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Women have mental illness too, but...

PalacinkyPDX 8 Nov 27

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Angry disenfrainchised young men kill people. They kill people everywhere. Women do kill, but much less often. Mass shootings have one thing in common..access to guns. We do not have as many guns in UK as such we do not have mass shootings. It is as simple as that. I imagine if you could kill people by throwing tomatoes over them, someone would do that. If you don't want deaths by tomatoes restrict if you want to stop mass shootings...well you get it


Some respondent here is obviously pro-NRA. To claim other modes of mass killing are just as easy is patently absurd. There is zero credibility to that argument. Once upon a time, the NRA actually stood for the interests of law abiding gun owners. Now it is shamelessly all about maximizing sales for the gun manufacturers. This started with NRA change in leadership in the 1970s, and now intentionally distorts news to try to alarm rank and file NRA members, all because that promotes gun sales. The NRA leadership has become a giant pox on this nation.


I think you are wrong in your attitude about men just being killing machines, because some mental dysfunction most have them to the start they are at, you can not tell me someone rational would load up a gun then go out and shoot the hell out of ten plus people or worse.....they must have something troubling them mentally, some kind of mental illness to be able to do so to start with even if they can't declare insanity, they most certainly must be.

Ozay Level 4 Nov 27, 2018

TESTOSTERONE: the root of 99% (give or take) of social ills. ?
But honestly, I am not sure how to separate the effects of biologically driven aggression from fucked up (toxic) notions of masculinity and what is "supposed" to be important to us as men. It is depressing.


Nice propaganda ???? But not all mental illnesses are the same because if they were men would drown their children or kill them so that can pursue a sexual relationship with someone who doesn’t want to have anything to do with a child created with someone else.

But to be fair not all mass shootings are committed by mentally ill some do it because they see themselves as being something more than what they really are and the rest because they’re simply terrorist.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with the weapon itself I have a loaded weapon within a foot of me right now and it’s been there every night for roughly a decade and it is often on me while in public and not once has it ever tried to leap out of my holster and kill someone so blaming a firearm is actually ignorant.

If someone really wanted to they could use dozens of other perfectly legal items and do as much or more damage than they can with a firearm but since society has chosen to demonize an inanimate object those who use them for mass shootings do so because of the fear and outrage they’ll receive. But this is purely from my personal experience, you and everyone else is entitled to their own opinion even if it’s inaccurate.

@Bierbasstard []

It is one thing to be stupid, but to be proud of it is an entirely different level of stupid. You will be blocked. Thanks for your participation. 🙂

@Sticks48 Bye Felicia ????

@Bierbasstard That wasn’t my only reason. I just cited it as an example. And as far as gaslighting goes am I not allowed to counter someone else’s claim that clearly insinuates that the majority of women have a mental illness but aren’t capable of violence?

And even then it’s gaslighting against firearms.
Excuse me “ killing machines “ and like it or not I am allowed to question any statement made on this or any other site if I find it to be prejudice and inaccurate.

@Bierbasstard Sorry for having an opinion that opposes politicized propaganda and not conceding.
It will absolutely happen again.

@Bierbasstard which is your opinion and I’m going to leave with that

@Bierbasstard no I’m just getting a little tired of you apparently having nothing better to do today.
I linked you an actual study performed by actual doctors and the last time I checked that’s call evidence.

But If it will make you go away I’ll say this.
I don’t know why women don’t use firearms as much as men do in their acts of violence I’m guessing from my own personal experience that they prefer to kill other people slowly.

So just because they don’t understand or can’t accept what is considered a mental illness in men doesn’t justify them saying that mental illness had nothing to do with the actions of these men.
So it’s just men being violent with their killing machines which sounds absolutely ignorant if you think about it.

Killing machines? A fucking rock is a killing machine and and it doesn’t run out of bullets. But anyway it stinks of anti gun propaganda and anti male ideology which I felt obliged to point out that women can be just as viscous and evil as any man alive.
And actually I’ve met one that did cook her boyfriends infant child in the oven garnished it and plated it because that baby was born from another woman and she was jealous. Which is why they gave her the death penalty and not an insanity plea.

So if this satisfies you then great if not then it’s your wasted day because I don’t actually owe you anything else so I’m done.


I'd be interested in the 2% that aren't. I can only think of one female mass shooter.

@Gooniesnvrdie Was it Brenda Spencer?

@PalacinkyPDX There are cases of female serial killers and like you say women who have multiple victims but mass shooters are extremely rare.

@PalacinkyPDX thank you

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