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I used to give my spare change to the homeless who walked up to me and asked me for a dollar because it feels good to help others but then I realized most of these ppl are just scammers or drug addicts looking for a free handout so I stopped helping them unless they really look like they need it like if they're missing a leg or something . Sometimes I feel bad for not sparing a dime but it's really hard to tell if these able bodied ppl really need help or if they just want money for their next high.

Danger 4 Jan 27

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Here in Philadelphia,PA, on a bus one day, I ran into a shameless, but typically apparently cute and loveable little old lady. She would actually board a trolley or bus and ask the first person she could, in the front of the bus, for “85 cents so I can get a cream soda”. Then, when someone gave her a dollar (!), she SHAMELESSLY turned to the next person, with the exact same line! She actually went from the front to the back of the bus doing this, and then back to the front of the bus again! She would actually collect dollars often - from people who could clearly see her game too!

I think she had it figured out - some of those bus routes can be 1 hour and longer! That’s longer than the subway rides!

But that ain’t all... I am a church musician and the church I play for often visits other churches in the area for afternoon services. Guess who snuck up on me, tapping me on my back one of those Sundays, asking for “85 cents so I can get a cream soda”!!!

Ungod Level 6 Jan 29, 2018

It is not my job to judge and/or decide the worthiness of what the homeless person wants to do with the money. I don't think making them take whatever food and drink you feel like offering is right. I have often given money and gone into a nearby grocery store and bought prepared food items and also come out and given them those things as well with bottles of water, paper towels, and toilet paper.


I used to feel that way. Then I read an article about how it isn't my place to judge what they want the money for and, might I not want to escape somehow if I were homeless and hopeless? It struck home. So I went back to giving when I could. And either way I try to look people in the eye, address them as "sir" or "ma'am", and generally treat them like human beings.

I get what you're saying but what if you're giving your hard earned money to someone who just wants to buy drugs or someone who just wants free money instead of giving it to someone who really needs it? I don't mind helping others that's something I love to do but I don't like people taking advantage of my generosity either.

@Danger I tend to think that most of the time someone who is willing to beg for money really does need it. Begging is humiliating and I think most, especially in the US, would not do it if they didn't have to. I also give away food and almost always toss money in the hat of a street musician just because. But for someone asking me for money on the subway or whatever, I won't worry much about a dollar because it will matter a lot more to her/him than it will to me.


In the Philippines syndicates threaten the poor who don’t pay them with mutilation, after they make them look sorry they get more money from sympathizers to pay for protection. I learned this from a native while I was there, he urged me not to give them money and make the gangs stronger. I felt terrible watching a one armed man trying to display and sell watermelon outside a restaurant, and the young children crawling naked on a broken sidewalk to a gaunt mother sitting on a dirty blanket with her hands out, it made me cry, while the natives I was with just kept laughing and smiling because they had become desensitized. The poor will not take food, because it’s money for drugs and paying protection that they want.


I just give them as much money as I can. It seems to me the most humiliating experience in the world to have to beg people for money for any reason, and then have some of them say horrible things, and not give any money besides just because they are in a better financial state and feeling so superior to the the person humbling him/herself. I don't care what the reason, if they have to beg, I give money and only hope it is enough to help in some way. Such a sad situation. I have given some of them temporary shelter at my house as well. No danger. I shoot expert, and have attack dogs. Never needed either.

I wish I was rich and be able to help a lot of people but I barely make enough money to sustain myself but even so I still like to help others with the little I got.


Look at the subway trains here in Philly PA. They are usually 3 or 4 cars long, running a short route of 30 - 45 minutes. If they ride that train from beginning to end, and get $1 per train car.
That’s a good $10 - 12 per hour TAX FREE INCOME! Even HALF of that is a good income, and many get QUITE more. Some $2 - $5 per train!

Ungod Level 6 Jan 27, 2018

They make it bad for the worthy. But that’s the problem with homelessness... ALL kinds of people abound, most down on their luck and income. AND many have considerable mental and social problems. Many are hardened criminals! This puts you in a crowd of what can be desperate people who have nothing to lose, and don’t care about much more than their own needs. Even in a group of WONDERFUL people, a small group can worsen everything for everyone else. Even MORE so in the homeless community!

Ungod Level 6 Jan 27, 2018

you should buy them something rather than give them money maybe

Good advice I've done that a few times before.

its the only way

I’ve been there- 13 years without a home! The last thing a homeless person needs is “more stuff”! Where are they going to carry and store that now? One more thing to protect from theft on the street! Have you seen what some of them are hauling around?

They need a HOME!! Sure, a coat if they don’t have one, or a meal seems like a great help right? But actually, that just rewards them for begging and you have one less dollar to give to agencies that REALLY help the homeless!

And, here in Philadelphia, PA at least, there are LOTS of people offering the homeless food and clothing. But not enough offering homes!

If you check the dollars spent you’d be amazed... We spend so much on homelessness and would save A LOT by simply HOUSING them!


“... former homelessness policy czar under President George W. Bush. Mangano ....said he was able to compile data from 65 cities looking at all services affected by homelessdata from 65 cities looking at all services affected by homelessness.

Hospitals, police and courts top the list. Chronically homeless people are regular visitors to emergency rooms, and each visit results in a hefty bill. They also frequently use mental health and addiction treatment services. They tend to rack up lots of arrests, leading to costly jail stays and use of court time.

"They randomly ricochet through very expensive services, Mangano said.

Mangano even looked at the impact on libraries, finding that many of them had to hire extra security to handle homeless loiterers.

Using data from the 65 cities -- of all different sizes and demographics -- the cost of keeping people on the street added up to between $35,000 and $150,000 per person per year, Mangano said.

Conversely, after the housing-first programs had been established, Mangano said, he looked at the cost of keeping formerly homeless people housed. That range: $13,000 to $25,000 per person per year.”

fair point but not all homeless want homes


I have no problem giving spare change to someone even if they're just going to use it for drugs or alcohol. It all depends on how I feel when I approach them. If they're scary or obnoxious or demanding, I'm less inclined to help.

When in the midst of a profound struggle such as poverty and homelessness (many of them vets) because of the physical and mental issues that seemed to take over, the fact that they're going to want to hide away from it makes sense. And if they can get the money without having to fob or mug... that's better for everyone.

Often as I pass them on the street, I will wonder, "What's their story? What would I think if I were watching a movie starring them?" Ultimately I can never know, but I've got plenty of drama in my own life to draw on to give me an idea of what could have led them there.

I had homeless ppl come up to me and straight up tell me they want money to buy alcohol and I gave them the spare change in my pockets simply because I appreciate their honesty.

How about the guy I met. His hustle was walking around wearing a sign that said “NEED MONEY FOR HOOKERS AND WEED”! Would you appreciate his honesty? (Hint, they’re not being honest!)


I don't care what they do with the money. They're homeless and I'm not.

I have been homeless in the sense that I lost my home after an illness and had to rent a room but I had a job because I had a vehicle and understand just how quickly I could be one of them.

As a matter of fact, had I not had a retirement fund to cash out, I would have been homeless because I did not work for a while.

I often wonder how many of the homeless became addicts after becoming homeless in order to numb themselves.

I been poor and surrounded by drugs,violence and gangs since the day I was born.Never in my life have I ever thought about sticking a needle in my hand because I know better.I won't use my ruff upbringing as an excuse to start doing crack or to hurt innocent ppl who have done nothing to me.

People fall homeless and into that who have never been exposed to that “upbringing” as well... Here in Philadelphia, PA, many people windup homeless after coming down here from their suburbs looking for crack, whores and “fun”! You will be making a mistake if you judge them by where they’ve been or how they got there...


The best way to truly help the homeless - is to donate clothing, food, and money to your local shelters. They provide services for those who really need it !

I've got so many stories about so-called "homeless" folks, that are ripping off the public, they would fill pages of this site. Plus I don't have the patience to type it all !

Thats a great idea

YES... Korny but EFFECTIVE!


I will not give them money, however I buy food and give them food and something to drink(not alcohol). That way I know that they are not going to buy drugs, or go get drunk with the money.

You have NO way of knowing or controlling that. Don’t even try!


There was this woman who worked the parking lots in my town. After the second time I watched her afterwards. Found that she had a drug problem, was on Welfare (I am a big supporter of Welfare, but not of scammers), and the car she said was out of gas, the reason she needed money, was fine.

Something similar happened to me lol


Several times I have offered food/beverage instead of cash, to be told to go fuck myself. Says it all.


How do you reach the determination that anyone uses what you give for nefarious reasons? Do you follow them? Is it just your assumption?

Just wow........see my answer, above!


Understand your frustration, but I disagree... I don’t donate money to cancer research and then ask them what they’re doing with it. When someone runs a marathon, or sell raffle tickets, or does something else to raise money for charity, I don’t expect them to tell me exactly what the money is for. Homeless people face enough judgment, if they ask me for a dollar and I have it to spare I will give it. Once I make the decision, it’s no longer any of my business to know what is done with the money. 😉

Donating to charity is way different then giving money to someone like at a gas station because you at least have an idea where your money is going to and what its being used for. When you give money to a homeless guy in the streets he could just be a poser taking advantage of people's good will.I've seen some of these people on the news they make a living out of posing like homeless people they even have a nice house and drive a nice car.

I agree with you, Jenelle.

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