forgot, you ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
If you shut down natural gas our cleanest energy source by stopping fracking pray tell what do you think we’re going to replace it with?
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Only someone who wants to preserve the environment, would want to shut down the gas & oil industry... not to mention the coal industry. However, I don't read anything in the article about "shutting down" the oil industry, only restricting selected aspects of it. But wait- I forgot, you ...
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
If you ban fracking and leasing you have effectively shut down any new drilling.
Oh, wait.... that was "what's her name". 👌😎
Trajan61 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
If Trump did that the liberals would come unglued. 🤪😜🤣
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@bigpawbullets With good reason.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
JLFowler comments on Oct 4, 2019:
There is no planet b buddy
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
So are you one of those idiots like AOC who thinks the worlds going to end in 12 years?
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Where did you copy this from?
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Your the one who needs to go back to school. If you don’t agree with something you just discredit the source. I suppose you think MSNBC and CNN are good sources.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Oct 4, 2019:
EW is one of the few Nerds I know that is rather clueless.. 😒
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
She is a complete idiot.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Where did you copy this from?
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
National Review.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
bigpawbullets comments on Oct 4, 2019:
There's a lot of truth here. We can't just "throw the switch" and turn off existing technology and switch to unproven, unimplemented stuff. It would take decades to do this.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
Yes it will take quite some time to convert to 100% green electric.
Whew a beer is needed after mowing those lawns .
IamNobody comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I have always wanted to go there, NZ. To go around the country on a motorcycle. I've been told the scenery is something. Maybe someday.
Trajan61 replies on Oct 1, 2019:
What kind of motorcycle do you ride? I ride a Harley Road Glide myself.
Ok, here's a question.
gater comments on Sep 30, 2019:
He's extremely intelligent - and so are his supporters.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty You sure as hell don’t seem to have any sense, supporting the looney democraps!
Ok, here's a question.
gater comments on Sep 30, 2019:
He's extremely intelligent - and so are his supporters.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty When you liberal idiots disagree with something you always demand proof. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out Trumps a lot smarter and more sensible than the democrats. According to heatheanman his IQ is 160 and that’s higher than that idiot Obama or any of the democraps running for president now.
Ok, here's a question.
gater comments on Sep 30, 2019:
He's extremely intelligent - and so are his supporters.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
I agree 100%. You are one of the few sensible ones here.
Ok, here's a question.
Dhiltong comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Intelligent people do stupid stuff all the time, Example, inviting foreign involvement in our elections right after that 2 year Russia debacle. One can be very intelligent In many areas but pretty dumb in others.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
The democrats are definitely dumb and have become very radical.
I am curious to know how many of you maintain friendships with religious people (particularly those ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 30, 2019:
If I did not maintain friendships with religious people I would have very few friendships .I very rarely discuss this subject.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
That’s a good way to handle that situation.
Thank goodness for this site.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Welcome back! I’ve been married to a somewhat religious woman as well and we have agreed not to discuss my lack of religious beliefs so I can definitely relate to your problems with your family. Hell my 8 year old grandson asked me if I believed in god and when I replied that I didn’t believe in...
Trajan61 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@Specman I told him that since he’ll doesn't exist it’s kind of hard to go to hell. He’s worried though as the preacher told him I was going to hell. Maybe someday hopefully he’ll see the light.
Linda returned from Dick's Sporting Goods with her order of this required clothing treatment.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Where are you two going for this trip?
Trajan61 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
@bigpawbullets New Zealand is the most beautiful country I’ve ever been in besides the United States.
I may order some... who wants one?
Trajan61 comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I like the shirt and would wear it under a few circumstances but too many of my friends and family are religious and it would unfortunately cause a lot of turmoil so it would be best if I didn’t advertise my lack of religious beliefs.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
@Captain_Feelgood I understand.
Taking advantage of this poor child is pretty damn sick.
ldheinz comments on Sep 25, 2019:
It must be nice to whine for a living with a total disregard for the facts.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@Heathenman Gas seems to be the most practical alternative right now. I’ve yet to see a single electric semi truck or tractor anywhere. If the tree huggers are so concerned about carbon emissions why did we stop building nuclear power plants?
Taking advantage of this poor child is pretty damn sick.
ldheinz comments on Sep 25, 2019:
It must be nice to whine for a living with a total disregard for the facts.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@Heathenman If you don’t believe in oil and gas maybe you should be riding a mule. Where in the hell do you think we’re going to get all the power required for our current standard of living?
Taking advantage of this poor child is pretty damn sick.
ldheinz comments on Sep 25, 2019:
It must be nice to whine for a living with a total disregard for the facts.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 26, 2019:
@Heathenman You sure don’t sound like a conservative.
I joined Agnostic.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Women don’t seem to be as good at about figuring out that religion is bullshit unfortunately so there seem to be quite a few more male atheist.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes Evidently you have not ben to church lately.
I joined Agnostic.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Women don’t seem to be as good at about figuring out that religion is bullshit unfortunately so there seem to be quite a few more male atheist.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes Then how come there are a lot more women in church?
As an atheist if one of your grandchildren asked you if you believed in god how would you respond?
bigpawbullets comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Depends on the grand child's age when he/she asked me. I'd tell them the truth though.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 22, 2019:
@bigpawbullets Sure thanks! 🤪😜🤣
What's going on here?
Captain_Feelgood comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Trajan61 replies on Sep 22, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Your seems to be the one that fucked up. 🤪🤣😜
As an atheist if one of your grandchildren asked you if you believed in god how would you respond?
bigpawbullets comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Depends on the grand child's age when he/she asked me. I'd tell them the truth though.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 20, 2019:
I told him that I didn’t believe in something that didn’t exist and he’s worried that I’m going to hell as he replied “but papa you’ll go to hell”.
Is it possible to be a conservative and atheist at same time?
BD66 comments on Sep 19, 2019:
It's definitely possible to be fiscally conservative and an Atheist at the same time.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 19, 2019:
@NR92 Yes I definitely support gay rights but I don’t think the US military should pay for the operations that gives them their desired gender.
Is it possible to be a conservative and atheist at same time?
DUCHESSA comments on Sep 19, 2019:
To be moral doesn't mean you have to believe in a fantasy.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 19, 2019:
Very true!
There could be worse things than Hell: 🤔
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I'd reckon being married to tRump would beat any thing the Xrstian Hell would have to offer.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 18, 2019:
@StarvingArtist Money will get you one with brains as well.
There could be worse things than Hell: 🤔
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I'd reckon being married to tRump would beat any thing the Xrstian Hell would have to offer.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 18, 2019:
@Moravian That too but it will also get you a beautiful wife or mistress.
There could be worse things than Hell: 🤔
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I'd reckon being married to tRump would beat any thing the Xrstian Hell would have to offer.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 17, 2019:
You liberals have a very distorted view of life. Trump has money. And money will get you plenty of beautiful women.
I had trouble doing a screenshot.
bigpawbullets comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I don't think we've got much to worry about with this fellow.
Trajan61 replies on Sep 15, 2019:
Not for president but it’s a scary thought that he almost beat Ted Cruz for the US Senate.
hat there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 15, 2019:
This is one of my favorite Carlin bits
Trajan61 replies on Sep 15, 2019:
Mine to.
Why would you vote for Democrats?
yvilletom comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I won’t vote for a pro-religion party. The GOP’s present troubles started in the late 1950s when its extreme right attacked President Eisenhower, calling him “a conscious agent of the communist conspiracy”. He was simply more moderate than they. The GOP’s far, not extreme, right then ...
Trajan61 replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@yvilletom Seeing as your from California your not doing a very good job electing your elected officials or running the government with your “consented of the governed” as California is in terrible shape. Hell you don’t even have the right to carry a gun for personal protection unless the Sherrif says it ok as he has the final say on that in California. I have relatives in California who want to move to Idaho as the say Taxes are very high and it’s a regulatory nightmare out there.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
It will be bad for us if any of those clowns win the presidency!
Trajan61 replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@Seriousreason I wish he would do that. He’d fit right in with them.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
It will be bad for us if any of those clowns win the presidency!
Trajan61 replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@Seriousreason I hope your right but those looney democrats scare me.
Trajan61 comments on Sep 13, 2019:
It will be bad for us if any of those clowns win the presidency!
Trajan61 replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@IamNobody Those looney democraps seem to be drifting further to the left every year.
Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book
Arizonajerry comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Cutiebeauty, thank you very much for clarifying the purpose of these jokes. These cheesy jokes misled me to loosing hope in humanity and thinking that some people are disrespectful to our president....or worse. Thank you for steering me straight, it is jsut cheesy jokes. I feel much, much better. ...
Trajan61 replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@273kelvin We certainly didn’t accomplish anything good in Vietnam except kill a bunch of people and cause a lot of destruction. In Korea we at least saved South Korea.


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