One side says we need less government. The other says we need more government. Is there any movement I can join to fix the government we have? Limit legislation to manageable size and length. Eliminate inclusion of items that are outside the scope of the legislation. Term limits. Transparency in donations. Evidenced based policy. Why aren't we talking about these things?
How do you propose to change things when both parties have a stranglehold on the system with all the corporate money imaginable? They also control which candidates make it to the limelight, and even when they don't they run multi-million dollar smear campaigns against viable candidates that actually give a shit. They take good ideas from people who advocate for such in their campaigns and make people think it's not doable or not practical. They use fear and/or whatever else they can to ridicule those candidates. I didn't even mention that most of the voting public BELIEVE in one side or the other and BELIEVE that they do nothing wrong. There have been forces trying to correct this for decades if not centuries. Sorry to be the party pooper, but I don't see it changing until after the world goes to shit having to do with lack of natural resources and nation building. It will be too late by then. Shit, it's already almost too late. Even then, all governments will either cease to exist and the people will die off by a huge proportion if they aren't prepared to live off of a local community, or all governments will be authoritarian and oppress the shit out of the people to keep whatever natural resources are left for themselves.
We need less toxic government and more democracy.
You've been sold a bill of goods if you except either myth.
Republicans don't want to limit government - only the government they don't find useful themselves.
Democrats are really the modern version of "conservatives" though they are not called that since they currently are defending the existing infrastructure that supports real people that the Republicans are busy dismantling.
Both parties serve corporate interests. The Republicans have become radical state plutocracy advocates. Democrats are not really the advocates for the common people though they would like for you to think that they are. They are a part willing to compromise with the people but they certainly represent big moneyed interests and powerful elite interests.
There is no alternative in The United States of America today. In my opinion it is unlikely that there will be in the foreseeable future but that could change if we decide to make it change (and we should!)
Though I'm a liberal/progressive and vote as a democrat, I'd agree with this. I wish more democrats had stronger backbones and more guts to do the right thing. Too many seem lazy and just go with the status quo to protect their own wallets.