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Can someone clue me in how to get notifications on my android phone for this site? Also a screen icon?

Evogoddess 4 June 18

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I'm on Android and also not able to get app notifications. ??


Oh, for choices on what/when/how for notifications, go to your Preferences in the main menu.
I come here 2-3 times a day so turned off the notifications, just more email clutter.
Again, i run Android on a 10" Samsung as my only device.....just download the app.


I use Android on my $24.99 burner phone and my 10" tablet, both have the app....just download it!

As far as I can tell there's no support for <strong>notifications</strong> on Android yet.
Devil Level 3 June 20, 2018

A screen icon can be gotten by downloading the app. I don't know about notifications. I get email notifications, but haven't seen how to get notifications directly from the site/app.

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