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Hope I'm not duplicating a suggestion. I am offline this summer...doing a lot of gardening, but, just hearing about a new book that sounds interesting: The President is Missing, Bill Clinton and James Patterson on cyber security issues. Might be a good thriller. 🙂

crazycurlz 7 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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James Patterson is an industry of ghost writers. I only found that out recently.

yes. joint interview clinton and patterson.


The Orange One goes missing? I would be busy celebrating, not looking.....

hahaha not this time. it's one of the other egomaniacs...

@crazycurlz I hate getting my hopes up like that, then having them squashed!


Well...the cyber security part has me interested...

thought so...hey, this is really bill clinton living out his fantasy (he's the protagonist hero). BUT the piece that's true to life, educational, is supposed to be about cybersecurity. 😉

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