It has been reported that 80% of Evangelicals are expected to vote for Republican candidates. They are a threat to our freedom to be free of an imaginary god. I'm voting for a DEMOCRATIC USA.
Evangelicals are dullards. They have to be told what to believe, how their life is going, what to fear, who to trust, etc. I would think that Donald Trump would do more for Atheism than anyone else ever in history.
Good points...but those evangelicals keep on voting for Republicans who want to gut Medicare, and Social Security.
It’s what I think when passing any & every church… How soon will they be able to place candidate’s signs on their tax-free properties..? Atheism is at the core of my political involvement - Religion is Wrong.
PS Glad to see some Atheist juice, below … be careful what you post though, save it for when & if ~
Thanks for the advice...
We should not be surprised when people who believe in literal interpretations of a jumble of internally contradictory fairy tales (I mean the Bible) also show willingness to swallow the wild conspiracy theories of demagogues.
Trump lies...the Bible lies...but the Evangelicals believe.
God is just dog spelled backwards. ?
Some days I think, boy wouldn't it be nice to discover Abrahanic religions are real because I would wake up in Hell with the vast majority of hypocritical evangelicals and that would make me smile. I know, only a pipe dream - or a dream from the pipe.
Evangelicals are hypocrites.
Yes, I do think people who identify as Evangelicals vote GOP for most part.
What is an Evangelical? My understanding is that it is a division of Protestantism but not tied to any particular orthodoxy, like Lutheran, Calvinism....
So what is it?
Maybe Google will give you your answers.
Evangelicals have lost the right to ever preach on any subject ever again. I'm almost grateful to Trump for helping expose their hypocrisy. May the young of our nation see it and remember.
@Renickulous I realize it will be hard for someone who can't read, but please, try your very best; and show me where I threaten children.
@Renickulous (sigh) R E A D my first response to you.
@Renickulous If it's just me you have difficulty understanding, perhaps you will have more clarity for Michael Steele: "After telling me how to live my life, who to love, what to believe, what not to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter? The grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter? The outright behavior and lies don’t matter?"
@Renickulous Is there a mental illness that prevents men from seeing and/or comprehending the words " clicking on a button in support of his decision to vote instead of resorting to violence"?
The only alternative I can think of is that you have a genuine learning disability and you slipped through the cracks of our current healthcare system.
Sorry for challenging you on this. Asking too much of the disabled is wrong. I will leave you alone now. Good luck getting anyone who can read to ban me.
I hope the "Blue Wave" is a Tsunami.