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So...two weeks in and I seemed to have been blocked by two people already....was it something I said?

antman 7 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Fuck 'em! 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 25, 2018

Be proud! Or, stop watching Fox and grow a brain!


How do you know you have been blocked? Does someone notify you?

No. I just noticed their comment had disappeared from a post and tried to search their username. It says they are no longer active....but a friend searched too and they showed as active for them.


@antman By that description I have been clocked several times. I just always thought tht someone made an abusive response and Admin removed it.

Either way, blocking me, or anyone for that matter, is their loss. I have yet to block anyone, because I think it is good to be exposed to opposing points of view, even if i don't agree with them.

@snytiger6 exactly...I guess there’s not some closed minded people on the no believer side too!

@snytiger6 could be they have left the app too. Would have to get someone to search their name and see if they show up for them.

@antman Most of the issues of disappointing posts I experienced have to do with Trump. people who support him don't want to her what I say about him.

As Mark Twain said, "It is much esier to fool a man than to convince man that he has been fooled".

@snytiger6 yes mine were trump related....

@antman So,it seems that Trump supporters are blacking people based on political content.

I'm not really all that upset about it. It makes this site all that much much more pleasant than Facebook.

@snytiger6 one of my posts was mentioning all the hate I see for trump on here....I hope we can still be friends.....

@antman It isn't that I hate Trump I simply don't like him or what he stands for (assuming he ever consistently stands for anything). Dislike and hate are not quite the sme thing. I do hate a lot of his policies, as I think they are bad for the country over the long term, or simply disregard long established standards and practices, which destabilizes a great deal of what various departments and branches of government does and damages the over all reputation the U.S. has had. Once damaged, it is hard to regain a good reputation and good standing in the world.


It's not what you said, it was the tone of your voice!


They just be jealous that you got a date with one of those female people we hear so much about. I hope it's going well.

It is going well. Trying to schedule a 2nd date. Kinda hard though when you both have kids.

@antman you're still head and shoulders above most everyone here. ?


Perhaps it was how you said it?


Amateur just took me a few days lol

Simon1 Level 7 July 25, 2018
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