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Ok, I have two questions! No hostile answers please!

  1. Define a Liberal?
  2. Define a Conservative?

Please be civil and give your honest opinion! ?

Theskeptic 7 June 23

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I think in life Liberal and Conservative thought cross paths, they have a point of intersection. They can run closely parallel, but if they separate too far from one another there can be damage (refer to history, ancient and recent).

It appears from my perspective todays liberal thinkers are concerned with their present situation, and will fight even if the truth looks them in their faces. Conservatives are trying to protect what they have and prepare for a future.

Count Level 5 June 24, 2018

A liberal is someone opposite a conservative. A conservative cares only about their wealth

Marine Level 8 June 24, 2018

Liberal beleave livead let live
Conservative I will tell you what is right and what is wrong.
Sex is evel
Atheist are evel on and as my very Christian family say freedom of religion not freedom from long as that religion is Christian of course.


It is an impossible question to answer. Money has corrupted the political process to where it doesn't matter what your beliefs are, it only matters what you have labeled yourself politically. The media has pushed both parties to the far corners to where there's only a tiny fraction of what principles the party stood for. I have watched this youtube clip of an immigration debate from the 1980 Republican primary between Reagan and Bush. This is why I became a Republican in the 80's. It is far from what the Republican/Conservatives today are at, and likewise for the Liberals/Democrats.


Here's an over simplistic answer. My parents who were children of the depression era, and fairly pragmatic in both the is politics and their beliefs defined the difference between Liberals and Conservatives in this manner:

Liberals are for the little guy, they believe the Government has an obligation to take care of the nation's citizens. That a rich coubtry like the US has the ability to make sure all their citzens are fed, clothed, and shelteted. Remember they were blue collar and worked hard all the days of theirblives.

Conservatives are primarily concerned about big business and do not necessarily care about the little guy. They are mostly concerned with what the government can do to protect their economic and business ventures. They feel that everybody has e ability to pull themselves up by their boot straps. They fail to recognize that a large portion of society do not even have boot straps, let slone boots. Meritocracy does not work throughout the entire population.

t1nick Level 8 June 23, 2018

Both those terms mean different things in different countries and in different contexts.


I read once that conservatives wanted preservation and for things to stay the same whereas liberals wanted change and for things to progress and it seemed a pretty unbiassed definition to me.

I would be more political and say Right is for the bosses and Left is for the workers.

  1. Liberalism & liberal culture (the short, USA version, which is really Democratic Socialism):

-Equality (lol, how does it feel to be equal to a prisoner with a criminal record longer than the Middle Earth series?)
-Equal outcomes
-Social safety net for all
-Tax the rich more
-Heavily restricted freedom of speech and expression
-Minimal amount of social policy
-Pretty hostile towards white people. They seem to eat up every class reductionist narrative, fact snippet, and meme about how white people are the scourge of the Earth)
-Literally that kid from high school in theater club who smoked weed, owned a bunch of apple products, did shrooms, was always reading that book about Ghandi, who was basically non-existent to the women, and was overly emotional.
-Literally a hippie
-That guy who studied Graphic Design at College, but never worked after
-That jewish kid with the mental disorder in high school who always bad-mouthed Israel
-Much more

Pure Liberalism (Actual liberalism):

-Shares the same web as anarchism, minarchism and libertarianism
-Freedom for the individual
-Free association
-You can be capitalist if you want
-Less radical than Anarchism
-Positive & negative liberty
-Kind of hedonistic

  1. Conservatism & conservative culture: (USA version)

-The military
-A bunch of old white guys who used to be in the military, or owned plumbing businesses
-Faith, work, authoritarianism, war (aka a less strong version of Fascism)
-Everyone is a distinct individual, but everyone must conform socially (lol, what a bunch of retards)
-Not as smart as Libertarians, but they both sit in the short bus
-Trades, economics, business, policework, and such are more important than the purely theoretical disciplines
-Literally that kid in middle school who always wore church clothing, hair gel, and was trying to get married at age 12, but wasn't getting any p%ssy by age 16 because he was kind of a slick-jawed, baby-faced, powder-penis sissy, until he discovered he could control his own testicular activity and finally get some p%ssy after college, but by then, he was already married to some average quality b%tch who gives head like she has cerebral palsy, and listens to church sermons over the radio.
-Literally the whole Southern US
-Small government
-Pro-corporations, small businesses, etc.
-Pro community
-Against anything that causes businesses to need to find a new way to adjust to new solutions (aka pro-infrastructural cancer)
-Literally all business majors
-Classicalism (classical art, and such)
-Anti-Baroqueist, anti-abstract art
-Cultural absolutism
-Propertarian authoritarianism (aka "yes you have the right to free speech, but since I own this space, I was able to subvert that right)
-Totally awful on civil and human rights

Pure conservatism:


@Theskeptic Yeah I tried to cover all of it. Wasn't gonna happen, and I found an opportunity to make jokes.

What is a powder penis? I have never heard this term.

Cracking me up.

(I am a graphic designer liberal with a job)


As in a penis so shrivelly from deficiency, that it might as well be powder.

Also, thank you.

Also, no offense intended, I just like to crack jokes.


If you refuse to listen to facts, reason & logic, have a dearth of compassion & wish for everything to be like "the good old days" are a conservative
If you believe in evolving your opinion, are tolerant of diversity, respect facts, engage in compassion & empathy, are a liberal


If you believe in more government (socialism) , gun control, and infringement on the constitution then you are a liberal. If you believe in less government (capitalism) , 2nd amendments rights and the constitution you are a conservative.

Liberal here who supports the 2nd Amendment. Especially because of Trump.
Capitalism has nothing to do with conservatism. It is an economic principle. Stalin was not a liberal & he was a Communist.
Liberals wrote the Constitution. Conservatives fought for King George.
Conservatives fear change, anything different, & dislike anything new, other than a new gun or a new truck.
If you believe a woman belongs in the house you are a conservative.
If you believe a woman belongs in the House, the Senate, the Executive Mansion, The Supreme Court, you are a liberal.
If you believe this is Amerika speak English you are a conservative.
If you believe this is America you speak any language you like you are a liberal.
If you are a patriot you are a liberal.
If you are an exuberant flag waver, you are a conservative.

A Liberal is someoe who keeps the welfare of the middle class first and foremost in their politics. Universal healthcare and a $15 minimum wage.
A conservative is someone who wants less taxes for the wealthy and decreased benefits for the middle and lower class, ie. Ending social security, privatize Medicare, mortgage tax deduction ended, no living wage, etc.


Control freak much?


Personally conservative is time to be careful and conserve. Liberal is to be open an expand like the Universe.

Being more of a green capitalist anarchist. I see the writing on the wall, where most its invisible. The State, Corperatcracy and bankers and puppeter run bothparties. They hold them in their back pockets. Than continuious turn everything into more a snytheic , unhealthier world.

Sorry civil over obedience got us into this mess, got no blindfaith in our debtor system.


Liberals favor equality of results over personal freedom. Conservatives favor personal freedom over equality of results.


Both are more than likely nuts


Economically they tend to want a hands on government. They often believe that businesses need to be regulated in order to protect people.
Socially they tend to support broader freedoms and expanding equal rights to minority groups
Overall they tend to male policy decisions based on how it will impact people. This is why a common insult leveled at liberals is a “bleeding heart.”

Economically they want a hands off government. They believe regulations unnecessarily stifle business growth. They argue that you don’t need laws to protect people, because the free market will put the necessary pressure for them to do it on their own.
Socially they dislike change. They usually support older belief systems, namely conservative christianity, and oppose any deviation from it.
Overall their policy decisions are based primarily on how it will affect businesses and the economy.

Katrik Level 7 June 23, 2018

Just so.

I spent my whole working career in Big Pharma....I can say for certain they need to be regulated.


The dictionary is my favorite book I use it.
Liberal.....tolerant of differences
Conservative......unchanging in opinion

So Jesus was a liberal in that he worked for change in Roman domination of Israel/Judea
The founding fathers were liberal in that they sought to achieve change in King Geo domination of the colonies. Taxing folks without input from representation in the government.
Jefferson Davis was a conservative because he believed that there should be no change in the ability of southern states to own & abuse African people. Herbert Hoover was a conservative because he believed that the business class would eventually overcome the Great Depression & the government should do nothing to help 25% of the population being unemployed & unable to feed themselves or their children.

Tolerant liberal? Lol.


Liberals are inclusive.
Conservatives are exclusive.


There is no black and white answer to this. They both contain shades of gray.

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