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I am thinking about daily
micro-dosing with psychedelic mushrooms
to get rid of some depression that
been following me aroumd
for a while.
Has anyone else tried this?

rossit0725 4 July 13

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Discuss with your doctor any drugs you are thinking of taking! St John's Wort, if combined with other drugs can be fatal, as an example. People have died!


It should be mandatory! We are "miracles" (quotes so as not to offend with the religious overtones) of consciousness, yet we ossify from infancy or later – (or earlier, if one is particularly unlucky) on!
Read up on it – also look into Ayahuasca, but I think that is not able to be rendered into a mild dose – I may be wrong though.
I'm interested in this for myself as well.
Good luck! 🙂


Not encouraging you in this but psilocybin is one of the safest drug according to many research.
i would consider it. Also Micheal Pollan just came out with a book on psychedelics.

Lukian Level 8 July 17, 2018

set and setting are the key thing to remember for any psychedelic journey i used shrooms very effectively (not micro dosing) as an aide to dealing with depression and on occasion to have very animated chats with camp fires however i also had some truly terrifying experiences such is life

weeman Level 7 July 16, 2018

You don't typically take enough to get high when microdosing. But you're absolutely right about setting, though.


5-HTP is a supplement that supports production of serotonin. I’ve been using it for a couple weeks and it has helped me feel more normal. Maybe it could help you too. However, it has some side effects, including intense dreams (which I actually like) and supposedly causes drowsiness. I have the opposite problem and it keeps me awake, so I’m experimenting with taking it earlier in the evening to mitigate. Good luck in your search.


“Here We Are” is a podcast that deals with psychedelics fairly frequently. The episode linked here is about a retreat center in Jamaica where you can go and have a psilocybin experience with experienced guides. Lots of interest in these little mushrooms right now. []


I don't know about micro-doses, but once upon a time, the average dose made the world and everything in it positively gorgeous. A side effect was that I wanted to dance and create art.


Sounds dangerous. May have the opposite effect.

It's very important to enter and manage psychedelic states with the proper mindset and planning or yes, the experience can very easily go from super fun to mostly okay to horrifying with a splash of lasting mild emotional trauma in a matter of seconds. It helps to have experienced people and positive surroundings the first few times to help keep your mind relatively close to center and remind you that you're under the effect of a hallucinogenic substance.

And if you think you can fly: always try it from the ground first.

actually many studies have demonstrated that psilocybin is considered one of the safest drug as well as non-addictive.


Read somewhere, that taking a vitamin B complex helps with depression, sure worked for me, after my ex left with a friend, but then if each would do that, I'm glad they showed their true colors. Get a B supplement with all the B vitamins in it.
But then enjoying Silly mushrooms or ganja, and sitting, watching tbe world go by, is priceless.


I've found that an occasional round of hallucinogens every couple of years serves as a nice mini-vacation and if done properly can be a very a refreshing reset.


Saint John's Wort works for some. At the health store over the counter.
I never had a bad experience with psyllicibum. Micro dosing is a new science. Micro anything is a good way to start. Psycidelics are now being researched for their properties in treating PTSD. New science is being permitted by the feds for some reason. Probably the veterans of foreign wars coming home with mad issues.


Sam Harris has talked about this a bit -- and I believe somebody has a new book regarding it. I haven't ever tried psychedelics, but it sounds intriguing under really good circumstances. Many people have a "guide."

Here's the book I was thinking of: []


Shrooms, man, that takes me back. A whole shit load of laughing.


Could you let us know how it went? I have a friend who's thinking of trying this


Boy, I don't know. I would think there must be a better way. If you do this, please let me know how it works out.


I'm sorry you've been feeling depressed. I haven't tried microdosing of any kind. I'm not aware of any apothecaries in N. Texas that provide shrooms. If I had access, I would probably go to a comfortable place and eat a couple of grams.

Hermit Level 7 July 13, 2018

I had a pretty bad bout of Maj Depression back in 2008. A psychologist put me on Zoloft. That worked for me, but I eventually weened myself off of it. There’s a natural supplement called L-theanine. Try that. .

@the icehouse This article really resonated with me, thanks for sharing your insights!

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