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God is love. Exodus CH 7 First Plague Water turned into blood 2 Plague the frogs 3 Plague the gnats 4 Plague the flies 5 Plague the pestilence 6 Plague the boils 7 Plague the hail 8 plague the locusts 9 Plague the darkness and finally [My Favorite] 10 Plague The Death of the Firstborn. Your all going to hell if you don't start worshipping this wonderful god.

5082gregory 7 July 15

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All gods were invented by primitive, ignorant, superstitious people. Prove otherwise, with facts not myth. The whole idea of a soul comes from not knowing what lungs were. Oh my it must be your soul going up and down in your chest.


God is all too often one of those parents who disciplines their children with the buckle end of a belt.


Lymes Disease, Obesity, Drug Addiction, e coil, Aids, Alzheimer's, Fracking, Fox News, Republican Politicians, Flint Michigan, Puerto Rico and the NRA. I'm not being snide but as an Agnostic I would like to give you a more recent list that could bring more to your post. I know all the Biblical spook stories of ago. I have 15 more but will leave it for you to let me know if I have responded in a correct manner.




11 plague diarrhea! LOL!!!


Feel the wrathful love! ?

There is no hate like christian love.


You do realize that the bible is not a history book. Learn some history of your mythical book and the times. You'll find what a joke it is. For starters, during the time period, jesus would have been left on the cross to have his bones picked clean by the birds not respectfully placed in a tomb.


Not to even mention killing every living creature on the planet, except Noah and family and perhaps some aquatic life, just because it was pissed at it's own mistakes and blunders in it's creation.


Maybe stop wasting your life reading the Babble quite so much? Just a thought.......

@5082gregory man oh man you Definitely need a new hobby!!!!!!!


I always found it strange how god could be loving towards the people of Israel and so unpleasant to many others. It’s a dualistic, split minded attitude which displays vengefulness, violence and perhaps even psychopathy.

Denker Level 7 July 16, 2018

Sounds reasonable. I mean...if God was all knowing He would have foreseen the circumstances which would incur the plagues. But instead of averting the events merely proceeded to smite His creation. Any follower of such a God must have Stockholm Syndrome. #firstgodproblems


Um, you do realize that there is absolutely no archeological evidence for the exodus, right? It's nothing but a story, my friend. And a pretty piss poor one at that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, maybe a brain surgeon, to realize that all these plagues lean on each other. The red colored water is from a buildup of a certain kind of algea. This makes the water uninhabitable, thus the frogs leave the water. The gnats and flies over populate because of the reduction in frogs and the all the dead fish washing ashore from the Nile. With the buildup of so many dead fish, desease would be bound to break out because of the algea. These people did not have the benefit of modern science. While cleaning up all the dead fish, they were bound to come into contact with the toxic algea, thus leading to boils. As for hail, severe thunderstorms can develop in the desert and produce hail. Remember, these people did not understand how this world works like we do today. Moving on to the locus. These things happen on their own. They can range from anniying to severe. Thus just may have been a severe case of infestation. It certainly wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. It still happens to this day. The darkness was most likely a total solar eclipse. As we saw last year with the total solar eclipse in the United States, it got really dark for taking place in early to mid day. And, for your favorite one, the death of the first born can be attributed to a certain mold that grew on the grain reserves that was very toxic. Since the Egyptian custom was to feed the first born first, they would have ingested the toxic mold first and succumb to the toxicity first.

You see, this is nothing but a story to uplift the spirit of the Jews that were in exile in Babylon. These events never actually took place. But let me ask you something. The time when this story is supposed to have taken place, Egypt controlled the Levant. Where were these hundreds and hundreds of Jews supposed to go once they left Egypt, yet never left the sphere of Egyptian influence? Doesn't make sense now, does it?

So, before you go and troll here again, I would advise that you study your history. I would also strongly advise that you throw the Bible away as a history book/source because it isn't one. In fact, it makes a very horrible history book and is not a very reliable source.

If you wish to live in your delusional world, by all means, do so. However, do not force your delusion on other people.

Good day.

@5082gregory I do apologize, however, emotion is very difficult to interpret through text. I do apologize if I offended you in any way.

You spent waaay more time on them than they deserved. At least I appreciate the effort. 🙂

@ronnie40356 I know, but any opportunity to sharpen my debate skills is worth taking advantage of.

Very succinctly put. Thanks for saying what I didn't have the biological knowledge to say.

@Geoffrey51 Thank you.

@Captain747ex that was really blatant sarcasm . how on earth did you miss that?

@5082gregory, @Blindbird Sarcasm is very difficult to interpret through text. It's easy to read something, but very difficult to know the emotion behind the words through words alone.


Yes, but he has a plan.


Oh, fuck him. If he was real I'd kick him in the nuts and say "Thanks for my screwed up life, you bastard".

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