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In universities, there are 12 Democrat professors for every Republican, striking!!!

Wellspring 6 Nov 3

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It's not surprising that the party of anti-intellectualism doesn't have more representation in the intellectual pursuits.

Conservative, Tom Nichols, wrote the The Death of Expertise specifically about how ignorance and anti-rationalism has become a virtue. It covers some of the same ideas that Michael Shermer does in Why People Believe Weird Things and the wonderful The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan.

America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

Also, this may have something to do with it-

Those that are anti-education aren't likely to become university professors.

The gulf between the party identification of white voters with college degrees and those without is growing rapidly.


Republicans are far less likely to get in to academia as a life long profession because they tend to fall in to two categories: 1) They are educated and highly wealth motivated (academia doesn't pay well enough), or 2) They are uneducated and poor and they have limited opportunity for exposure to a post secondary education environment (although some poor individuals work their way out of poverty to become college educated and eventually choose academia as their vocation).

You need to be willing to live an average middle class life in order to be a college professor. Somebody who wants to make billions off the backs of the poor is going to choose a more lucrative field such as architectual design, law or financial investment.


...and the republican professors either teach religion or business courses...

ocrab Level 4 Nov 4, 2018

the word is democratic, big d or small. only republicans and russian bots/trolls use "democrat" as an adjective. this alone would make me think you don't know much at all about higher (or other) education. of course when you make a claim like this you need to back it up, and not expect others to accept your word for it, or tell them they're lazy because they don't run and look up every claim they encounter.


I propose using 'publicans' as a counter to the use of Democrat. "My Publican opponent would have is believe...'

@weelittleone i propose trolls like wellspring be banned from the site, but my proposition isn't practical. oh well... that's why the block feature is there.


@genessa even trolls need love


In mental institutions there are eight republicans for every two democrats.

@Wellspring the New England Journal of Medicine published a study done back in the early nineties. Also the more severe the mental pathology, the more likely the subject identified as a republican.

@Wellspring there there now. Just because we don't like the findings is no reason to deny the science. More recent articles in such as Psychology Today confirm the findings. Strong corolations between conservative anti social values and mental illness have been solidly established. You can call it slander if you want to. Science doesn't care if you believe it. Just slip into these lovely hug-me pajamas and the good humor man will be by shortly with your happy pill. I did not write the articles or do the studies. I just research the literature for my own edification and refer the material to you so you can better understand the cause of your anger and maybe some day find a cure. We're all concerned (we liberals any way) and are pulling for you to one day enjoy the benifits of living in a kind and compassionate society. And with any luck, Obamacare will cover your treatments.

@Wellspring you are admitting, then, to being mentally ill. but you know what? i've been smelling troll for a while now. your recent responses confirm these olfactory hints. i really don't need to waste my time with trolls. have a nice... well, i was about to say life, but you know. whatever you call that breathing, lying, breathing again, lying again thing you're doing.


I'm not sure about the ratio of Republicans to Democrats in the population of mental institutions, but this study seems to point out interesting information about the ratio of Democrats to Republicans in prisons: []


Source of your data?

@Wellspring ah in other words you have no source. calling people lazy because you don't bother to source your claims and expect others to do it for you is LAZY.


@genessa well put!

@wellspring definately to lazy to waste any more of my time discussing this topic with you.


I actually do believe you are striking lol
Universities? Seems like you are diametrically opposed to education...
Maybe there are more democratic professors because republicans are on strike...

@Wellspring then there's no need to strike... You make no sense...

@Wellspring changing definitions. ...


"Democratic professors". That's how you should be saying it. Your use of the word "democrat' betrays your bias and\or ignorance


Education will do that for ya.

@Wellspring they test well. students can train for that. whatever.



That's because most conservatives have an aversion to education and facts. A detriment to teaching at a University or College.

@Wellspring. No it has to do with culture. Its not the politics so much as cultural values that are strict. While their students do well on the Pisa, they often lack creativity and out of the box thinking which is often the spring board for advances in all fields.

Not only that, but the only students who take the Pisa in Malaysia are those students who have been culled as exceptional. Therefore Malaysias brightest and best end up taking the test. ONLY THEIR BEST AND BRIGHTEST.

We on the other hand, being a democracy allow anyone who wants to get an advanced education take the test. This means that we average in the best and the brightest as well as the less adept in our test scores. Our scores represent a greater cross section of our population. So you are comparing apples and oranges.

@Wellspring you didn't bring up the pisa scores? you most certainly did -- repeatedly -- as if they actually MEANT something.


@Wellspring Or English, in your case.


Being an educator is not conducive with being a republican. Education involves facts, science. Education is one of the first things that republicans always want to cut funding to despite America scoring so poorly on the global PISA rankings. Political commonalities are normal in professions. A majority of RN’s are Democrats, a majority of farmers are republicans. It’s not difficult to understand.

@Wellspring had to look that up did you? Congratulations. Did you note your country’s rankings compared to every other developed nation? Canada was right near the top at 7/71 and America 38/71. Betsy Devos would be proud if she had a clue what all that meant.
By the way, Singapore values education, science and don’t deny climate change. You would know that if you’ve ever been there.

@Wellspring the top of WHAT?



Perhaps it is because intelligent people choose to be Democrats rather than Republicans.

@Wellspring the only people who think are people who actually are not trolls. what you do is not called thinking. you're a troll and that's a fact.



People choose professions based on what is important to them. People go into banking because they like money, law enforcement because they value rules, education because they value knowledge.

@Wellspring. As an educator, I am constantly learning new things. Things I didn't previously know. Things that have import and things I am able to pass on, and share with my students. Thus making them more competitive in the job market.

But I want to thank you for reinforcing @nicknotes point. Because of people like you we don't have to argue our points. You make it for us.

@Wellspring So sad that's all life is about for you. Sad, sad aesthetics.

@Wellspring. Thats quite a sweeping generalization. It appears you are a legend in your own mind. I strive to teach problem solving skills, quite the contrary to non-thinking. But I guess you have a monopoly in that category.

@Wellspring nobody goes into teaching for the money. that's an idiotic (and as usual unsupported) claim.


@Wellspring wait. Did you just say people go into education for the money?

@Wellspring correct (for once) -- teachers are underpaid. you think they're crying about it because it's NOT true? but in fact they are crying more about the conditions (for the students) than their own pay. you really DON'T pay attention, do you? the conditions for public education are so bad, and the budgeting for it so bad, that teachers have to buy school supplies themselves, from their rotten salaries, which are below what is considered a living wage in half of the united states


@Wellspring most people get A job because they need to earn money. They choose WHAT job based what they are good at and what they believe in.
Most people are motivated by more than money.

@Wellspring then your reply about working for money becomes so banal it is a pointless statement. A2Jennifer said that people choose professions based on what is important to them. You said "no". Why is that so difficult to wrap your head around?

@Wellspring just because you are only motivated by money doesn’t mean everyone else is.

@Wellspring binary thinking is typical of conservative thought. You can't grasp that people would want to work at something they found important AND be compensated for it

@Wellspring ok

@Wellspring Dude - EVERY job makes money. Somehow people choose between different jobs.

@Wellspring not every job makes money? That’s called “volunteering” and it’s something else people do NOT for the money.
Like I said, people have A job because they need money to survive. People choose WHICH job based on many things including their skills and what is important to them (e.g. money, stability, helping others, creating things, etc etc etc)

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