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Who thinks Pence is worse than Trump?

Desertdweller 5 July 17

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Wow that's a tough call. I think I hate them both equally. Like having to choose between my two morally corrupt awful children. I feel sorry for their moms...wearing a condom or abortion might have been a better choice in the case of these two. .


I don’t think Pence has the personality to feed the maniacal followers. And could probably be convinced to make laws only applicable the registered Christians.


I can only hope Pence is cellmates with Trump.

dokala Level 7 July 17, 2018

Pence is considerably worse. With a little ass kissing, Trump would turn into a liberal Democrat. Pence will always be a low intelligence religious freak.


Trump is a 10 yr old narcissist.

Pence is a psychopath. Much more dangerous.

JacarC Level 8 July 17, 2018

I'm not a fan of anyone in the line of succession.


We better not ever have to find out!


I'm not a fan of anyone in the line of succession.


Pence is worse in my opinion. Nobody really knows what Trump really believes about anything, but Pence is a right wing religious zealot, and makes no bones about it. He would have Giilead type laws introduced in a heartbeat!

Pence would be more "presidential" in looks and the way he presented himself but his agenda scares the s%#t out of me


It's a little like when Bush picked Quail, not so much as a running mate, but as an insurance policy against assassination.


I do...Pence is a religious fanatic.


They're both evil...same agenda, except Pence can spell.

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