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How rigid are you? Can you change your mind when presented with verified facts? It seems believers have a different and difficult time with fact based change.

KateZilla 7 Aug 20

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Present me with credible, verifiable proof, and I'll reconsider whatever position I
may hold.


It is a fallacy that belief and truth are somehow related. They are not. Also, belief does not require evidence.


I was thinking along these lines recently, after joining this site. On fb for instance ALL my religious and political friends just want to argue their side. No discussion no enlightenment, I'm right you're wrong. I love listening to different points of views and different ideas. I have adjusted my thinking at times or agreed to disagree and move on. I respect opinions. You don't have to agree with me. I don't have to agree with you but let's have a thought provoking discussion. I will say however, that non-believers can be just as rigid. My ego isn't big enough for me to be absolutely rigid on some ideas. I'm pretty accepting of the fact that I can learn something from just about anybody. I look for that door of compromise or window of opportunity to plant a seed or two. I think I've found many like me on this sight.

You have, indeed. Peace.


Believers do not accept facts because "they know". We don't know but we do not believe until we have some facts. Not just some brain chemicals that provide visions. I changed my opinion on gay folks 40 years ago & capitol punishment 30 years ago. Changed my opinion of cilantro & consuming carrion. I am working on changing my opinion of men. A few on this site have contributed to that endeavor.


Evidence, facts and data mean nothing to indoctrinated, brainwashed and delusional individuals.


Yes, I can change my mind when presented with convincing evidence. Yes, I can admit when I have been wrong. And I can definitely apologize for being an ass when shown how wrong I was.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 21, 2018

The meaning of life is to evolve. For humans that means acquiring knowledge. Knowledge often means change. I embrace this fact.


I try to be fact based as much as possible, but certain things tend to affect that. Lack of sleep, food, and time make me more emotional. If I haven't eaten, slept, or had time to process something there's a good chance I'll respond more emotionally. Many people start their beliefs from a place of emotion, the intelligent back their beliefs with facts. Sometimes that takes time to research and gather facts. I can't imagine a life without people that felt the same. That's why I'm here.


I'm open to new information but change without evidence will not happen for me. But if I am having a discussion and I hold an opinion and someone presents me with facts then I'm quick to admit I'm wrong.


I'm extremely reasonable and flexible in my thinking while also being evidence based.


I don't have a problem with change..I embrace it..


I like to think I'm always open to new facts. But realistically, it may take me quite a while to accept the new facts presented to me if they seem to contradict the existing facts I've already accepted. I think my strength is a fascination with my own cognitive dissonances that causes me to turn them this way and that, examining the structure, rather than running from them in fear.

Yes. I really like all the answers but this one resonated, I know cognitively first, still may take a little time to let go of a past belief.


I accept that I am probably wrong all the time on the basis that that usually makes me right most of the time. 🙂


I've done it before and I expect I'll do it again. Facts are facts. I may have an opinion based on my understanding, but if presented with verifiable facts that dispute that, I'll admit I'm wrong or change my view. Doesn't mean that I'll change the way I approach life or how I view my world politically, though.


I will follow the demonstrable, testable, verifiable, falsifiable facts.


The one thing constant is change....


Never was a truer fact! Sticking to your guns is fine, but only as long as you have them pointing at the right target!


I’m probably too pliable to be honest. Myers Briggs ENTP. Everything is shades or grey.


I don't bother with 10k earthers or climate deniers. I have had some discussion with people who believe the climate is changing and don't want to spend the money or time to fix it. I'll give any one 5 to 1 odds that once Trump leaves the White House, if alive, he changes his tune on climate change and wants the government to pay for breaker walls to protect his precious Mar a Lago.


how it usually is for believers and why getting them to change their minds or even entertain an idea different from their beliefs


I have always found that an interesting common quirk about agnostics/atheists.

The answer to: What would it take to change your mind?

Agnostics/Atheists are keen to list a few things that would indeed change their minds (however improbable we know them to be)

Theists will often answer: nothing will ever change my mind.


They don't believe because of the facts. Why would they disbelieve because of the facts?


My father called me obstreperous as I liked to argue (that's discuss, Dad) various points. I am always on the look out for evidence and facts by which to tailor my thoughts and conclusions.

Going further, I use a form of this point when discussing with believers my atheism (usually when called closed-minded for not being open to their faith). I know the types of facts that what will make me change my mind about my belief in god. As an example - I see artificial limbs left at Lourdes instead of canes as limbs have spontaneously regenerated. What fact will make you change your mind about your belief? (And when they say nothing, I remind them that they called me closed minded.....)


Yup. Mostly, it's from a fear of hell. Also, most aren't too bright.

Link: Survey: Racists And Conservatives Have A Low IQ. Surprise, Surprise! []


I will change my mind based on facts, in the case of religion however I have zero belief that facts exist. If you make up some dumb shit I’m not going to say, I’ll believe it when I see it, I’m going to say, I don’t believe it. So I will change what I think about things that are “real”, like climate change or the effectiveness of a multivitamin... God has zero basis in reality so there is no starting point on which to change ones mind, you may as well try and convince me bugs bunny is a real live cross dressing bunny from Brooklyn that ocasiomally tunnels his way to Albuquerque.

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