18 10

I love a really good kiss but seriously, who were the first people to try this?

"Hey I like you" "I like you too" "Let's lick the inside of each other's mouths to express our love" "Yeah that's not weird. Let's do that"

Duke 8 Jan 18

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Does make you wonder ....

Though I will say I'm glad it became a "thing". Sure is fun ...

Agreed! I'm glad some of our ancestors were just weird enough to try this.


Nothing wrong with a good snog 🙂


We aren't the only species that kiss "squirrels, puffins, snails, cows, elephants, and many other species tend to pucker up with their partners or other close connections within their clan or family. Chimpanzees and bonobo monkeys (our closest extant relatives in the animal kingdom), as well as many other primate species, also engage in kissing with their partners. Given our close evolutionary link to those two species, it comes as no surprise that humans do the same thing."
Just a very friendly saliva test to check hormone levels and genetic immunities.
Also, its usually fun and often a lot more.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

I am gonna be a good girl and shush


I've often wondered if the "french kiss" originated in France. Anyone know?

Kissing is an art to be done delicately with a lover. Slow, soft, deliberate. Taking in each others breathes, whispers, touching at first like a feather. Then more deeply.


I have no idea how kissing started, but here are some old silent film clips of people kissing:

In case we had forgotten. Thank you.

Mustaches, baby! Yippee!

2 was me..I know,I know..honestly I just wanted to try someting different, totally spur of the moment thing...btw He was a horrible kisser.. I still cringe thinking about it..


no, it started with thin intestines which coincidently led to spaghetti too. I think they were called caveboy and the tramp.


Sacha I get your meaning about depending where the nose is rubbing lol.


Parents (probably more often mothers) pre-chewing their infants' food and passing it to them via mouth, a la baby birds. Viola!

At least it wasn't...nope...not gonna...


Over analyze a cool thing... just go with it !

Tomas Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

Sacha,kissing is much more enjoyable than nose rubbing lol.

100% agree with you there! lol... but then again that may depend where ones nose is rubbing? 😛 tehehhe

@Sacha True... I got a big nose and couldn't hide it with dark glasses.

@GipsyOfNewSpain LOL


Hi Duke,that we will never know,it could be tens of thousands of years ago,kissing is just an initial start to sex to produce descendants,could even be millions of years ago by our common ancestor with the chimpanzees.


Yuck, to me that's not a good kiss, but I see where you are going with this.

Maybe the question was, what's the definition of a good kiss for you ?


It must have felt good at the time.


I think it's right up there with the handshake (used to prove you weren't holding a weapon. Kissing someone probably also equaled a lot of trust in them not to harm you. Plus way more fun than a handshake!

Better when it leads to sex.


You sound like a comedian. Maybe the eskimos have it right - they just rub noses. But I hear you can get snyphlis from that...

That is the traditional Maori way of greeting too, touching noses. Its called a Hongi [] 🙂 Though kissing is still kissing lol

@Sacha Oh No... Do not tell me their foreheads are touching.

Maybe I'm an eskimo after all. Never really warmed to the concept of kissing. Not saying I NEVER liked it ... but could do without. Am doing without, happy to stay that way.

It appears no one got the "snyphilis" joke...

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