Unpopular Opinions
I know you got 'em, what are they?
The JFK assassination. Oswald could have not pulled that off alone!
@IBuiltTheMoon The biggest part that bamboozles me is how he fired off 3 rounds in 5.6 seconds with a bolt-action Italian piece of shit! Carlos Hathcock couldn't do it. He was the best 1000 yard shot the Marines had! Jesse Ventura couldn't do it. He was Expert. People that have served during the time said it would be hard to get a head shot in that time frame with an M-14. Your target is moving 6-8 MPH, you are on the 6th floor, and you have to shoot through trees. I do balistists tests myself.
A license to have children.
And make it damn hard to get!
Men should have no input into decisions that don't effect them. Especially abortion. All legal decisions, all debates, all legislation - women only.
Would you advocate for the opposite as well?
@Xuande Absolutely. The ladies need to stay out of prostate cancer, male circumcision and male infertility treatment. I'm sure it's a sacrifice they'd be willing to make
@MrBeelzeebubbles Cool. I entirely agree on both points. That's weird. Wanna fight or something instead?
@Xuande actually, it's been a few months since I did any full contact sparring, so weirdly enough, yes. I do want a fight. I miss combat.
@MrBeelzeebubbles Oooo...can I get in on that? I love to spar. Even though this probably isn't the forum for it, what style do you (did you) practice? (Kickboxing and Tae Kwon Do, with a smidge of wrestling for me)
@MrBeelzeebubbles agreed, except about circumcision, that’s actually not a choice anyone should be making except the person who’s penis it is. I’ll fight to have it outlawed to babies even if I’m not a man.
@Chephren pretty similar - I mainly did kickboxing and Krav Maga, so mostly stand up stuff, with a bit of close quarters dirty boxing thrown in. I'm not much of a grappler.
Richard Dawkins might be right, but fuck is he an obnoxious arsehole, and this does more harm than good to the athiest cause.
I second that!
I kind of like it when they dispense with the pleasantries and focus on being right. The religious apologists make a big show of being nice and flaunt that shit-eater grin because they are not arguing evidence, they are trying to get people to like them and buy snakeoil.
What is the atheist cause?
@Donotbelieve Oooh, kinky!
@Donotbelieve I believe that being attracted to a man in a cardigan is the height of kink. But then again, I'm so vanilla I'm practically flavourless.
Absobloodylutely..can't abide the smugass sexist git!
There is no atheist cause. Not believing in god is no cause. You believe in god? That is your problem. Just don't bother me with your religion.
Everything does NOT happen for a reason
Nothing happens for a reason as in fate or destiny but everything is determined by some other things that happened before. So in a sense everything happens for a reason, the reason being whatever happened before and led to that thing happening.
Never heard of cause and effect? Or Newon's Third Law?
Everything does happen for a reason, just not a supernatural, esoteric or metaphysical one.
Here's mine : Getting out of religion doesn't make you more intelligent than when you were still religious.
I tried to tell this to a cocky atheist friend of mine, needless to say that the debate was heated, with no obvious outcome.
Its a more intelligent (imo) decision. But you're not a more intelligent person. Thats my take
Unfortunately the majority of the members of this site fall under that category.
It does not make you more intelligent, it just takes the shackles off the intelligence that was there all along and dispels illusions and brain washing.
The word "intelligent" is not a part of my vocabulary. I find it hard to tell who's intelligent and who's not. One's genius is someone else's idiot.
Oh I am going to piss off a lot of you but here goes...remembering I am British but I cannot abide the almost reverrant adoration given to people in the armed forces. (Now excluding those who were conscripted) Most people make that choice. They don the kaki and fly off to foreign lands. Then always appear shocked and surprised when Adullah chooses to fight back! You are not a hero, you are a rich man's pawn. You are not fighting for rights or freedoms, you are fighting to protect rich men's investment. Help the Heroes!!! My colleagues working on A&E in busy towns on a saturday night are heroes, the ones stemming stab wound bleeds or fighting to save someone's life who has taken their 50th O/D that week....they are risking their own life and wellbeing to save others. . Yeah and guess what they get...oh yeah a 1% payrise over three years! Thank you to my colleagues and the NHS...rant over.
A real hero is someone who says "Its okay I will knock next door and see if they have any skins" at 3.15am
If it weighs less than a 5 pounds and a cat can slap the shit out of it, it's not a dog.
Black licorice is the BEST licorice.
@maturin1919 black licorice is way worse then Hawaiian pizza seriously
I agree. Black licorice is the BEST licorice. I ate as a kid, and still eat it occasionally.
The US military budget is too big. In fact you could call it bloated. In 2017 it was half of all discretionary federal spending, about 600 billion dollars. Under Trump, defense spending has only increased. And also under Trump, the portion of this expenditure that is paid by the richest 1% of Americans (who own nearly 40 of all the wealth) has decreased.
I believe in the idea of population control.
I agree.
@TristanNuvo I think that with our current numbers and what that does to the planet we could be classified as vermin.
@patchoullijulie Some simple mathematics about food should weigh in here as well.
meaning that by far, there isn't enough food food the whole population as it is, and the numbers keep growing at an alarming rate.
@TristanNuvo Yes and food supply is one of the most damaging things that we do.
@patchoullijulie and @TristanNuvo I accept that this is an unpopular opinion thread. However, we produce far more than enough food to feed the entire population.
People go to bed hungry because we aren't good at transporting it cheaply enough for anyone to do it. The world is not overpopulated. I never really understood this argument.
@Xuande I am actually talking about the way we produce the food not necessarily the quantity produced. I disagree on the over population question. For the stress that we put on the planet, we are in overpopulation mode.
@patchoullijulie The stress that we currently put on the planet isn't harming Earth so much as it is harming our future ability to live on it. That said, we're becoming more efficient and clean in our use of natural resources. By showing a greater respect to the environment, we could easily continue to expand.
The entire human population could live in an area the size of Ukraine. It'd be a bustling metropolis but we're not overpopulated from a land use standpoint.
I think ALL drugs should be legalized. ALL of them. I'm not worried about the mass
die-off. There are too many people on this rock anyway. Let them cull themselves.
This includes people I know and care about. If they're going to be stupid, so be it.
It'll also free up law enforcement to actually go after other criminals.
Convicted sexual predators (especially repeat offenders and pedophiles) should get the death penalty. There is very little evidence that they are capable of
rehabilitation. Kill them and be done with it. No appeals.
The religious indoctrination of children should be considered felony child abuse.
The immediate and permanent removal of all minor children should be one penalty
for it.
I have others, but those are the three I feel most strongly about.
So when and where are you running for election? ?
I've grown to really dislike Xmas. It starts in October. The nonstop pressure to shop, the crowds, the family obligations, even the decorations. All of it. Just blah.
We should all get together and refuse to trade with shops who start their christmas push before December.
I hate weddings! It's really not my conception of love and relationship. I find the rituals and traditions arround them annoying and tasteless. If you want to put on a costume, to put on a show in front of an audiance and to get some applauds, become an actor!
Long ago I heard a stat. that generally speaking, the more people spend on a wedding the shorter time the marriage will last. About says it all.
Professional sports are a ridiculous waste of time, money and resources.
I mostly agree but I still watch occasionally ?
@maturin1919 I suppose so, but aside from actors which I also think are overpaid you don't see people getting paid multimillion dollar contracts to play a game that is basically inconsequential to our existence. Its obscene the things that could be helped and remedied by that money, when you rest of us give up our prime years and health for just the basics in most cases.
@maturin1919 because of stadium tax subsidy hand outs
If pro sports are so great, why do they need money from governments?!
In a democracy, people should have to opt in and then pass an exam before they are entitled to vote.
If I cannot trust you to sit the right way round on a toilet, I can't trust you to choose my leader.
People who are fed up with being alive should be allowed to exit with dignity.
I think babies smell. Truly. Rotten, sour milk, shit, drool, etc.
Agreed. I stay away from babies and toddlers for that reason, among others.
Sour milk eh? I used to have fun thinking about starting a new cheese brand out of my little one’s poop. It smelled good. And then she started eating other things and the project was stopped before it even started.
@SergeyCornwall awgawd I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I think there are way too many people on the planet and a virus needs to be engineered that decreases our chances of reproducing.
@linxminx they are killing us with every method they can think of. Look at the destruction of the epa
@linxminx Right, but it seems these overdoses are due to the promotion of these drugs as tools for pain mitigation while leaving out the dangers of addiction. FDA oversees drugs like this but not their marketing (see oxycontin).
i think it's more "the government has a lot of different addiction types to deal with but lack the funding and support" rather than "the government is doing nothing about it", but i get that sentiment, though.
i want something a bit more widespread and "random" in terms of population reduction.
ITT: A lot of popular opinions said in an edgy way and legit crazy people outing themselves. Anytime someone says "Big Pharma" or talks about the "MSM" I roll my eyes. You guys have literally no idea what you're talking about.
Here's mine:
Most of us, including me, are far less intelligent than we think.
When anyone mentions 'Big Pharma' I ask them if they are aware of alltrials.net .
@MrBeelzeebubbles @Xuande Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
why is it then that in the USA, a huge list of drugs are legal that everywhere else in the world are considered too dangerous, addictive or useless to be allowed to be prescribed by doctors?
Unless the Pharmaceutical companies do have undue influence on the writing and implementation of rules that govern them in the first place?
Just a though
@LenHazell53 that's why you should check out alltrials.net. It's a campaign for the release of all pharmaceutical trial data from all sources - academic and commercial.
@MrBeelzeebubbles I am confused. Wouldn't the release of all data just. confirm the reality of "big pharma"?
For a human the divide the earth into sections and claim "ownership" of any of it is absurd.
Well, wild animals are territorial too.
We should make all drugs either legal or illegal. This includes nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine.
Legalize because illegal has obviously failed.
@patchoullijulie Agreed. Awhile back in another post, I wrote all drugs should be legalized.
-legal = no longer stigmatizing drug users, better treatments and care, regulation of potency and ingredients of drugs
-illegal = continued overdose/deaths and arrests/incarcerations
Prohibition is the base line for the illegal economy of all nations, it generates such huge amounts of wealth and indirectly supports the actual economy to such a degree it is always necessary.
If it is not drugs, it will be something else, forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.