Are you very concerned what happens to your body after death?
I am not concerned in the slightest about what happens to my body after I die. I just don't want anyone to be inconvenienced by it.
Yes. Donate anything that is not too decrepit to use, do NOT embalm. I would really like one of those compostable urns you can plant a tree in. I don't want to take up any real estate or poison the earth.
I got mine online and already have my cremation paid for. Picked a Maple tree for the urn.
Nope. It just better not be injected with formaldehyde & alcohol dressed up like a mannequin & place in an over priced jewelry box only to be placed in the earth. My corpse should be recycled into the great compost of million year old carbon & star dust from whenst it came. Organs donated. Remnants scattered on Mesa Verde National Park.
I'd be ok with the Alcohol part...
Spiced Rum would be my preference - but I would also prefer to be alive when they start...
“I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Yes. I want my body donated to the Mayo Clinic to be used for research purposes. It'll at least serve a purpose that way to help advance scientific research. If anything of mine can be donated to others before that, I hope it is.
Cremated. Ashes mixed with tea leaves and served as a piping hot cup of tea to whoever would freak out the most when they're told they just drank a person. Probably a vegetarian.
I always wanted it to rot where it falls, but society and shit...
That reminds me of that old show on HBO, at the end when Pullo dumps the chick that killed his wife out in the street and it pans back to show her still rotting in the street some time later.
@Minta79 not familiar with it
@NothinnXpreVails Rome. That was a pretty major detail to leave out... The show was called Rome.
No. I used to tell my daughter to burn me and flush me. I have purchased a death plan, cremation and ashes dumped at sea. Done and paid for. She doesn’t have to do anything except a phone call.
that's super responsible!
When I left the attorney's office after signing the will and the trust...I felt like such an ADULT!
I could care less as I am through using it. I have donated my body to the Uni. of Conn. medical school. Maybe it will help someone. I am also an organ donor.
I have willed my body to the U. of Texas medical center and it is a good feeling to know that I may be the instrument to train some future medical professional who will find the cure to humanities most devasting healh issues and I will have done more after my death than I ever did while alive.
Just for laughs.
Please don't bury me
Down in that cold, cold ground
No, I?d rather have 'em cut me up
And pass me all around"
"Throw my brain in a hurricane
And the blind can have my eyes
And the deaf can take both of my ears
If they don't mind the size"
"Give my stomach to Milwaukee
If they run out of beer
Put my socks in a cedar box
Just to get 'em out of here"
"Venus De Milo can have my arms,
Not at all. I don't think that I will have any awareness of it.
Not concerned. I hope medical research will find me useful after they harvest whatever can help anyone needing organs or tissues.
I'm being cremated and my ashes are being thrown over the Canadian Niagara falls in an urn I made, by some of my former students that are now my friends. All of my older friends are dead already.
Not really. I’m dead. I do have my wishes know however. Cremation and I have a biodegradable urn with a seedling for a Maple tree in the top which I have requested my son to plant, hopefully in his yard. I chose the Maple tree because every year, when all those little propeller things and leaves litter his yard he will have to think of me! ?
Not at all. I will either donate my body for research, or have the most natural, chemical-free burial possible.
How would I be concerned? I would be dead. Keep in mind that it was Christianity that brought back burials in preparation for a survival of the body at resurrection. Now that belief has changed more into only a spirit that survives and no heavenly body at all. Some today look at you and god as the "big spark and little spark." I will die and a spark will start my cremation.
My preference is stick me in a giant blender. Liquify me. Spray me over a big patch of California Golden Poppies.
This sounds awesome!
I'm not going to be there, I don't care what happens.