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Remember the good old days?

We miss you President Obama!

Jc007 6 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Biden " You have no soul"
Putin " You understand me".


Trump makes SO much sense (not). Obama as Putin patsy. That's why Putin openly showed his dislike for Obama? Obviously the claim is idiotic.


I think Obama was a great President.

Me too! Sometimes when I see videos of him it makes me cry. He was fucking awesome.


Trump just called Obama "Putin's patsy." Projection, anyone?

Glad you dropped in. I was just wondering about you earlier today.


Yeah I miss the days when the biggest "scandal" was about Michelle's sleeveless dress. Sigh...

@Jc007 Far more classy than melania. By far. Yet, trump said Hillary isn't qualified because "she doesn't have a presidential look".

@Jc007 Yeah. He's as qualified to be president as I am to do brain surgery! Anyone can message me for free quotes! I think that other than being 35 years old and born in the US, you need to have had to hold SOME sort of poitical office. Like govenor or senator. Just my logic.

@Jc007 Yes but she wasn't full of silicone. How sad for the silicone & plastic surgery industry

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