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Dad fell just before I got back from appointments. He caught himself, but he dislocated/sprained his left thumb. Just when I got him settled, their Dr called to inform us Mom's kidneys are failing, and other organs are not far behind . . . ? I'm a bit overwhelmed.

2askjoe 5 June 14

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Hugs. Lots of them.


I'm sorry you are going through this. You are very fortunate that you have them, and they have you. Love and hugs. ♥


Hi Joe, Sorry it's a tough time. I've been there. Feel free to reach out if you need an ear. Right now just breathe deep and be the best person you can be for them. Eat well. rest as well as you can and take care of you.


Castles in the sand we are...


I am so sorry, that is overwhelming! The best that you can do is your time and love for them. That will be enough. May peace be your friend.


Of course you're overwhelmed! I'm very sorry. SIGH...welcome to grown-up, innit? Please make sure their legal affairs are up-to-date and that you know where everything relating to them is located. I don't mean to sound cold but this is a critical thing. You don't want to be caught in a legal mess.


Aww. I'm sorry, 2askjoe. Sending healing karma to your folks and coping karma to you. 😟


I've had to handle catastrophes both great and small it seemed like ever day with no Time inbetween. Try to find a couple minutes to take a deep breath. You need to stay healthy too. Many hugs.


Wishing you the best in such trying times to all your family. You are a good son.


I am sorry that you are going through this and that they are as well, as the focus needs to be on them. Be strong - you can do it, and just find comfort in the fact that you were there for them.


Perhaps the time has come to sit down and discuss alternatives with them. An assisted living facility might better serve their needs at this stage in their lives.


My dad died in 1980, my mom in 99, my sis in 09 and my brother in 11. It's the circle of life. I think of them most every day. The pain is gone and I have many memories that they live on in. Grieve and move on my friend. None of us gets out alive.

I'm 70 so I guess I'm ELDERLY. Still think like a fun loving kid sometimes.

@Maggiemay who ever thought we would be or are elderly?


this is rough. let us know how things are going

btroje Level 9 June 15, 2018

Oh man, That Sucks Big Time!!
I'm so sorry you and your folks are going through all this crap.
I can relate, but that's no help, I know.
As others have mentioned, be sure to take care of yourself.
If I could send you strength, I would.
( hugs )

scurry Level 9 June 15, 2018

I have been there and done that. It is an overwhelming situation to be in. Hang in, take care of yourself. WIth both of my parents I put in about 10 years in the caregiver role. When I was doing it I often thought I'd never make it through. You will and you will have a lot of wonderful memories. But self care needs to be high on your priority list.


I wish there were magic words, but I don't have any.

In times like this I recall the Stoic maxim: It could be worse. Find a way.

Good luck.


I'm guessing thoughts & prayers are not needed........maybe some whiskey, or meditation, or a second opinion for your Mom? My experience with kidney function tests is that they are wildly weird......and unreliable.
Best wishes to you all!


Hugs. None of that is easy to live. You're there and that means a lot.


You are a wonderful son. Be sure that you take some time for yourself, eat and sleep correctly. You must be strong for them. You can do it, but it is terribly wrenching, I know.


Oh dear. This is bad. Life is a test.


Hugs , hon . That's a lot to handle .


Yeah..I went through that with my parents, who passed away in 2008. Usually once people pass eighty things start going wrong unless they have had lifetime healthy habits and good DNA.
For instance, my vegetarian Seventh Day Adventist friends are still going strong in their 90s!


You have a lot on your Plate 2askjoe. I am sure you are very overwhelmed. Please be sure you are paying attention to your own needs as well as your parents. What a great son you are to them. Any time you need to vent/talk just message me. I'm well aware of all you are going through after taking care of my husband for the last years of his life.

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