I thought you might have made them some marijuana brownies!
Hey - is that Pence or Ryan?
@Cindie You're probably right, Pence would be more pale.
@shockwaverider Yeah Pence is more of a white chocolate than a gingerbread.
@ArthurPhillips I just realized that it must be Carson...
@shockwaverider Carson? I speaketh not of your understandings. What I mean is, I don't know who Carson is. Johnny? Daly?
@ArthurPhillips Ben, Trump's HUD secretary.
@shockwaverider Oh, I forgot about him. His administration is so white.
Pence is the catcher, he would be the one with the ball-gag
These need to be made with THC in them. Serious.
It's Mr Bill...Bwahahahahaha....now all you need is Mr Sluggo...Bwahahahaha...I would pay good money to see someone do this ... ?
Had to study photo for a while, because I did not see what was objectional. Hee, Hee.