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What dog breed is your favourite and why?

It's just that certain dog breeds pull at our heartstrings a tad bit more than others. And your choice tells a lot about your personality, studies show.

Mine is AKITA INU. What's yours?

jemzet8 6 Nov 11

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Basset Hound, great dog

lerlo Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

awww so adooorrrable! Thanks for sharing 🙂


I have a fondness for Rat Terriers, but I love them all. ♥


I luv Newfoundlands. I like my dogs like I like my men, big huge lovable, gentle Giants. my absolute favorite of all time is a rescue mutt


When my youngest daughter was 4, and her sisters 7 and 11 we got a Golden Retriever puppy. His puppy and adolescent days were hard, but he grew into the BEST DOG EVER! I loved training him. My troubled and troublesome child told him all her secrets, he was better than a therapist for her and I so wish I could have planted a recorder on him. He was the son I never gave birth to, and the best brother the girls ever had. I'd like to get another dog one day, but not something that big.


I had a sheltie. She was wonderful.
I also like the hounds.

I like dogs of many breeds, and I have kept different breeds, but after the German Shepherd, there will only be a German Shepherd. The advantages of this dog are limitless; it is versatile. It can be kept at home and in an aviary outdoors. All commands these dogs catch on the fly. React to intonation. In my opinion, it is characterized by intelligence and is more pronounced than other breeds. In addition, I like the appearance of this breed. It's been over a year since he was purchased and registered at


I like sled dogs, like the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute. I've always loved German Shepherds too. My current dog is 75% Husky, 12.5 Malamute, and 12.5% White Swiss Shepherd (similar to a German Shepherd). She's practically perfect in every way.

WSS are badass. I'd love to meet one sometime. Nice to see old school conformation on them vs what's gone on with GSD today.


I love them all.


Great Pyrenese they are gentle giants think for them selves


Not a Lhasa Apso.


I fell in love with two … because I had blends of each: Border Collie and Black Lab.. One appeared to think she’d eventually turn into a Human … the other was more than happy being All-Dog 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

Love Akitas!! We used to raise them when I was a child. They are a wonderful breed.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

@Sealybobo They aren't for everyone. They have many positive traits and have a bad reputation like pit bulls. People use them to fight but they were also used to babysit children. Ours were extremely gentle with all us kids an anyone else. They are protective of their people and can be dangerous.
I wouldn't consider them a "dog park" type of dog. Probably not in the city at all. I wouldn't even consider it without a large.well fenced in yard.


I like my small dogs more than anything. Especially with little hair. I also like Rottweilers. My brother has a 130 pound Rott that is the sweetest dog I've ever known.


I grew up with beagles & gun dogs. I love labs. My last dog was a rescued pit/lab mix. Had him 16 years & just lost him last May. I haven't even taken his crate down yet. I am far from ready for another dog. I've decided when I can watch a puppy video without sobbing, I will volunteer at my local animal shelter. My schedule doesn't allow the commitment for a dog at this time.

@Sealybobo Puck went everywhere with me. When I got him as a pup, my sons were still at home & my mom was there. He was alone all of 45 minutes, if that. When I traveled, he went with me, staying in hotels & going to conventions, camping, fishing, you name it. I feel like a part of me is missing since he's been gone.


Rott/Lab mixes or in the case of Phife Dawg, a Rott/Lab/Pitt mix. Tosh, in the second photo, is the Rott/Lab mix.


Mine is a tie between pit bull and Bernese Mountain Dog. My Berner was like a pet bear. 130lbs of fuzzy love. The pittie I have now is the most lovable dog in the world. He just wants to snuggle and give kisses all day.


The good old Aussie Blue Heeler Cattle Dog comes first on my list, a close equal place goes to a pure blood Australian Dingo, they are great for keeping Seventh Day Adventists at bay...LOL.
My old and very best Mate, Charlie, died in his sleep aged 15 years, stood beside through the thick and thin of things no matter what.

@powder That seems to be a standard trait with 'blueys' a fear of thunder, fireworks and other extremely loud noises, I think its because they have extremely sensitive hearing. Charlie hated thunder, fireworks and loud noises such as over-loud car exhaust but he loved getting a ride down the driveway on the pillion seat of my Suzuki GS850S motorbike, he'd sit up like a professional with his front paws on my shoulders.


Cairn terriers, and westies. This is the late, great Chopper.


Heinz 57

haha okay I got it 'bits o' this and bits o' that' 🙂

@jemzet8 In the Uk many years ago, Heinz (tinned food producers) advertised that they had 57 varieties. Heinz 57 became a local colloquialism for mongrel dogs of unknown pedigree.


my favorite breed is the border collie, and here is a picture of one i found on the web because i do not have a border collie of my own. my second favorite breed is the shetland sheepdog, and here is a picture of my late great sheltie sarah. i currently have a mixed breed dog, ramona, two years old last month, who is mostly long-haired chihuahua but with a little papillon in there somewhere (perhaps the ears). here is a picture of her, for your amusement and enjoyment.


@genessa Such beautiful animals. I don't have a dog myself and if I had one, I might just choose a border collie now that you've shared that cute photo. I've read it's known to be highly intelligent and obedient as well. 🙂

@jemzet8 the border collie is amazing. i love my little chi but not for her breed; she just won my heart somehow anyway. but if i was going out to get a doggie, money were no object and a gazillion dogs of all sorts didn't need rescuing, my choice would be a border collie. i went to see sheep trials in wales my first time in that lovely land. a-mazing!



I got chihuahuas...they have an atrocious reputation..but hey ..uf you stuffed me down a hole to chase out rats .....I 'd be a mean mutha too. !!
They are ghastly around other dogs ..but brilliant with people...although their reputation is very variable !!

my mostly chi (see above) is great with dogs, great with cats, great with humans, not so great being told she can't play with dogs, cats or humans. she is an attention hog!



I'm on my fifth golden retriever . . .

Here is #4


All of them.


Sheltie. Smart, obedient and fun. Great frisbee dog.


I have had curs mixed so that only an expert might guess, though all were special, the smartest I ever had was a little female poodle, and generally had poodles till the maintainance got too much. Past eight or so years, B.B. a runt chihuahua mix has kept my bloodpressure down, and my spirits up. And I spoil her by being well trained.

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