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What if Instead of Sending 5K Troops to the Border We Had Sent 5K Social Workers To Help to Review and Process VISA Applications?

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 27

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Where is the humanity in that, we have to keep and make marika white. How stupid can we allow this guy to make us?


I'm sure a couple hundred social workers could handle everything in a jiffy, at way less cost than 5000 troops. But that's just sensible, not dramatic.


I agree with the above, with reservations. And I do understand how the rich assholes in the US have, for hundreds of years, helped create the many problems around the world that have brought us to this moment.

The issue of migration/immigration is way complicated. Trump and his ilk are mostly wrong, and often corrupt. Yet, they have some valid perspectives. Germany had more than 2% of the population come into the country in 2015 alone. They are still reeling. Spending billions of dollars. With many of the immigrants refusing to become assimilated. Significant increased crime.

2% of the US population is more than 6 million people. More than is in the greater Detroit metro area. Think about the effect of this many people coming into the US given our total lack of support for immigrants. Open borders are a disaster. Closed borders are a disaster.

What is amazing to me is how many who do not live near the southern board are so eager to support uncontrolled immigration without ANY thought as to what it is like to live where there is constant movement of, and exposure to, strangers who do not speak the language. This is not a trivial issue. And we must be cognizant of their concerns. To dismiss such is a reflection of ignorance, and selfishness..

Call me old fashioned: You go to live in any country, you MUST learn the language and obey the laws. This is a demonstration of respect for the people who have taken you in.


That’s a good idea so that means they won’t do it.


Nah. That would make way too much sense, and could actually help the situation. Then what would 45 and the righties have to tell us to fear?


A skillful approach would be to work with other countries to solve the problems causing people to flee for their lives. I don’t believe all these people really want to leave their families, friends, and homeland, but are just looking for a safe place to raise their children.


Hmmm maybe because caseworkers don’t work for free either and apparently as we can see they’re not willing to wait for the paperwork to be processed.

So what would’ve been better would’ve been 50k globally sponsored aid workers to have gone to Guatemala and prevented this migration from happening to begin with.

But that would’ve been preventative action and that’s not acceptable anymore.


For doing that would have made sense.


That's gonna be a lot of Priuses on one spot


Why be helpful and compassionate, when you can be antagonistic and divisive? :/

yeah, it's the repub way. I think they try to outdo each other in being asshole monsters!

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