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What will it take to wake those trump supporters up? I mean, if being nasty toward people of color, or special needs, or women in general... or maybe the whole tax scam or the eternal turnover of staff, or the eternal investigations related to finances, Russia or blatant lying... and now today the sucking up to Putin and not addressing the issues related to all the wrong doing of the new Russian Empire.
What will it take to turn those who support him? Betraying the country, murder, the complete destruction of democracy?
Or will it ever happen?

Akfishlady 8 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't think it will ever happen. My personal experience (this is childhood and lately familial) tells me that there are people in this crazy world that are truly arrogant. Arrogance is the rejection of ideas that are counter to our present thinking, values, etc. Hitler was able to do what he did because the philosophy he proposed appealed to a large portion of the German population. He wanted to raise Germany out of the doldrums suffered because of their part in the first world war (make Germany great again! sound familiar?) Mr. Orange Hair's supporter will forever forgive him as they see that previous Presidents have not been perfect or not to their liking and their prejudices are buttressed by Number 45's behavior. (I do my best to objectify the moron by not mentioning his name.) As far as the complete destruction of our democracy, we do not have a democracy. Thanks to our wonderful millionaire's club we refer to as Congress, plus the purchased group of judiciaries, ie Supreme Court, we are presently experiencing a true plutocracy!


The only thing that will change some Trumpsters is if they get hit hard personally. Unfortunately it will take some kind of catastrophe which will affect the rest of us also.


Will & Ariel Durant ~ The Lessons of History P70

Hence most governments have been oligarchies - ruled by a minority, chosen either by birth, as in aristocracies, or by religious organizations , as in theocracies, or by wealth, as in democracies. It is unnatural (as even Rousseau saw) for a majority to rule, for a majority can seldom be organized for united and specific action, and a minority can.


speec hless

btroje Level 9 July 16, 2018

Some people will never get it. I made a casual comment about today's news to my Trumpie neighbor this evening and she did not know what I was talking about.


I can't answer that. I am still flabbergasted he was elected.

Overheard at breakfast from an obvious Trump supporter, "He may not be the smartest man in the world, but he's TRYING to make things better."

Me chewing tongue, shaking head, trying not to be obvious.

Still flabbergasted, but MAYBE progress of a sort is being made.

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