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If ghosts are real, how come we never see any dinosaur ghosts? You would think that's something we should be concerned about.

Duke 8 Aug 18

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Christians would try to tell you it’s because they don’t have souls but us logicians know the real reason is because their tiny reptilian pea brains hadn’t developed forethought yet so they had no unfinished business when they died horrifically. And the same goes for the dinosaurs. #Scienced

Like the Buddhists say, living in the present really has its advantages.


Wouldn't it be awesome to see a dinosaur ghost??? What a fantastic visual concept.


What if tornadoes and dust devils are dinosaur ghosts?

If you ever get a chance to visit the Museum of Natural History in New York City, and visit the awesome dinosaur exhibit, you will swear you're seeing dinosaur ghosts!


What about insect ghosts? Shouldn't there be trillions and trillions of them swarming everywhere?


For some reason an image of a translucent, glimmering Velociraptor ghost dressed in a Victorian gown sipping tea with its pinky sticking out formed in my brain.

I fully own my weird.

@OlderMusicGeek I am really not sure if I am comforted or disturbed that someone shares this bizarre thought.

But the images are delightful.


Maybe because dinosaurs didn't "Believe". lol

Betty Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

I don’t think ghosts are dead people, I think of them as an alternate realty seeping through. There might be a reality where dinosaurs are alive at the same time as humans, but it is probably too far removed to see a residual in this reality.


That's the funny and fukt up thing about the belief system concept............ As long as YOU BELIEVE that YOU SAW IT, and YOU BELIEVE that IT EXISTS......... That's all that matters, right?!?! ??

Perception is reality

@Duke Very true....... Albeit an incredibly sad truth.


"Dinosaur Ghost" would be a great name for a band... Or maybe a rapper 😛


Everybody knows dinosaurs have no souls thusly no ghosts.


Pssh! What do you think causes earthquakes?!


That's scary. A double whammy.

godef Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

Maybe they all ascended immediately into paradise? WAIT! I KNOW! Maybe they're too big to fit into people's houses and you can only see them outdoors?


What would the Jesus Dino be nailed to?

And what would be used as nails since all the metal was millions of years away?

Did the surviving dinosaurs just wear tiny meteor necklaces?

@OlderMusicGeek Every Dino must get stoned.


Bwa ha ha ha


Good point and it sounds like a good idea for a movie.


Lack of self awareness or higher thinking powers?


You obviously have forgotten the T-Rex in "NIght at the Museum!" But as an aside, I'm wondering if there are dinosaurs in heaven. Imagine heavenly hosts of angels engaged in a fierce battle with the forces of darkness while mounted on the backs of Christian Velociraptors (obviously the Muslim dinosaurs can't get into heaven!)!


Maybe they are too big to notice?


What if live dinosaurs were all the size of rats or smaller but after death the bones start to grow. After all this time they have developed into the huge structures now displayed in museums. The ghosts however remained real life size and so too small to notice?


maybe only dinosaurs only see dinosaur ghosts. Do people that claim to see ghosts see dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, goldfish or any other type of ghost?

The toilet in my parents old house should be full of goldfish ghosts.

Goldfish didn't die in the toilet so why should the ghost be there?

When my father was a child, he was put in a Catholic boarding school. They were walking down a road, and a six foot chicken walked across the road (please spare me the jokes 🙂 ) The nun turned the kids around and immediately walked back and told them never to speak of it. My father found out later that the house was haunted by a six foot chicken.

@kiramea sounds like the nun had none for too long....seeing imaginary 6 foot cocks.

@kiramea was that in Australia or South Africa? They are seen all the time. Here in Australia we have 2 varieties in SA they have only one.

@FrayedBear Actually it was in San Antonio, Texas.

@Dougl35534 Read it again. I said chicken, not rooster. Last I saw there is a difference. Imaginary or not, they all still saw it and I seriously doubt my father was on any drugs at that young age.

@kiramea Did they have feral Ostriches or Emus there?

@kiramea, @Dougl35534 And emu meat does not taste like chicken - more turkeyish with a hint of crocodile.?

@FrayedBear I've seen an emu (one was lost and came into my yard when I lived in Conroe, Texas).

As for the ghost chicken my dad saw; That was in the 1940's so I seriously doubt it.

@kiramea So our natives and half of the official coat of arms have gone feral in Texas! I'm surprised as they are good eating.


Lol. dinisaur ghost arent real. even they are on extinction..... argghhhhh


There are ghost ships, figures riding ghost horses, ghosts have clothing.
I think you are on to something here.
Did their ghostings get 'used up' over time?


It's a good job ghosts don't exist. If everything that had ever died had a ghost you wouldn't be able to see a hand in front of your face for all the half see-through images floating about lol

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