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What in life do you not trust?

Redcupcoffee 7 Feb 8

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Anyone who claims to have a higher moral status or position. This entire administration and all republican office holders top the list.


My choice in men...i apparently have the judgement of a drunken Newt, sigh.

Drunk or sober, I don't trust his judgement. 😉

@irascible me or the young hot chick?


Police, Congress, politicians, preachers, Trump/Pence and the Super religious.


Anyone who says "trust me".


All religions!

JK666 Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

99.99999999999999999999% of people


Zack Snyder with any future DC films,


Pesticides , anti vax people and anti GMO people. I don't trust them.


The media, they only show what is going to get them ratings or what they are told to make I don't think they tell the whole story at all and when they do tell a story they like to spin it.

Try Rachel Maddow. About as factual as I've ever experienced.


Personel evidence.


The government, social security, and medicare.


This question! Who are you working for? is a type of faith. I don't have faith. But at the same time, I do not 'not trust'. I do my best to make myself honorable, and keep agreements, said and unsaid, and make life easier for anybody that is in or around my life. I may not have trust, but I hope I can be trustworthy to others.


Women that tell me not to worry because they're on birth control.

Ha!! Try being with a man who says "I had a vasectomy." LOL!! So grateful I have my daughter, but wow....

@BlueWave I don't understand why any guy would risk all those years of child support payments to a woman he may not even like anymore for a child he's probably never wanted or met?

@BlueWave I had a vasectomy and if you try you can even feel the knot. Here let me show you. ,🙂

@Anonbene Oh, he liked me plenty. We were in a relationship. It was only because of his "vasectomy" that I stopped taking pregnancy control. He wanted his daughter too. I honestly can't say why he lied about that -- or any of the other many lies. If you count about $400 in clothing, diapers and cash in 18 years -- $400 total -- then I guess it was a pretty good risk. He wanted the kid(s) - he also had other kids -- but he never really got accustomed to the financial responsibility part. It's okay, though. She was better off without his direct influence. He died when she was 18 and she's almost 28 now.


LOL! How to choose just one?

Our current government:



Teathuglicans..cops..MSM..and "religious" leaders


Unfortunately I don't trust my Christian conservative family.


The weather forecasters.


Yellow jackets.

Rip tides.

Road ragers.

Men who like tickling little girls a bit too much.

Religious "leaders," megachurch "pastors," and bible thumping proselytizers.

trump and every single one of his enablers, co-conspirators, those in his "administration," his family members, the gop members of congress, and anybody else sucking trump's proverbial dick.


I don't trust anyone that is about anything other than themselves. Truly selfish and self-serving people can be trusted to do one thing: screw everything and everyone to better themselves, anyone else seems to have alternative motives.


I can count using my fingers on one hand the people I DO trust...


I tend to not trust anyone with anything important to me. Sometimes I don't even trust myself.

marga Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

My microwave's popcorn setting.


True dat. Easy trick: wet your bag before you put it in. That’s what starts the burn.


Scratching my head trying to think of something or someone I do trust beyond myself. Know a lot of flakey people, their intentions are good just don't convert to actions.

Kimba Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

That is completely true. I personally have a base trust which can either be built upon or broken.


My memory


Does Vodka count?


I don’t trust people who use how they were raised as excuses for their beliefs/prejudices. It’s lazy thinking and that person is usually a shit. If someone says something stupid then blames it on their parents/background, then I know they’re small minded, incapabable of original thought and need to be curbed immediately.


Humans, with very few exceptions.

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