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Whats defines what is right and what is wrong, in the past it was religions, traditions, culture. Now it's few people and the social media. Does this mean we will still need religions to determine our life in the future and continue our slavery to great imaginations or fellow a new trend every couple of years and go with the flow

moz 3 July 25

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I subscribe to the Michael Shermer interpretation that mores are survivable traits passed down through culture. Religion is incidental. These mores will either survive or die off due to reinforcement from the group, be it positive or negative reinforcement. Religion may assert influence, but its success is still determined by the group at large.


Humanity has never needed religion to define right and wrong. Especially given that religion is one of the most fucked up, and usually "wrong about everything" belief systems man has ever created.


Reciprocity and empathy will do it.

gearl Level 8 July 26, 2018

Religion has little to do with it, or no priests would be pedophiles, methinks.
Hurting others is wrong.
Stealing is wrong.
Lying, cheating, for gain is wrong.
I need no Gawd to tell me that!


In simple utilitarian terms the test is does it maximize happiness or alternatively (negatively) does it minimize suffering. Every choice requires its own calculation.


If you can't tell the difference from right from wrong, you don't lack religion, you lack empathy.

So culture and environment will define them


I like the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a good description of what ought to be right or wrong.

cava Level 7 July 25, 2018

Facinating video!


Non-religious people still know that doing things that don't harm the environment and others is good. No need to imagine an invisible being to slavishly obey.

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Religions, tradition and culture have always defined what is right and what is wrong based on the collective interests of the people in power. That doesn't make those determinations correct. I'm not sure about your assertion that "few people and the social media" define that now. And to say something like "slavery to great imaginations", what the fuck does that even mean? I dunno, you don't kill people, you don't fuck people over, and everyone deserves a chance and support without judgment. I don't feel like a slave for thinking that. You do, maybe? I'd think this one through more if i were you.

zeuser Level 9 July 25, 2018

By slaves to great imaginations I meant religions.


Doing 'what's right' is pretty basic. We make those choices everyday, most times without thinking. Treating people with respect and kindness. Don't take things that don't belong to you. I believe that the reason religion was created was to control people. I suppose there will always be part of society that will not "do what is right" You can always find a way to justify your behavior if you so choose.


You do. Each of us does for ourselves. And whilst yes that makes it entirely subjective, building a consensus helps us function better as a social species.


Religion completely distorts the concept of right and wrong. Humans are very capable of making the determination of what is right and wrong based on logic, reason, empathy, compassion, tolerance, etc.

The problem is not all human can tell what's right and whats wrong, and whats right now used to be wrong 50 years ago.

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